Damn, beautiful Girls you have. I hope someday I get to that level. :thumb:

As far as me I have some lambs breath autos going and I drop a bean of Cali OG Kush in the water last night.
My additional light came a couple of weeks ago, so now I'm set up to do more.
Before the additional light came, the growth of my LBA's seemed to be stunted.
Since last year I also purchased a 4x4x6.5 tent. I think that the LBA's where too cold with the same one light, but a much larger tent. Since my additional light has come, growth and temperature has come up.
I'm pleased with the recovery.
So now I have a small tent and galaxy 300 light that I'm not sure what to do with.
Be safe out there and keep your powder dry.

Wick :meatballs:
Good to have ya!

Your ladies are off to a great start! Autos are a fickle bunch. Really hit or miss, but I have definitely pulled some serious fire smoke off smaller auto plants. I'm sure that Lambs Breath will do just that!
The OG is a fucking banger too! I can't wait to see what ya do with em.
I love how the "shocked face" emoji actually kinda looks like my high ass when I start getting the scatter-brain. LoL

Mouth hanging open like I just saw my first boob. LoL


Cash them eyes out a bit more & I think we got a doppleganger!

Another giveaway from @Gary from The Vault
Nothing out of the ordinary to report today. Smooth sailing right now...


Here they go...

Shit.... I think I got em all...
She's doing her best to impress!

Beautiful plant, crazy vigorous. Wish I had taken a cut...

That's the plant with pink pistils.
Ohhhhh Lawd! Y'all have no idea how bad I want to take cuts... My concern is our vacation in August. I'll be gone for almost 2 weeks.

Maybe I can talk @bebes de zorrillos into babysitting them for me while I'm gone.

Fuck it... I'll figure something out.
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