I can’t believe how friggin tall that Alaskan Purple is. Big ol fat nugs in the temple, nice job :thumb:
How u doing today?

I'm stuck at the house due to shitty weather. No work today.
I’m ok. Nice to get an extra day off! I’d say that call for a big ol blizzi.
I'm actually about to go light my blunt back up. I only made it half-way through during my morning sesh... momma ain't raise no quitter! I'm gonna go knock it out now.
Enjoy! I can’t even smoke a joint by myself. Glad to have a smoking partner - when he’s home that is!
I just smoke with my other personalities!

...oh, shit... it's muh hit again...
Mars is running another promo...

Guess I've just been a total space-case lately. I've been watching these girls grow, but not paying any attention to the calendar.

We are rolling into week 7 now. My "projected harvest" date that I set on my calendar just popped up to give me a reminder to chop next week!

Maybe it's time to dust off my loupe & start watching tricomes.
Lol, auto pilot off! I bet cheese is closest.
It is!
Her tricomes are mostly milky now... same with C99/BB #1. They are probably coming down this weekend.
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