Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Know it... hell, I've been appreciating it ever since the various Motown Mavens hit my radio dial.

I'm tatoo free.... this might be one I would consider.

That would be an excellent introduction to tattooing.

I once tattooed “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die” on the daughter’s arm. Still one of her favorites. A couple months after that she made her first suicide attempt, her first taste of how difficult it can be to actually end a life. For the longest time that tattoo bothered me. I’m at peace with it now, as is she, but for months I wondered how much influence that tattoo had on her decision.

I don’t accept responsibility for someone else’s actions. Sometimes that personal directive is more challenging to stick to.
Let's do some photos. I have bud porn!

Dale's bagseed parting shots.....

I don't think there's anything to say here. It was really a good grower! Deep, deep, petrol smell. Sticky as crap. Rock hard buds.
Thanks Dale!
Got a large set of her siblings coming right along in the veg tent. I'm seein a keeper so far.

Need to squirm? Try to sit still....

A young Blue Dream (grandchild of the Mr. Greene racer girl).

Here's another Blue Dream... much less affected and nearing harvest. This is the child of the racer girl and the mother of the buggin plant.

Azamax........ every three days for 4 times means no mites as a rule.
Let's do some photos. I have bud porn!

Dale's bagseed parting shots.....

I don't think there's anything to say here. It was really a good grower! Deep, deep, petrol smell. Sticky as crap. Rock hard buds.
Thanks Dale!
Got a large set of her siblings coming right along in the veg tent. I'm seein a keeper so far.

Notice how much Dale's Bagseed resembles one of SweetSue's other favorites, Carnival?

Azamax........ every three days for 4 times means no mites as a rule.

What's the functional difference between straight neem oil and Azamax?
I've been neem drenching at about 3tsp/gal for a week+ lately.
Having said that... Wood sure gave me some good words about chasing caterpillars lately... I'll go order some Azamax.

Notice how much Dale's Bagseed resembles one of SweetSue's other favorites, Carnival?

You can keep track of Sue's plants?!?! You need more smoke my friend.
I'd call her aroma pretty deep petrol. I think that's one indicator of a strain difference.
Many plants can resemble each other of course. I'm not really good enough to pick up on much other than some basics. I'll have to compare and contrast with her girls some and see if I can notice any other significant differences.
Nice looking Buds on Dales Bagseed Tead, I hope it smokes like a NY or Sour Diesel. If so, maybe seed her and back breed a few times and call it Dales Diesel! I'm stoned, pay no mind to me :laugh:

Spray all the plants that are in veg heavy. Till they drip and every inch is covered. You can spray up to week 2 in flower if needed.. GL I hate them suckers... Straight neem leaves a very oily residue. Azamax has been refined more than regular neem.
That sucks about the critters. Wouldn't diatomaceous earth be a safe treatment for bugs?

Finally pulled the Blue dream out of the fridge, trimmed it up and weighed it. 56.6 grams

The plant is still alive with a few buds left on it to hopefully make some nanners and seeds.

It is in jars now waiting on a bit of a cure before some makes its way south for sampling.

I haven't even tried it yet. I was pretty messed up after trimming.
What's the functional difference between straight neem oil and Azamax?
I've been neem drenching at about 3tsp/gal for a week+ lately.
Having said that... Wood sure gave me some good words about chasing caterpillars lately... I'll go order some Azamax.
3 tsp per gallon(768) is a very weak neem solution (0.4%).
When I apply neem it is at 4 tsp per quart (2.1%.)

I suppose it depends on how heavy you spray. if you are using the whole gallon then it is the differnce between 3 tsp and 4 tsp for the entire grow which makes it almost the same :)

If you are saving the gallon from day to day you are wasting your time. Neem seems to lose it's effectiveness after a few hours exposure to water.

You can keep track of Sue's plants?!?! You need more smoke my friend.
I'd call her aroma pretty deep petrol. I think that's one indicator of a strain difference.
Many plants can resemble each other of course. I'm not really good enough to pick up on much other than some basics. I'll have to compare and contrast with her girls some and see if I can notice any other significant differences.

I can't follow Sue's grow threads. I did that for 2 years and found it frustrting trying to read every post. That said Carnival, Dark Devil Auto and the Devil's Carnival Cross seem to be strains that she has popularized :)

Carnival aroma has no petrol/diesel to my nose. My recent Carnival harvest smells like freshly chopped garlic :)
Drenching won't work. It works as a surffcate,,, meaning the stuff coats the mite and they suffocate. It doesn't work as a systematic, or from inside the plant. It kills the adult and some of the eggs. The follow-ups are really Important,,,, to kill the new hatches for the eggs it didn't kill. Three sprayings usually work,, but the fourth is for alittle extra insurance..
Nice looking Buds on Dales Bagseed Tead, I hope it smokes like a NY or Sour Diesel. If so, maybe seed her and back breed a few times and call it Dales Diesel! I'm stoned, pay no mind to me :laugh:

Me too... but that's 24/7 true.
Your "dibs" on the name "Dale's Diesel" is formally registered. I like it and I'll use it if I extend the lineage beyond simple clones.

Spray all the plants that are in veg heavy. Till they drip and every inch is covered. You can spray up to week 2 in flower if needed.. GL I hate them suckers... Straight neem leaves a very oily residue. Azamax has been refined more than regular neem.

Gotcha. I've been a neemer for a long time now, so I'm not so worried about the residue that takes hours to absorb.
My spray technique seems good to me. I take 2 full turns of the plant rotating it 1/4 turn each spray. I cover all the top layer of everything on the first rotation then use my hands like a barber does and lift all the growth spraying the undersides on the second rotation of the pot. In the end, the plants are quite soaked and dripping hugely.

Wouldn't diatomaceous earth be a safe treatment for bugs?

Diatomaceous earth (DE) can be used for many buggings. I don't think spider mites are one.

3 tsp per gallon(768) is a very weak neem solution (0.4%).
When I apply neem it is at 4 tsp per quart (2.1%.)

I suppose it depends on how heavy you spray. if you are using the whole gallon then it is the differnce between 3 tsp and 4 tsp for the entire grow which makes it almost the same :)

If you are saving the gallon from day to day you are wasting your time. Neem seems to lose it's effectiveness after a few hours exposure to water.

I can't follow Sue's grow threads. I did that for 2 years and found it frustrting trying to read every post. That said Carnival, Dark Devil Auto and the Devil's Carnival Cross seem to be strains that she has popularized :)

Carnival aroma has no petrol/diesel to my nose. My recent Carnival harvest smells like freshly chopped garlic :)

Garlic?!?! Fun!

So... it may be that I've let my numbers shift over the years. I'll need to recheck my dosages.
You're at 4tsp/gallon for a spray? The general rule of thumb for spray vs drench is to double the spray strength for the drench amount. Damn.... I've slid WAY down without even realizing it.

Honestly, I was about to abandon neem. Your words may bring it back around to my world. Ran out yesterday... gotta get more while I roam the city this morning.
Drenching won't work. It works as a surffcate,,, meaning the stuff coats the mite and they suffocate. It doesn't work as a systematic, or from inside the plant.

I'm gonna depart from some of your words here. My personal experience shows me the systematic effects of neem. I once photographed and documented an individual bug still alive bug frozen on a leaf because of the neem.
Neem disrupts the electrical signals in the bug's system after the bug ingests some of the neem. This causes them to stop eating, reproducing, moving.... pretty much everything as I can see.

Sorry baby.... I'm very open minded, but I've seen this in action with my own eyeball.
From one of those gumment sponsored educational fact sheet:

How does neem oil work?

Neem oil is made of many components. Azadirachtin is the most active. It reduces insect feeding and acts as a repellent. It also interferes with insect hormone systems, making it harder for insects to grow and lay eggs. Azadirachtin can also repel and reduce the feeding of nematodes. Other components of neem oil kill insects by hindering their ability to feed. However, the exact role of every component is not known.
I got to say this, as a systemic, it isn't working is it? Azamax, I understand it affects growth patterns or growth regulator and makes them unable to breed. But you got to soak them suckers. And I haven't found anything that really works 100% on eggs and all stages. Another good product is safers insecticidal soap. I don't like neem cuz it clogs all the 'pores' in the leaf and can kill it. Azamax does leave as heavy a film. GL I got to go.. They shutting my electric off for tree trimming from power lines.
Ok... Azamax ordered.
During my journeys this morning, I picked up a new bottle of neem and I see from the directions I HAVE been dosing WAY low. How did I get so low? Anyway.... I'm gonna boost up and see what I can do.
I ran across Malation in the store. It looked like another possible treatment for spider mites and it's ok for use on food plants.... why do we not consider using it? I see it's a bit tough to use because you don't want to touch it... but with proper protection, I don't see any issue.
Malathion I think that's what they sprayed for mosquitoes back in Arkansas. They do have alot of synthetics that work great on mites. Floramite and Avid work fantastic, but are kind of toxic if not used right. Here in Oregon,, if you have a trace of it in your herbs,, the state holds them back.
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