Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis

Now that's some interesting reading. Nitro wasn't crazy, they bothered to run real tests with it. Not surprising that it limits thermogenesis, that was the point from my perspective anyways. It does re raise the question though is it so effective in husks because of their contents rather than the herb.

Being that it does appear to be an oxidative process I would think the vacuum sealing is almost counterproductive? If any external contaminants were removed with say...doc's bud washing technique storage may be possible in conditions accelerating the natural processes. I need to go read more of the original thread.
Hello All,

I am so happy to be a part of this with you.

So I have spent a lot of time reading and digesting Tangwenas thread. Let me tell you those are some great people over there.

I was very intrigued from the start of the thread and absolutely could not believe that these people were talking about doing such horrendous things to their beautiful weed. After six months or so they start producing cobbs and telling stories and posting pics. I start thinking holy sht this cannot be real... it has to be some people really trying to pull our leg... ...YEAH. ...fermented weed...right....

But then I started reading these revolutionary posts. People discovering what the cobs can really do. They would write about how the cob made them feel and after the 4th or 5th post I had to start taking screenshots of the conversations so I could remember all those great experiences. Here are a few of those posts. There are many more (and many heart wrenching ones) throughout Tangwenas thread...It is long but worth the read.... They will bring a tear to your eye, some of those folks....


Oh lazyfish .....God bless you. :hug::hug::hug:

I left a question for Tangwena about chewing and you brought the answer back to me.

Chewing.... who’d of thought? Lol!
Indeed... I'll have to get off my butt.
My tolerance is high, and I usually puff on as others sway, so my victims have learn to avoid keeping pace... this will be a vicious surprise I'll spring on them.
Tead is exactly evil enough to enjoy that.


I don't remember the last time I said "no thanks, I'm done" :rofl: I smoke continually through out the day, from wake & bake to crash and burn. I'm the definition of tolerance. The zig zag man has a tattoo of me ! I smoke more weed than Willie. :bong: Oh yeah, where was i..... uhh. Damn, slipped my mind. o_O

Give me 35 to 40 days and I'll have more than enough green, corn husks are on hand, but I'm lacking a vacuum sealer. Something else to add to the list I reckon. Thanks Sue. :p

I believe every word of it. Lol! I'm thrilled to have you two maniacs join me.

Now... we're gonna learn to chew the buds for the best effect. Deal? :battingeyelashes: You all brave enough to step into this ring?
:ciao:...following along, cause I'm curious to see your results...I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the use of vacu sealed bags??...there is no where for gases to escape or air to encourage fermentation??......cheerz... h00k...:rollit:

I don't think this is what most people think of with regards to a standard fermentation.

I think this is more of a chemical change that is occurring (more like an exchange/change of materials). Because we do not have a specific name for it, people are referring to it as a fermentation. Any kind of aerobic or anaerobic fermentation puts off gasses. That would inflate the vacuum bag. This is more a chemical change to allow the sugars to totally render into something differently or more efficiently.

I'm not sure, but it is intriguing.

I know nothing of the conversation other than here. I'm not in a position to participate, so I don't want to get another iron into an already crowded fire.

I'll watch with baited breath.......
You could start experimenting now. Do one now, one later, and then a last one.... Hehe

Hahaha! I'll wait until morning, but damn, I was tempted. You stopped me in my tracks. Lol!
Tangwena told me to make the cobs first, worry about consumption later. Hahaha!

I like this man and I really like his attitude about getting the right buzz. :slide:
Very intriguing! I’ve heard of fermented bud back in the 70s. The adults back then I knew use to say brings out the Devil in the Acapulco Gold. Maybe there’s some truth to it!

I’ll climb on board your ship, and watch from the observation deck. Great find!:rollit:

Oh cool! You’ll be tempted. :battingeyelashes:

You do seek a more elevated euphoric experience DLT? This is beyond simply getting high.
YAY! Cob numero uno. I think this is going to change everything, Sue.

I'm certain of it lazyfish. It feels so right I get rushes of energy just thinking about it. I listen to Tangwena wax poetic about his euphoric experiences and think "Yes! That's it!"
Somewhere along the line this gets tested so we have some idea of what potential it has medicinally.
Medical experiments. Where's the Kool-Aid?

Haha! Right here buckaroo! :hug: You are gonna love this Canyon. I meant to tell you the first day and it all got really fast. Lol! I realized I'd missed sending the message just this evening. Thanks for coming over.
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