Tamir's 1st grow - dwc special kush and special queen 2014

I attempted a topping today, but think I may have FIMmed, kind of hope so. The plant is bent over at the bottom and has the main top and a baby "top" at the other end. If I was successful in FIMming, I could have 8 "tops" Although, with the way it's bent over, it's already got more than 8 tops :)
I attempted a topping today, but think I may have FIMmed, kind of hope so. The plant is bent over at the bottom and has the main top and a baby "top" at the other end. If I was successful in FIMming, I could have 8 "tops" Although, with the way it's bent over, it's already got more than 8 tops :)

Good job.... I see a few baby shoots l irking so I'm curious to see how they grow. I'll have pics for you guys a little later
Nice guys! I cloned two lower branches ladt night. I just really want to get 8-10 blacberries going before i start new techniques. Bag seed is poking through soil today. They will get abused!

Tamir i will wait and see as 9 don't want to stress the kids too much

Hahahahahahahahahaha I know the feeling. Seeds re too damn expensive these days. I'll show u their progress a little later. after I tackle this hangover!! Lol
Hahahahahahahahahaha I know the feeling. Seeds re too damn expensive these days. I'll show u their progress a little later. after I tackle this hangover!! Lol

Best thing for a hangover is to get baked. Wake and bake. :rofl:

I hear that! I may have enjoyed a drink or two more than I should have.... But I got a lot done in the tent :)
Best thing for a hangover is to get baked. Wake and bake. :rofl:

Haha you're right about that.. Ok I'm getting up.. Go look at the ladies and grab a few pics
Good afternoon guys,

This is day 20 of veg. The girls aren't suffering too bad in the hot box the call home. Temp was 98f when I unzipped the tent.

The SK seems to be growing nicely. Lady SQ is moving a little slower.not sure is it's from from FIM attempt or because of the strain. Roots look healthy and PH and ppm are stable. No need to top of the res as of yet.

Here are some pics.. Sorry for the horrible resolution


Special Queen

Special Kush
Your girls look lovely today. They don't look heat stressed. :goodjob: :thumb:

Which is surprising cause temps have hit 100 recently.. I have a lot of air circulation tho. Hope they remain healthy
Ok we'll today is day 23 from sprout and the ladies seem to be doin well. Got res change yesterday. Now at 563 ppm on the SQ and 581ppm on SK. PH is between 5.3 and 5.7 for both. The SQ is recovering well from my FIM attempt. Only time will tell if I did it correctly. Since there was no sign of stress, I FIMMED the SK a couple days ago. Let's see how they turn out.

As you can see I'm still having heat issues but since there is no sign of heat stress I'm ok with it. I added my clone bucket, water filter and blocks of ice to help keep things cool while the lights are on. Works well for several hours until the ice melts and the water heats up.

Ok now for pics




Not really a good shot but I believe this is a secondary shoot that's in forming on the recently FIMMED SK. We'll see.
Ok the FIM was successful on both of the ladies. When the lights flipped on I was able to get a much better look at her branches. I see four newly sprouted stems coming up. However I was under the impression that after you FIM, the main stem would cease to grow and all other branches plus the 4 new branches would start to take off. As you can see my main stem is still headed upwards. Do I do something wrong?

I thought main continued to grow. That's the difference between Fim and top. I could be mistaken though :smokin:

You could be right. I have no clue which is correct. I'll take that main stem. Cause i'll just FIM her again in another week!! Lol have a big ass bush in that hot box. I'm gonna need that SQ to catch up. I'm hoping it's just her genetics causing her to move slowly. We'll see..
That high of heat can cause the hormones to deaden and kill your ladies. Id go with the flouros and work on a. Exhaust fan asap if u don't want to kill them or stunt yield
Fimming causes the plant to think it's top is dead so it kicks two side nodes out and eventually the filmed top will grow too so in short u end up with 3 instead of one. Topping u only get two tops insteadof 3
That high of heat can cause the hormones to deaden and kill your ladies. Id go with the flouros and work on a. Exhaust fan asap if u don't want to kill them or stunt yield

Yea man.. I currently have exhaust and intake fans and went fried two exhaust fans with a passive intake and that didn't work. So now I'm pullin room temp air in. That along with the 16" oscillating fan and little 6" table fan there's a lot of air movement in there. Get a stand up A/C just for the tent.

Thanks for the info
Hey you guys, happy belated 420!! another update.

Today is day 28 from sprout. The ladies are coming along well. Had a res change on Saturday PPMs are now 889 on the SQ and 843 on the SK. Ph are at a stable 5.9 for SQ and 6.1 for SK. Saw a few leaves on the SQ that looked somewhat faded(couldn't get pics due to camera resolution). I believe it's new growth because the ladies have grown a nice amount since the last feeding. Only snapped a couple pics. I'm open to any suggestions about my next round of grow techniques. May LST the ladies to get more light to those inner nodes..

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