Tales From The Krip!


:popcorn: Those bonsai mothers look great. I'm just about to embark on doing some so may have to pick your brains at some point. I've read Nebula Haze's guide on doing them at least 20 times. What size pots are they in? I've got 1L square pots on the way.
:popcorn: Those bonsai mothers look great. I'm just about to embark on doing some so may have to pick your brains at some point. I've read Nebula Haze's guide on doing them at least 20 times. What size pots are they in? I've got 1L square pots on the way.
Those are in 4" containers - about 1 pint. They'll need less maintenance in the 1 L's. Happy to help anytime! :high-five:
Much appreciated. Really looking forward to cracking on with it. Are your mothers from seed or cuttings?
Those are from seedlings - only because I have a "thing" about keeping the originals whenever possible. I do an "Uncle Ben's Topping" on the seedlings to get four main colas but personally, I think you get a better structure with a Bonsai when you start with staggered instead of opposing nodes.
Those are from seedlings - only because I have a "thing" about keeping the originals whenever possible. I do an "Uncle Ben's Topping" on the seedlings to get four main colas but personally, I think you get a better structure with a Bonsai when you start with staggered instead of opposing nodes.
Okay, thanks. I'm planning on doing a Critical Mass & OG Kush from seed. Just took some cuttings from a Gorrila Glue so hopefully one of those roots to get a mother for her too. Hmmm not heard of this 'Uncle Ben's Topping', I'll have to research that one. :thanks:
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Try making some capsules...they'll be much stronger than cookies and less fattening! :rofl:

Is it hash oil?
Is it hash oil?
It's hash oil (we call it "Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)" or "Concentrated Cannabis Oil (CCO)") mixed with a carrier oil (such as Grapeseed, EVOO, etc.) and injected into capsules. My Dad has Parkinson's Disease and the capsules calm his tremors. He was never a cannabis user but now that he's in his 80's, he finds it works wonders for him medically!
It's hash oil (we call it "Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)" or "Concentrated Cannabis Oil (CCO)") mixed with a carrier oil (such as Grapeseed, EVOO, etc.) and injected into capsules. My Dad has Parkinson's Disease and the capsules calm his tremors. He was never a cannabis user but now that he's in his 80's, he finds it works wonders for him medically!
Such an awful disease. I’m so glad it’s helping his tremors. Does he still live independently?

I’ve only ever had hash oil once, and I remember it being lovely. Blocks are more common here.

Is Rick Simpson somebody?
Such an awful disease. I’m so glad it’s helping his tremors. Does he still live independently?

I’ve only ever had hash oil once, and I remember it being lovely. Blocks are more common here.

Is Rick Simpson somebody?
He lives with my Mom but is highly dependent on her and/or an aide who he has helping him during most of the day but, I must say, the RSO caps really are incredible with the tremors. The way he describes it is that there's the physical tremor that we all see, but he also feels an "internal" tremor, and he says it calms the internal tremors, also. My Mom can always tell if he hasn't taken "his pill" by how bad his hands are shaking.

Rick Simpson is now considered the "Grandfather" of the cannabis movement, since Jack Herrer passed away. He's a Canadian that discovered CCO would cure cancer after curing his own and many others. He never charged anyone for the treatment and took his findings to numerous doctors, and even the UN, and no one was interested in even looking at his results since it was based on Cannabis. Canada ended up charging him with drug trafficking even though he never charged anyone or profited from his work. He became convinced that they weren't really interested in a cure - only making money from the treatment of cancer.

He has a website at Phoenix Tears | Rick Simpson where he teaches people how to make their own RSO (again, he doesn't sell anything). In the video section is a video called "Run From The Cure". I highly recommend anyone with cancer (or just about any other chronic/terminal disease!) watch this video:

Great Day My Grow Brothers & Sisters!

I have been AWOL for several months but I can't believe how long it's been since I've updated this journal. :sorry:

The truth is, I haven't had a grow up in over a year. 😢

I took the grow down to have some work done on the house (and, I had accumulated a pretty large stash from all the grows ;) ) but before I could finish some of the upgrades I had planned, my roof started leaking during a major storm in three different places/rooms.

There was a lot of damage done and, for several months now have had rooms stripped to wall studs and concrete as I've been being "jerked around" by the insurance company.

So, I'm having to sue the insurance company to pay for all the damages (estimated at over $100k!) and get a new roof and then get the interior taken care of.

There is a temporary moisture barrier that the roofing company installed to keep water out until they replace the roof, so we'll see how that holds up with a hurricane due to hit next week! :nervous-guy:

I'm really hoping to get everything done ASAP but have to wait for the process to play out. I'm down to my last 4 jars of buds (though, still have plenty of RSO now that my Dad's passed away).

That's about it, for now. I hope everyone is doing well!

Happy Harvests!

Sending you lots of love and positive energy through the universe, brother.

This too shall pass, you'll win the suit and be back in the saddle again :high-five:

Your spot at the table will always be here for you, just glad to hear you're okay.

Good luck with Ian, my mom is down there too :Namaste:

Happy New Year to all and I hope everyone is doing well.

Personally, 2022 sucked for me and I'm happy to get it in the past! :D

So, I think my last harvest was in June of 2020, or so. I had accumulated a pretty large stash and decided to just take a little time off to focus a little more on my business and do some minor work on the house, etc.

I never expected to be down this long and certainly didn't expect to be down to my last couple of jars of meds! :thedoubletake:

I'm still waiting on the lawsuit with the insurance company to move forward (it's been filed) but I don't want to have to start spending my hard-earned money on buying inferior meds, and I know it's going be at least 4-6 months for me to see any money from the lawsuit, so I decided to try to sneak in a quick grow before the work starts.

Last night I started soaking a DinaFem White Widow and a Cheeselicious by Europa Seeds. The first White Widow immediately sank, so I dropped a 2nd one in with the first.

Somehow, when I woke up this morning, both WW seeds were floating so I'm not entirely sure how that happened, but, either way, I have two I'm starting with. They've all now sunk so I'm going to plant in some soil tonight.

I don't have much room anymore to setup tents, etc. but I'm going to try to set the Gorilla 2' x 4' up if I can figure out the ventilation. I might also try a couple of autos outside but don't want to put the photos out there this time of year.

I'll get some pics up once I have something to show other than seeds in a shot glass of water or a small container of soil waiting for seeds to pop (not that there's anything wrong with those kind of pics! ;) ).

Best wishes for a great 2023 to all!

Happy Harvests!

I just mentioned you to Neiko today! Was wondering where you went.

So 2022 sucked? :laughtwo: Yeah.

I couldn't get myself back in gear either, only I waited too long and I've had to smoke stuff that the dispensaries won't buy. Ick. Got 3 ready to flip though - just another couple months until fresh weed.

Good to see you!
I just mentioned you to Neiko today! Was wondering where you went.

So 2022 sucked? :laughtwo: Yeah.

I couldn't get myself back in gear either, only I waited too long and I've had to smoke stuff that the dispensaries won't buy. Ick. Got 3 ready to flip though - just another couple months until fresh weed.

Good to see you!

Hey! Great to see you, Brother! :high-five:

Yeah, I waited too long, too. I probably have about a 90 supply left, but do still have plenty of RSO.

I've been toying with the idea of going 12/12 from seed or just flipping early but the dilemma is that once this grow is done, the work on house will hopefully be starting and I'll have to take it back down, so I want to yield enough to get me through that time period plus the time it will take for the next harvest.

I guess one good harvest should get me through, even in a 2' x 4', but that's assuming I have enough veg time so putting an auto or two outside should help me hedge the bet a little. ;)

I'll swing by your journal in just a few minutes.

Happy new Year Mr. K!...was thinking about you and how you made out with the house and the approaching hurricane at the time...seems like the house survived, and good luck with the legal battle...good to see Ya' get some seeds wet again... :yahoo: ...git'r done!... all the best for 2023...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...
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