Tales From The Krip!

Chems looking super, gonna be some nice head stash. Any hints as to your new grow coming up?
Thanks, Brother! :thanks:

Sure, I'll give you some inside info just don't tell anyone else! ;)

I'm gonna run two strains each from three different seed sponsors for a total of six different plants/strains. Because it's six plants, it will use both the 4' x 4' and the 2' x 4' tents. BUT, since my current 2' x 4' is only 5' tall, I don't want the plants in that tent to be at a disadvantage, so we have a new 2' x 4' tent coming from another sponsor. And, we have two different light sponsors providing some new lights for each of the tents.

Since it takes a good 90-120 days to do a grow, I've been trying to feature as many sponsors in each as possible and this will be my biggest sponsored grow to date.

Stick around, it will be a good one! :yahoo:
CHEM '91 HARVEST! :yahoo:

I got the two Chem '91 plants harvested from the small tent and I'm pretty happy with the yield from that small 2' x 4' x 5' tent! :thumb:

It's tough to tell while they're on the colas but there's got to be close to 7 oz. or more, in my estimation and, of course, I'll report the actual weight once they're dried.

Here's the stack of colas before trimming the fan leaves:

Here are a couple of nice buds before the wash:

And, here they are after the wash and hanging in the tent. There are really only a few small buds in the hanging net, but those are some pretty long colas on the hangers :slide: :

It's good to have a nice stash of those Chem '91 buds, especially since I won't be able to run it again for a while.

Happy Harvests!


Been awhile but seemed I timed it right.. Congrats on a nice flip......

The Chem '91 harvest dried a little quicker than usual and I cut the buds from all the stalks early this morning. The total weight was 211 g's (just over 7.5 oz.) and, once I ran it through the trimmer, it went down to 162 g's (just over 5.75 oz.).

TBH, I'd be happy smoking just the trim and debated beforehand on whether I even wanted to run those buds through the trimmer, but I'm due for another RSO run soon and have plenty of stash, so I didn't mind tidying up the buds and donating the small stuff to the cause.

The RH, right now, is at 53% and I'm hoping it comes up a few %'s so it's back in the cure zone, but I've been smoking some samples and it's great right now! :yummy:

Happy Harvests!

Mine always had the funky skunky terps with little or no cure. Enjoy it brother.
Yeah, it's almost exactly the same as the cured Chem '91 buds I have only the recent harvest is a greener color. Smell & taste are virtually identical. :thumb:

The Chem '91 harvest dried a little quicker than usual and I cut the buds from all the stalks early this morning. The total weight was 211 g's (just over 7.5 oz.) and, once I ran it through the trimmer, it went down to 162 g's (just over 5.75 oz.).

TBH, I'd be happy smoking just the trim and debated beforehand on whether I even wanted to run those buds through the trimmer, but I'm due for another RSO run soon and have plenty of stash, so I didn't mind tidying up the buds and donating the small stuff to the cause.

The RH, right now, is at 53% and I'm hoping it comes up a few %'s so it's back in the cure zone, but I've been smoking some samples and it's great right now! :yummy:

Happy Harvests!

Fabulous result and I am well pleased for you :)
Nice harvest Mr. K. Makes me look forward to my shipment of Chemdawg all the more. Congrats. :thumb:
The RH, right now, is at 53% and I'm hoping it comes up a few %'s so it's back in the cure zone, but I've been smoking some samples and it's great right now! :yummy:

I haven't even cracked the jar (bowl, actually) open since sealing and the RH is only up to 56%. Hopefully it comes up a little more, just to be safe, but even at 56%, it should be in the cure zone, assuming the hygrometer is accurate. If not, I'm not sure anyone would notice, including me! :rofl:

It's been a while since I've updated here cuz' most of the action is going on at the Sponsored Grow Journal but thought I'd throw out a quick update on some other items.

I've been waiting for about 45 days for that last seed shipment to get here and recently found out it wasn't actually shipped until a little over a week ago, but I did get tracking and, if it doesn't arrive today, it should be here by Monday. :yahoo:

So, with that, I'll have the new Sponsored Journal up soon and, as always, will post a link here once it's active.

Also, I thought I'd do an update on the Bonsai Moms which are about one year old, now. I've been using the @GeoFlora Nutrients and it's been doing a great job on keeping the bonsais healthy.

Here's the line-up and note these are all in 4" (about 1/2 liter) containers:

CHEM '91

The Chem '91 is a monster and needs to be pruned, but is doing great:


This girl's clone is in flower now and looks to be pretty frosty. The stalk on this one is a good 1/2" thick:


Before I had started the bonsais on the GeoFlora nutes, this girl was a real mess and I was considering either trying to take a clone to replace her, or toss her entirely and I regret not documenting the rejuvenation process (which was a more involved than just changing the nutes). She's a little tall from stretching while a seedling and nice & healthy now:


The Dark Ghost Train is another with a little taller stalk, and when I refer to the DGT and PCake as having taller stalks, it's really only be a couple of inches, but that's noticeable when the plants themselves are only 12"-18", or so, tall, depending on when they got their last pruning:


The Mendo Purple Kush is probably the best looking of the Bonsai Moms. She's incredibly healthy and has a thick canopy that I really need to thin out. This is another strain in flower right now and I really hope it's a keeper cuz' I'd really hate to have to cull this Mom! :rofl:

Things are gonna get crazy soon cuz' I'll be popping seeds from another six strains for the next grow any day, now, and I'm not going to have room to keep all of them!

Happy Harvests!

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