Tales From The Krip!


It's time to show the new seedlings - all from feminized seed.

First is the group shot:

Here's the Mendo Purple Kush:

Dark Ghost Train:

And the Platinum Cake looking a little lanky right now but I'll back fill with some extra soil:

I've got a couple of cuts of the White Strawberries rooting now and will get cuttings of the Pineapple Express soon. I'm waiting until the last minute to take cuttings from the Chem '91.

Happy Harvests!

Do you score the roots on your Bonzai moms @Mr. Krip?
By "scoring" the roots I think you're actually asking about root pruning and not "scoring", right?

You'd typically score the roots before up-potting. I don't actually score with a knife when I up-pot, I just break up the rootball.

As for root pruning, when I was in the 2 L's, they only needed it once or twice per year and I do prune the roots if/when I think they're too rootbound.

I wanted to post a couple pics of the DDA's in the small tent here since I've been posting them all in the Sponsored Journal just to keep that moving while I've been recovering from losing that last round.

I'm probably only gonna get around 1 oz. combined from these two small, single-cola plants, but the buds are beautiful and smell fantastic. I just wish there were a lot more of them!

Here are some pics from a few minutes ago:

Happy Harvests!

...definitely not big yielder's, but the smoke is decent, and Dayum', they sure are purdy'!...

...good to see Ya getting back in the groove Mr. K... :thumb: ...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...

Yeah, they're gorgeous buds, which is the only reason I'm even growing an auto. But, mine is less than 1/4th the size of yours.

It's good to have my groove back. I guess the only way we learn is by making mistakes, but I already knew not to over-amend soil before I lost all those plants! It was a stupid mistake and it set me pretty far behind! :rolleyes:

So, between losing most of my Bonsais and having to move the ones I had into the main tent to replace all those other plants I lost due to the over-amended soil, I'm really set back. In a few weeks, those DDA's in the small tent are due to be harvested and I have absolutely NOTHING really ready to take their places.

I do have two White Strawberries cuttings rooting in some Root Riot cubes and I do expect to start seeing roots any day now, and those will be the most mature plants I have.

I did take a couple of Pineapple Express cuttings, but I just took them a few days ago.

Other than that, it's just the three seedlings and I plan on cloning all three of those and keeping the originals as the Moms, so those are out of the question.

I still haven't taken cuttings from the Chem '91.

I'm also getting pretty low on buds since my last harvest was back in something like September. I should still have at least another 90 days, stashed and may get an oz. from the DDA's, but we're cutting it pretty close! :nervous-guy:

I could flip the main tent now, but I'm going to let it grow out for a couple more weeks to maximize the yield so I can even see myself smoking any of that until sometime in June, at the earliest.

Like I said...we're cutting it pretty close! :eek:

Luckily, I also have a good stash of kief and RSO along with some filled vape cartridges. I'll have to start mixing them into the routine more frequently to help stretch out the buds! ;)

Happy Harvests!

Krip, your autos are going to yield 4 times what mine will!:rofl:

I was reading something in LAs journal, they were saying that training slows down autos veg period which could be a way to increase yield. If I ever grow another auto I'll try it. I should get 2-3 oz from my Diesel but I didn't do anything different as far as training. I have one I'm growing 12/12 from seed and wonder if same principle would apply. I topped her the other day. It's great to have you around again.

Krip, your autos are going to yield 4 times what mine will!:rofl:

I was reading something in LAs journal, they were saying that training slows down autos veg period which could be a way to increase yield. If I ever grow another auto I'll try it. I should get 2-3 oz from my Diesel but I didn't do anything different as far as training. I have one I'm growing 12/12 from seed and wonder if same principle would apply. I topped her the other day. It's great to have you around again.

I just read that on LA's journal the other night, too. I'm in no rush to try another auto but if/when I do, I'll do some training! I didn't do anything to train the DDA's and they've been under 24/0 light schedule from the start. I figured the autos would be a good way to get a quick harvest in, since I am running so low on stash, but it's a little too quick and a little too little to really help.

They do make for some pretty bud pics, though, so at least I've got that going for me! :rofl:

So, between losing most of my Bonsais and having to move the ones I had into the main tent to replace all those other plants I lost due to the over-amended soil, I'm really set back. In a few weeks, those DDA's in the small tent are due to be harvested and I have absolutely NOTHING really ready to take their places.
Sounds like a perfect time to run a crazy sativa 12/12 from seed!
Drive-by,, been a while, my bad......

I'm always on the fence with auto's. But i can see where one can be tempted with the turn around times. What always scares me is I see some producing 1/2-1 of a oz of weed,,, and others that put out much more.. Not that I'm yielded 'much' more cept with them 'super autos, or fast versions' bout the same thing.

But I do think if you or I spent the time on the auto's the yield wood increase alot... I mean is alot of pluses that should be.. Like a good bit longer day over nights. Gives her more time to make sugar.

Ample room, and LST iffin any, to me sound like the ticket. I've sure seen some impressive autos on here and there over the years.
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