Switched from Miracle Grow to Foxfarms, trying to survive!

Just gave this bad girl a fresh feed of a half gallon of water, 1tsp of grow big, 1.5 tsp of big bloom & 3 drops of cal- mag. Her stem is getting thick from the LST I believe..What do you guys think?



She keeps on getting bushier & bushier lol Im not sure if its showing female signs during the veg stage somehow or if you guys have any idea what the pistols/hairs could be! Also what are your guys thoughts overall about the plant! Watering will be soon as It hasnt been fed since Sunday.






The last two pictures, those are female. The plants look good, interesting variegation on some of the leaves, most likely genetic, no worries. Keep up the good work.
Wow. Now this just made my night as this was a bag seed I wasnt sure whether it was going ti be female or not. But the signs are looking great! Appreciate it man!
Wow. Now this just made my night as this was a bag seed I wasnt sure whether it was going ti be female or not. But the signs are looking great! Appreciate it man!
I call ‘em like I see em! I’m not always right, but I do know a pistol when I see one! Congrats, it’s a girl!
I used Big Bloom for one watering, and have now switched to Tiger Bloom , Fox Farm products, and man are they stretching out. I thought they were through that phase. I am 6'2" and they are going to be eye level in the morning. I have had two rounds of Tiger Bloom with one watering in between. I have used cal-mag as well, 1 round as directed. I use all additives as directed, I think they know more about their product than I do and halving is probably a waste. I am now telling myself I should have been more aggressive in my topping and defoliation.
The power of natural light.

I have seem msgs here before from other growers talking about the same sort of thing happening. I have taken a few struggling plants outside just to give them a chance and it works often enough to keep considering it each summer. One time I culled some clones and for the heck of it stuck 3 of them in the ground. Sure enough 1 rooted and took off.

As much as we have improved our indoor environments with lights and ventilation and even fertilizers the plants often enough do better in the sunlight.
Ma Nature gardens like a boss.

Hey guys! Here is a little update on this bad girl after clipping most of the destroyed yellow leafs so we can focus on New New Growth. Mars Ts- 2000 has been around 80%, trying tl get the tops to start stretching up but seems to be moving kind of slow, curious on what you guys think! Next feed should be tmrw or the next day :)




Do you plan on up potting? You have yourself a leaner!

Promix all the way, add blood and bone and kelp stretch it out with some manures, bit of worm casting,chicken shit some mushroom manure and cow or goat a little Dolomite lime some ash or bio char the bacteria like to call it home. Though in some beneficial nematodes if you can,let it cook for several months...and bobs your uncle.. at the flowering state top dress with amendments ( kelp bone or worm
A little over the top with your amendments. Was this intentional sarcasm? I’m of the “KIS” philosophy (keep it simple).
Do these leaves looking fairly dark? Or do they seem healthy? Some parts of the plants leafs feel pretty rough to the touch..is this tiny white stuff I am seeing on the leafa something I should be very concerned about? Dont understand what it is or why its showing up. If someone can help me figure this out I’d appreciate it greatly!
The dark green leaves are ok, it usually means there’s a little excess N. The white spots need a little further investigation, with a 60x jewelers loop or magnification check underneath the leaves for tiny critters, OR tiny black spots (critter crap), specifically you’re looking for spider mites (the Borg!) or thrips.
Just back off the nutrients a bit,, You can not force feed a plant...It will drink when thirsty,,And take up nutrients when its hungry. That is why “.”. You measure ppm in run off ...to see nutrient fluctuations (eating OR drinking) .don’t know your feed schedule ? But I think that little girl looks -F.I.N.E - Fine . Your doing fine , just watch her grow and quit opening that tent 12 times a day..ha Ha
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