lol deliberately ignorant. Poor man. Its amazing that even with chronic pain he wont look into it. Ahhh to be young and stubborn. Sadly I am just older and stubborn lol.
Ha! Laughed right out loud.
It pretty pathetic, to be honest. Once, when the daughter fell into the litany of all the things cannabis had changed for the better in her life he responded with "OK Susan." That attitude won't last the test of years, and as her mother I'm hoping that means his will change, because we know mine won't, and we know hers won't. She comes over here to vape because he doesn't care for the smell. Now, to be fair, we have a delightful relationship and enjoy shooting the breeze, but still. She vapes in the bathroom with the window open for God's sake.
We've decided to see him as accepting and participating in his own cannabinoid therapy. We'll let the universe get him there. We'll simply love him without condition. She's adamant about letting him have his time to readjust his attitudes and understanding. He and I would benefit from some conversation on the matter, but he's avoiding that, and I'm not ready to get pushy about it.
We started growing cannabis the month it became legal in Maine. Neither my wife or I partake (though I, like any good farmer, am the first to test my crops after harvest!). But after a lifetime of being told you cannot do something, for no apparent reason, (in the "Land of the Free" no less) when the right was handed back to us (legally) we exercised it on pure principle.
That made me feel so proud to be an American.
Your wife is doing a wonderful job of using those buds.
Me too, wife would not let me start till it was okayed in dc. I would have done it either way but she is the voice of reason. Go figure i dont partake but she does
Prohibition came with such a nasty side of fear. I think this is what irks me most about the practice. All of us were such sheep, until we woke up, but then, that's the purpose of prohibition and propaganda, isn't it? Even I once wondered if the weed I was running out for every day meant we were addicted. A dark period in my personal history.
When I learned the truth and realized how much money our government wasted over decades to destroy the reputation of the most valuable medicinal plant on the planet I got a little angry, in my own joyful way.
My work here is my response to such an injustice. This is my contribution to balancing the social scales.
The country was founded on civil disobedience. All of our major social advancement was precluded by civil disobienience. None of what's going on now should surprise those who write our laws. I take heart that there's a serious movement in the capital to get cannabis off the schedule, spurred in great part by this administration's draconian views on the subject. This may be the collective anger we've been waiting for.
Good morning everyone
After all those words I put you all through, we need some eye candy, don't you agree?
Chem Dawg is looking particularly luscious this morning. How about her?
There, I feel like a happier host.
Before I begin to share this delightful news I want to preface with the statement that you don't make yourself happy so that wonderful things happen to you. You deliberately set your default to joy because that's what feels best, and most natural. Because that's when you know you're connected to all that is, where all the power in the universe flows. Then you should naturally anticipate that the universal forces will go out of their way to bring you experiences that extend the joyful countenance.
See the distinction?
I woke this morning to the phone ringing next to the bed. One of the benefits of being associated with the senior center is that every once in a while a great theatrical show comes through town and they get free tickets to give away to center participants. Yesterday I learned they were going to see "Wicked" tomorrow afternoon. I made a note to be alert to future opportunity and said "Sure, if someone cancels out I'll be happy to use a ticket."
So now, out of the blue, I'm getting two free tickets to tomorrow's matinee showing, and I'll be taking my daughter with me.
Universal forces have my back.
They have yours too. There's nothing so special about me, just that I'm learning to let abundance flow through my life without getting in the way with resistant thoughts, that usually start with the word "But...." I'm learning to laugh at "But..."
Get out there and let the universe treat you as well. It's all in allowing it to happen. When "But..." raises its head gently set it aside with an indulgent chuckle and keep going on your joyful way. Have fun with it today. I assure you, I already am.