SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

I'll post the harvest update later. She beat an ounce, but just barely. I have no complaints. We still have unused harvest and another plant right behind her.

I'm learning the lesson that tall isn't the way to go in my garden.

Hash Hound, I figured out what I did to the Malawi. I'd been thinking about it since our conversation. The leaves on the top of the plant are suffering burns, there's no denying it, and the only thing they've come in contact with was the Brix foliar.




But most of the lower leaves are fine.


The only noticable damage is to the buds sticking out, which would have caught the light. The rest of the lower part of the plant is shaded by the other tent occupants.


I remembered that I'd gotten distracted the morning of the foliar, and she got put back into the tent, still damp, just before the lights kicked on. It was so close that I almost pulled her out to let her dry a bit first, but moved on and forgot about it.

She's paying the the price for my neglect. Next time, which will be tomorrow morning, I'll let her dry before setting her under the lights.

Note to self: give the plants time to dry before lights come on. A fan would have solved the entire problem.
Maybe it could also be some light burn if that strain is sensitive.
especially since it's mostly on the top.
You spray the whole pant with brix, over and under?

I do my best to make it a light application, directed to the undersides of the leaves. The Malawi has very thin leaves. I'll be lighter in my application tomorrow and hit her with a fan for half an hour before returning her to the tent.
Alot of herbs come into their own and do great in soil.... some are hydro weed, as the claim.. DeVille you ever want to truly try an organic taste,,, try white widow,,, now called Black Widow if you want the orginal.. Use ALOT of Bat crap............... I mean alot...........

If you started feeding the plants instead of feeding a bunch of microorganisms and depending on them to excrete nutrients in a form that the plants can actually uptake, you probably wouldn't have to use "A LOT" of nutrients.:rofl:

I'm growing in soil right now. But I do sorely miss the performance - and the purity - of a DWC setup. I wish I had a local source that I could get the individual elements at. That's generally the cheapest way to go, and one can tailor the feed to exactly what the plant requires. Not just "a little less of these two bottles, and a little more of that one" or even "less bat guano, more seabird guano," but the exact amounts - and ratios - of each and every element the plant uses.

But that's just me. I've known some people who grew in soil only, and with so-called "organics" only, and who did so for decades. They grew pretty good smoke, too. (It just wasn't any better than what someone with experience and reasonable intelligence would produce via hydroponics. Not in potency OR taste.)

Soil, soilless, or hydro makes no difference, lol. The results of each can range from monumentally good... to monumentally bad. The biggest factor is always going to be the gardener.
I have grown in soil now for a whole year after coming from hydro.

To keep the story short..

I'm going back to hydro. Been wasting my resources long enough. I get half the yields I used to get and sadly also the same quality. Doesn't matter what you call it. Organic, supersoil, living soil..

Sorry. Can't taste or smell any difference. You end up having to use a lot more time, money and resources just to end up with half.
I have grown in soil now for a whole year after coming from hydro.

To keep the story short..

I'm going back to hydro. Been wasting my resources long enough. I get half the yields I used to get and sadly also the same quality. Doesn't matter what you call it. Organic, supersoil, living soil..

Sorry. Can't taste or smell any difference. You end up having to use a lot more time, money and resources just to end up with half.
As long as you are growing, and you are happy with your technique then that's all that matters.
I've never grown in hydro so I can't speak on taste. I know yields are higher & flowering times are shorter with hydro.
The only certain advantage (that I am aware of) that soil has over hydro is, soil is a lot more "forgiving" medium to grow in.
You can usually get from seed to harvest in soil. Not necessarily the case with hydro.
I'm sure you can speak better on that DeVille.
Anyway my point before I started rambling was Grow the way that makes you happy.
I find it hard to believe your wife doesn't make you the center of her universe. I thought that was part of the marital agreement.

I thought it was supposed to be more like a binary pair - orbiting each other.

It was definately a part of ours, unspoken though it may have been. Damn, that man was good at unconditional loving! :battingeyelashes:

I think I only witnessed my father tell my mother that he loved her a couple of times. Once - when our local economy was in the toilet, he'd been off work long enough that they were doing good to eat, and his health had already deteriorated badly - when he traveled halfway across the country to be foreman or superintendent or some such and build... I can't remember, some kind of factory/plant/refinery, probably for someone he'd worked previously for here, when Dad knew it'd be a long time before he got to see her again. The other time was when the doctor told him he might live out the week, perhaps as much as two (he fought much longer than that before losing the most ultimate of wars, though).

Mostly, he just showed her. Every day. I take it that it was much the same with you and your Dale? I'm guessing so, just from observing you.
Honestly no. If you see down im sig, it's all great, but still not hash, even the taste.

I haven't made much hash. Since the '80s, all of it combined would probably fit in two cupped hands. But I've consumed a good bit, and I understand.

I used to make a fair amount of oil, though. We called it "hash oil" (or "shoil" ;) ), but it wasn't, really. Used to use alcohol, switched to (preferably denatured) acetone, then more or less accidentally discovered that butane would wash the trichomes off bud - and then it was pretty much exclusively that. It was hard to beat the quickness of it, lol. As for the safety of the thing, well, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, lol, but no one ever had to tell me not to smoke whilst doing it, or to do it in a confined location with open flames, pilot lights, or electrical devices that could produce even a tiny spark (IOW, I didn't do it in the kitchen :icon_roll ).

BtW, most of the oil I've consumed tasted like someone had mixed onions, fish, and pork sausage together in a bowl. <SHRUGS> I can't explain it.

For a while after that, bud was either something to grind up and mix with the oil, or to put in the bowl first so that the oil had a chance to be smoked/vaporized before ending up below the screen. And when I'd end up smoking a joint or bowl of just bud (I just LOLed at the words "just bud" - wish I had some of that "just bud" right now ;) ), it'd almost seem like a waste of time. I started actually taking a couple days off when I ran out of oil and didn't have enough to make more, so that when I resumed smoking bud... I'd notice.

But back then, my answer to the question of "How high do you want to get" was always "As high as I can get, plus two." I think that now, at this point in my life... I'd be able to at least SPELL the word "moderation." And, who knows, perhaps I could even willingly practice it when I didn't need to. Like when I got up in the middle of the night to go pee, lol, I could probably make it back to bed without stopping to smoke a bunch first. Or... IDK, maybe tell myself "indicas ONLY, after 6:00 pm." Wait, I meant 10:00 pm!

Err... Between the hours of 2:00 am and 6:00 am?
A day in the life......

Whew! Started with a harvest, and all of the changes that follow such, entertained guests :battingeyelashes:, finished processing the harvest, and did a general cleanup.

Then I smoked up a small bud from my recent Carnival harvest that'd been clipped off by accident and left to dry on the quantum boards. I do love some fresh Carnival. Want to know that the difference between Carnival and everything else I smoke? Carnival not only makes you feel wonderful, it motivates you to be more focused.

I started with a 3.5 mile walk, then went to dinner. Following dinner I walked another mile to pick up some groceries on the way home. Walking in the door I remember thinking "Damn! Can't believe I'm still this high after all this time."

Then the Carnival really kicked in.

I whipped up a batch of oil, and then noticed how dirty the window was. That's oil from the disaster with the DDA, when the oil hit the water and went volcanic. Over a year later I'm still cleaning up from that mess. :laughtwo:


So I cleaned the glass as best I could at the moment. I'll do more on Monday when this oil comes out.


That got me detail-cleaning the stove. I pulled out the Magic Sponge and went to work. The rubber flooring leaves this residue everywhere. I try not to think about it getting into my lungs. This is why we have immune systems. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Moving on, I cleaned the exterior of fridge, since I had the Magic Sponge in hand. Nothing cleans the fridge better. :battingeyelashes: That led me to finishing the dishes, including drying and putting everything away. The jar shelf caught my eye, so it got organized quickly.


Which led me to consider how effective this Carnival was, so I took another few minutes and cleaned the bong and pulled out another small bud to wrap up the bed. I believe I'm done for the night. :laughtwo:


I'm gonna take time to work through this gem of euphoric possibility, and then I'll do something about the harvest report. Unless I pass out. Lol!

here is my Cdawg at 5 weeks packing on more frost, and the backbuilding seems to be working well.
shes in 50/50 HappyFrog/OceanForest plus a few goodies.



here is the my WW I told you about with 2 small clones in one pot bent over each other "H" style
she is incredibly sticky

Hash Hound ...... :jawdropper:

No denying it... You have a talent for the frost. :high-five:
Harvest: Candy Cane 3 (Day 93, flip + 57)


A hempy darling raised on RX Green Solutions. Her lanky nature made training her challenging. She taught me to keep them low to grow stronger branches. Her clone'll benefit from that lesson.

Swan Song....

Last night I was closing up the Spa when she caught my eye, causing me to grab the camera and go a little hog wild. :laughtwo:









The only way to keep her erect was to hang her from the bar that holds the light. Yep, I learned the lesson that tall isn't desirable indoors in limited spaces. :battingeyelashes:










Morning comes...

Final shots before the chop.









The budwashing....

All ready to be washed. This time I remembered to leave long stems so I could spin them between my hands to throw off more water. :battingeyelashes:


The biggest buds look to be nicely dense. Most are this size.


But the greatest number of the buds are this size. I've already cleaned off a significant amount of popcorn for omelettes.
















Once the fans are gone we have a better look at the haul.


Popcorn got trimmed for omelette so there's enough here for two day's worth. :slide:


That left this to continue drying.



Time to prepare her replacement in the Spa. Blue Dream won the luck of the draw this time. Major defoliation occured.





She slipped comfortably into her new home







Hash Hound, Jgrowlove and I had a delightful visit, an opportunity for the guys to meet and begin building a friendship. Hash Hound always treats me to samples of his own many harvests. :cheesygrinsmiley: This time there were seeds for his cross of Widow Querkle to his favorite White Widow.

I can't tell you enough how wonderful it is to have two members who can easily drop by for visits. This was a nice break in what. Is typically a day that begins at sunrise and concludes in the wee, small hours. Kinda like tonight. :laughtwo:





By my calculation, that 149 grams will dry to approximately 30 grams.


They come out Monday evening to begin the cure.


I'm only anticipating an ounce, but with the popularity of the Thin Mint GSC that's not a bad thing. Having selection trumps having more Candy Cane on hand.

She had her moments, didn't she? I made sure to thank her for her contribution to my daughter's health before I chopped her down. The clone she blessed us with will be ready for its own harvest in about two months.

One of my expectations for the new year will be consistent harvests between 3-4 ounces per plant. I'll get there. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
725 sq ft.

Seemed larger to me. Then again, I don't think there were nearly as many plants at the time, lol. Being bright, well-lit, and tastefully decorated helps.
As long as you are growing, and you are happy with your technique then that's all that matters.

I've never grown in hydro so I can't speak on taste.

Give the plant what it wants, with no excesses (or, for that matter, deficiencies), and its own flavor is what one tastes. Screw that up, lol, and it's about like if the gardener had done the same with most any other medium. Might be a little more pronounced with most forms of hydroponics, as those nutrients/etc. are all that are in the equation (no or inert media) other than the plant, at that point.

I know yields are higher & flowering times are shorter with hydro.

IDK about the flowering times being shorter; I haven't really ever tried to compare between (nominally) identical clones.

The greater yield... Yes, I'd tend to agree. Seems like much of that is faster growth in general, and perhaps a higher "ceiling" on that growth (depending on a few factors... if the soil-grown plant's limiting factor was lack of root space, then almost certainly so).

The only certain advantage (that I am aware of) that soil has over hydro is, soil is a lot more "forgiving" medium to grow in.

Due to the buffering ability and such? Yes - but that can be a double-edged sword of sorts. With hydroponics, doing a thing generally gives results rather quickly. Overfeed? You'll know soon, probably before you make any other changes. Especially with growers who do not have a lot of experience, this can be a useful thing. And correcting such issues... Dump reservoir, mix new nutrient solution at correct strength/ratio/pH, done. Do something with soil and the ability of soil to... cushion such things might mean that the gardener has done one or more additional things by the time he/she realizes that there's an issue. And then... Hmm, which of the multiple things caused it? Most things have fairly specific symptoms, but some symptoms can be shared (more or less). Or, by that point, there may be multiple issues. And so forth. And flushing the soil isn't a guaranteed "reset button" (although it can certainly help).

I don't know that there is one best method. As you stated, it's most often what works best for that particular grower, what he/she is most comfortable with. A... technically superior method, if it is difficult for the gardener - due to physical limitations, personality incompatibility, significant lack of cognitive ability (trying to learn a somewhat complicated method at age 93, for example), et cetera - probably is not going to give 100% of its potential positive results. And it's going to be situational to a degree, too. I can think of scenarios where one method would have advantages over the other.

<SHRUGS> Find something that works for you. Try to learn it well. If you feel like trying to improve things - or are just an experimenter - then make one change at a time so you can properly evaluate each one's effect on the grow. If you are dissatisfied for whatever reason or feel that you have reached your practical limit with a given method - and you want to, of course - then try something new. By that point in time, you should have a basic understanding of what different nutrient elements are used for, how to tell if you are giving too much or too little of them, how to diagnose simple/common issues, and this will serve to help you with learning the new method, because you'll be better equipped to identify what your actions are doing. If nothing else, the gardener's confidence level should be higher by then, lol.

You can usually get from seed to harvest in soil. Not necessarily the case with hydro.

Eh... Proper planning and all that ;) . Adequate (and more than adequate) aeration is important. Having a reliable way to check pH is pretty important, too. An EC (or "TDS") meter is often helpful, but not nearly as much of a necessity. And it doesn't hurt to be growing a strain that has some information available in terms of its feeding/etc. requirements. But most of this stuff can be helpful in a soil grow, too, IMHO.

Anyway my point before I started rambling was Grow the way that makes you happy.

Speaking of rambling, lol.

BtW, the GROWant G3HiPAR-Series is still coming - I just got a little paranoid, what with "several" cannabis-related packages coming my way recently. I hadn't really thought of that - I wasn't really expecting to win the MotM contest, to be honest. I'm waiting on a few remaining things and, assuming there's no heightened suspicion locally (which I doubt), it will commence. I apologize for the delay. Better to wait to begin it until I can continue on to the end than to start and then go turtle. And who knows, one or more item might find its way into the grow....
Good morning everyone :Love:

The local Eat 'n Park offers a brunch buffet on Sunday that includes biscuits and gravy. That was enough reason to get myself down here. Mmmmm..... delicious! There's great competition for those biscuits, and I managed to get here just as they were restocked. Two minutes later the pan was empty. :laughtwo: People swooped in like a flock of birds. LOL!

I see we've been conversational. :battingeyelashes: What a lovely thing to find when I arrive. :Love: I'll answer when I get home to a larger screen.

I remembered to do the Brix foliar this morning, and while I had the girls away from the strong lights I decided to do the flowering trim I'd neglected up to now.




Directing energy to the tips.



The Jamaican


She smells like fresh-cut ripe mango. No lie. She's becoming the dominant flavor in the Spa's fruit salad perfume.


Dark Slide :slide:


Whispy branches are a concern. I'll run the chemovar again and be alert to training her to tighter nodes. She's absolutely beautiful though, a unique standout in a competitive crowd.



Combining all the trim, I picked out the budlets and associated leaves.



These are recipients of foliar treatments. A good rinse is required before ingestion.


After it dries I'll add it to the rest of the omelette fixins.


After that I drenched today's lucky girls. Then I determined that the attentive gardener needed to show a little love to herself. :Love:

The walk down and back are pure pleasure. This shopping district is a delightful resource, and this morning it's filled with happy fans awaiting the start of the game. I'm surrounded by happy people. Can you think of a better way to start the day?

Well yeah....:battingeyelashes:.... but I haven't met him yet. :laughtwo:

OK troops, gear up with love and express it with childlike, delighted joy. We woke to another day. :yahoo: Relish in that. :battingeyelashes: :Love: No matter the situation, if someone stops to ask how you feel, be able to say "Good!" and mean it to your core. Isn't this the most fun? :cheesygrinsmiley: :green_heart:

I had a Devil's Carnival brownie before leaving home. The fat in the meal is kicking it into high gear. Walking home should be fun. LOL! Later my friends.

Can't believe I got this done this high and on the iPhone. :rofl:
Wow, some of those are looking quite tall there Sue!

I've a question from back a bit... the oven oil you made a few days ago (CBDCC), your label says 50g dry bud. That's a lot! I'm curious 1. How d'ya fit that much in the jar? And 2. Does that result in some super dooperly potent oil?

Hi SweetSue,

I've been enjoying your ladies! I'm easily fascinated in cannabis beauty, and yours look so intriguing. Beautiful! Trichome-covered buds with closeup perspective is drool worthy! I'd stop in and exchange a bowl/joint with you if I was going by! You do have a green talent for exceptional looking ladies in your garden.

I do have to say everyone has different abilities; be it towards soil or hydro/hempy. Being a peace monger I enjoy the plant beauty without asking what is it grown in, or how'd you do that. I like what I can grow, what comes natural to me, as is everyone's right to pursue happiness. I've seen exceptional looking buds/plants from either method. Just depends on what blows our skirt up.
I did like your notebook paper journal method.I need to do something like that. Remembering from year to year isn't working well. :rofl:

"The sweetness of her scent rivals spun sugar." Isn't that in Song of Solomon? It should be. It's truly an inspiring statement. You know how nice the smell is in an enclosed room/area. That's what I'm talking about!

I'm learning the lesson that tall isn't the way to go in my garden. I learned that lesson this year, as well. The tallest plant, the best looking bud, the frostiest lady, doesn't always get me where I want to be. That's why there's so many different strains?

Enough rambling.... Back to your regularly scheduled program. But first, Thank you, Sue!
Wow, some of those are looking quite tall there Sue!

I've a question from back a bit... the oven oil you made a few days ago (CBDCC), your label says 50g dry bud. That's a lot! I'm curious 1. How d'ya fit that much in the jar? And 2. Does that result in some super dooperly potent oil?


That's the oil I'm making right now Amy. The trick is to toss those dry buds into a container with the olive oil and using an immersion blender, reduce the combination to a slurry.

I'll be posting a report on the FHO thread later today. I'm going to head down to Starbuck's and enjoy a Café Mocha while I do the narratives. I'll post from there. I'm just waiting for the phone to recharge.

The trees are up on chairs and risers in those photos. Dark Slide is probably 4' tall. Come to think of it, the Jamaican can't be all that far behind.

Hi SweetSue,

I've been enjoying your ladies! I'm easily fascinated in cannabis beauty, and yours look so intriguing. Beautiful! Trichome-covered buds with closeup perspective is drool worthy! I'd stop in and exchange a bowl/joint with you if I was going by! You do have a green talent for exceptional looking ladies in your garden.

I do have to say everyone has different abilities; be it towards soil or hydro/hempy. Being a peace monger I enjoy the plant beauty without asking what is it grown in, or how'd you do that. I like what I can grow, what comes natural to me, as is everyone's right to pursue happiness. I've seen exceptional looking buds/plants from either method. Just depends on what blows our skirt up.
I did like your notebook paper journal method.I need to do something like that. Remembering from year to year isn't working well. :rofl:

"The sweetness of her scent rivals spun sugar." Isn't that in Song of Solomon? It should be. It's truly an inspiring statement. You know how nice the smell is in an enclosed room/area. That's what I'm talking about!

I'm learning the lesson that tall isn't the way to go in my garden. I learned that lesson this year, as well. The tallest plant, the best looking bud, the frostiest lady, doesn't always get me where I want to be. That's why there's so many different strains?

Enough rambling.... Back to your regularly scheduled program. But first, Thank you, Sue!

Aww Bode...that was mighty sweet. I've spent the past three years watching and absorbing techniques that've served my charges well. Truth be told, I work instinctively with them. Learning to trim them back to influence structure seems to be my latest passion. I was in the sponsored tent earlier, getting carried away. :laughtwo: That Chem Dawg wants to get lanky in the worst way. LOL. Carnival in hempy can be a challenge, as I learned with Carn 4.1.

To add to the previous conversation, I started in LOS, moved to Doc's kit and then went to bottled nutrients with hempy. I initially was attracted to hydro, for the size and yield, but COOrganics convinced me to try LOS. So began my meandering path to today, with my hempy/HB hybrid approach. I can say I've found things to appreciate in all mediums I've tried, but hempy has offered comparable product to soil with none of the hassle of all that water needed for hydro.

This passive system has been most rewarding. It takes fewer supplies and requires less storage space as a result. In a small space that's a bonus. Waterings are a breeze, much like the kit drenches. In the end it was the weight differential that sold it to me. I'm moving around these monster plants didnt I go hempy to grow more compact plants? :laughtwo: like they're nothing.

The biggest differences I've found with soil and hempy has been in branch strength. The kit grows solid branches that'll support copious flowers. Hempy branches can quickly get spindly, if you don't stay on top of it. My drive now is to learn to counter that with training. I'm liking those low and wide pots I found, and wish they'd had a couple more. It helped me with controlling the chemovars that really benefit from spreading out, like the Candy Cane.


Critical Cure appreciates low structure as well.


SweetSue said:
I had a Devils Carnival brownie before leaving home.

That was the highest I've been on a brownie since the first batch I made, using a half ounce of sugar leaves. :laughtwo: At 3 PM, I started to fix a drink and suddenly walked away and went to lay down, I was so high. :rofl: Slept for an hour, and I'm ready to go again. Coffee! The woman desires coffee!

I'll have to pace myself with the brownies. I'll wait until tomorrow to have the next one. :battingeyelashes: Starbucks, here I come. :ciao:

I thought it was supposed to be more like a binary pair - orbiting each other.

I think I only witnessed my father tell my mother that he loved her a couple of times. Once - when our local economy was in the toilet, he'd been off work long enough that they were doing good to eat, and his health had already deteriorated badly - when he traveled halfway across the country to be foreman or superintendent or some such and build... I can't remember, some kind of factory/plant/refinery, probably for someone he'd worked previously for here, when Dad knew it'd be a long time before he got to see her again. The other time was when the doctor told him he might live out the week, perhaps as much as two (he fought much longer than that before losing the most ultimate of wars, though).

Mostly, he just showed her. Every day. I take it that it was much the same with you and your Dale? I'm guessing so, just from observing you.

Dale was a man of fewer than few words, but in 34 years his eye was never distracted by another woman, and you couldn't be in our company without becoming aware of the affection we shared. He gave me the one thing women desire, he cherished me. Then he made life even sweeter by loving me unconditionally.

That man spoiled me, and when I meet my next husband I'm going to spoil him in the same delightful way. :battingeyelashes: :Love:
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