Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

Daily Update: Day 43 (Bomb) & 42 (Buddha)

The Bomb is now 18" tall, gaining her regular 1/2" overnight. Her flowers are beginning to beef up some.


The interior growth is astounding. Strong branches with an explosion of flowers.


Here's a shot of the sturdy base. I am fascinated at how they begin branching right above the soil line. The white powder is the diatomaceous earth dusting a few days ago to keep the small number of lingering gnats in check. I'll have to remember to give that a quick rinse later. It won't harm the plant. Just for appearances.


Buddha has grown another 1/2" to measure in at 17". Still waiting for her to shoot up. There is virtually no information on this strain to give me any indication of what to expect from her. She's healthy and strong and obviously happy, so no worries here.


Her interior is filling out nicely.


Her stem base mirrors her companion's.


A profile shot to compare the progress.


Nothing to do for them today other than watch them grow. Everything is running smoothly and right on schedule. It's hard to believe that we are already past the halfway point in this grow. The Bomb only has about 3-4 weeks left. Who knows when the Buddha will finish. No trichome production yet, suggesting we may have longer than I am expecting.

This is so interesting. I'm glad I started this journal. It has taught me how to document and observe the growth and development of the plants. I find the documentation process as fascinating as the art of growing.

Have a great day everyone.

Thanks b.real. That gives me some idea and it's what my gut tells me, despite what the breeder says. Stainles's Bombs look ready to harvest at 10 weeks, but he says the buds are still getting bulkier every day, which suggests he could give them a bit more time. What ratio of milky to amber do you usually shoot for?
it's hard to say what ratio of milky to amber trichomes I harvest at (especially since physical damage can cause premature amber trichomes), but I can tell you I harvest just before all the pistils have browned. I usually go 10 weeks from pistil. keep in mind that there will be a bunch of clear trichomes at harvest which sucks, but it's the way the plant grows.

I've grown thc bomb and I really enjoy the smoke. I think it's a white widow cross.
I just found out about reps (still learning the ropes) and noticed I've accumulated quite a few. To all those who gave them, my heartfelt gratitude that you found my contributions worthy of such praise.

I also noticed that I got nominated for MOTM, which really blew me away. You guys are so sweet.:green_heart: There are many more deserving candidates, but it warms my heart nonetheless. It's not an honor I seek in the least. I see my function here as an educator, friendly face and cheerleader and will do my best to improve as I go on. I have so much to learn from this community.

Thank you all.


Now, back to studying Jandre2k3's first Intelligent Gro journal. His wonderfully scientific approach will teach me much about the light I really desire.

The big difference with stainless grow and yours is the light so expect to go some weeks longer.

The time from the breeders is with optimal conditions and 1000W HPS.
But one thing is for sure your soil seems to rock :goodjob:
The big difference with stainless grow and yours is the light so expect to go some weeks longer.

The time from the breeders is with optimal conditions and 1000W HPS.
But one thing is for sure your soil seems to rock :goodjob:

I suspected that Darkgrow. Thanks for the confirmation. I'm planning on it taking at least 12 weeks. This soil is almost magical. My hope was to do a water only grow under these lights and the soil has realized that hope for me. It's all so new to me. Such an adventure.
I think I see a nute deficiency in your plants. Better haul them in the bathroom, flush the sh*t out of them, and feed them a different brand of bottles.

Jk, beautiful bushes there sue.

How much longer are they supposed to go for?
I think I see a nute deficiency in your plants. Better haul them in the bathroom, flush the sh*t out of them, and feed them a different brand of bottles.

Jk, beautiful bushes there sue.

How much longer are they supposed to go for?

That was funny... Well played Sir.


Your girls look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
I think I see a nute deficiency in your plants. Better haul them in the bathroom, flush the sh*t out of them, and feed them a different brand of bottles.

Jk, beautiful bushes there sue.

How much longer are they supposed to go for?

LOL! You sounded just like CC! They're in week 7 right now and I'm figuring another 5-7 weeks. It's hard to say since this is my first run with two monster plants and this luscious soil under the CFLs. I'll likely have the LED for the last couple weeks, so that will have some influence I'm sure.

I'm glad you are as entranced as I am CO. It's like their part of your family, isn't it?
That was funny... Well played Sir.


Your girls look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Thank you aki. They take my breath away. Between the soil and the SWICK it's been so easy to get them to this point.
Daily Update: Day 44 (Bomb) & Day 43 (Buddha)

Things continue to click along at a steady pace, up a 1/2" each overnight. The Bomb is standing proud at 18 1/2" and Buddha still looks like she's ready to party hard at 17 1/2". It took about a quart each to replenish the SWICKs - the same amount as it has for the past week or so. At some point soon I suspect that water intake is going to jump dramatically. Stainless was watering his 2 liters a day from his 4th week on. Of course, he had his under a more powerful light that created much more heat than my bulbs do with an open closet. I have never closed this up, and probably won't until it's an absolute must. This SWICK system is incredibly easy to maintain and I can tell the girls love being able to access the water on demand. Noobwannb mentioned on her thread (another forum) that the plants would really take off when the roots finally found their way through the fabric and into the perlite, so I'm watching closely.

This morning I took shots from directly above their crowns. The difference in their development is fascinating and startling. Here's The Bomb, all proper and restrained.


Buddha, on the other hand, is a blast of huge fan leaves reaching for that light. Look at the size of those leaves! The colors are breathtaking - so rich and green - so healthy and vibrant.


Here's a comparison of the fan leaves. The top is the Bomb and the lower one the Buddha.


Amazing, aren't they? The sheer power that emanates from the Buddha is surprising. Such vigor!

The daily profile. Notice how the Bomb is beginning to stretch much more than Buddha, but Buddha's branches are putting on some serious girth. I guess that's what she's been using her increased share of the water for. I'm in awe.


I added another pair of 5000K bulbs to the front. This brings us to 12 bulbs, 344W and 23,200 lumens. My original plan was to add warm bulbs, but I decided to treat one more week as veg and begin shifting to a stronger flower spectrum next week. I can tell they have a fair bit of growing still to do, so that additional blue spectrum was a better choice at this time. I like the flexibility this light arrangement I've worked out gives me. At every opportunity I've been tucking larger leaves under the buds for greater light exposure for the flowers.

I didn't crisp up the tips of any leaves yesterday. :cheer: :laugh:


I know I should be thinking about designing and building a proper grow box, but I enjoy having the grow space open to the living area. It's not very stealthy but we don't get many visitors (believe it or not I married a hermit :laugh:). I keep wondering how much better they'd grow with better control of temperature and humidity. The temps aren't a concern - we keep the apartment at a constant 73 day and 68 night and the grow space is close to a window so it gets down to around 65 in there at night and stays under 83 tops with all the lights on. I haven't checked humidity in the grow space in a while.

When I get an LED it will have to be contained some way. Maybe I can construct a bump out for the front of the closet. Something that allows easy access and uses minimal materials (think recycled or on hand) at minimal expense. Hmmmmm. I'll have to inventory available supplies and give that more thought.

Edit: Dale says it needs to be a proper box. Time to design. So, scrubber, box, light. That should keep me busy for a while. I keep saying "... and that's all I'll need for the grow". :laugh:

Time to play house domestic. Laundry calls. Have a splendid day everyone.

I keep saying similar, sue.
As soon as I (insert word of the day), I'm done spending money on growing my own pot. After I build a room, I hope that's true for me. After you build your grow box, you should be well set for real, huh?
I keep saying similar, sue.
As soon as I (insert word of the day), I'm done spending money on growing my own pot. After I build a room, I hope that's true for me. After you build your grow box, you should be well set for real, huh?

Yep! After the box is built and running it's only things like seeds, malted barley grain, aloe powder and powdered coconut water. Set up a fund to eventually replace filters and emergencies and we're set. The beauty of no-till gardening. I could make do with what I have, but this is MY hobby and I deserve the same consideration I extend to the rest of the family in that regard. My hobby comes with special rewards. :laughtwo:

With gardening there is always something more. I watched my mother enough to know that reality. Once I get this indoor garden under control I'll be expanding to balcony plants (flowers and veggies).

In the end it still comes out cheaper than buying inferior stuff on the open market. Can't wait to see what you eventually do with your grow room CO.
Yeah, I'll be up and running with a nice flower room soon. I'll start a journal once my build is complete. Here's a preview of sorts.
I will have a 8'X4'X8' insulated flower space. No more hunching over for me. I think I can grow some 1/2 pound plants in there.

Here's the cool part. I am going to design a single large hugelkultur bed, and see how that works, indoors! (My first run in the new room will be in 10 gallons still, though. I have to wait till spring to source the decomposing cottonwood I want to use for the bed.

Later sue.

Keep crushing it!
Your plants are just awesome Sue! I think you're just as worthy if not more worthy than all the other MOTM noms (including me) :) your journal holds so much incredibly valuable info. Like CO's journal's, I'll be going back through yours haha. Its just awesome to have this information sitting around for when you need it. :Namaste:

Can't wait to see your future grows CO.
Yeah, I'll be up and running with a nice flower room soon. I'll start a journal once my build is complete. Here's a preview of sorts.
I will have a 8'X4'X8' insulated flower space. No more hunching over for me. I think I can grow some 1/2 pound plants in there.

Here's the cool part. I am going to design a single large hugelkultur bed, and see how that works, indoors! (My first run in the new room will be in 10 gallons still, though. I have to wait till spring to source the decomposing cottonwood I want to use for the bed.

Later sue.

Keep crushing it!

I'm so excited about the hugelkultur! I was hoping that had tempted you. :laugh: Dale and I decided today that we need to build a box. We took measurements and decided on 2'x4'x6'. It will be completely stealthy and fit snugly in our bedroom, looking for all the world like a clothes closet. I'll make it happen sometime soon I think. I'd like to have it done by the time we get our LED, but that may take magic. Not having a wood shop anymore, or tools for that matter, makes it a special challenge, but we've always been creative in the face of a challenge. Definitely by August. We have extra money that comes in every July, so if not by then it will be what we use that money for. We're sitting here planning the wood dimensions as I type. LOL!

I'll do my best to keep this soil crushing it CO. Have to make you proud. :;):
Your plants are just awesome Sue! I think you're just as worthy if not more worthy than all the other MOTM noms (including me) :) your journal holds so much incredibly valuable info. Like CO's journal's, I'll be going back through yours haha. Its just awesome to have this information sitting around for when you need it. :Namaste:

Can't wait to see your future grows CO.

That was my intent SoilGirl - to closely document and leave a great trail of breadcrumbs for other growers. I'm glad my plan is working. Thank you for the compliment, sweet girl. :green_heart: I'm too new here for worthy consideration. It's not something I seek anyway. You are a much stronger candidate than I. :love:

Stainless is harvesting his THC Bombs today. I'm as excited about his harvest as I am about my grow. LOL!

2´x4´x6´ sounds very good.

What LED are you talking about ?

I have my heart set on the IGRO II 90TRU Darkgrow. I was drawn to it before I discovered Jandre2k3's test thread. Now I'd set on getting one. If I must grow in a tight space I might as well have an incredible light, no? :laugh:
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