Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

Looks like your sprouts are a day or two away from being ready. Mine will be when I get home from work, then the girls get their first sst!

Thanks for all the great info and pictures sue!

They will love you for that. :love:

You're welcome.
For you, honestly I'm sure the Neem Kelp and Crustacean meals will work, if there's no real source of gnats. I have so many gnats in my worm bins its just constant. They're all over, and it does annoy me a lot, just not really doing anything to my cannabis. I agree, especially with living mulch in there, even if they wanted to eat on roots they'd probably go for the younger more tender ones haha.

ugh the list... BT dunks... air pump... IPM stuff from buildasoil... organic corn... :laughtwo: I'm honestly stuck with where to start. - actually... I need more 10 gallon smart pots >.< those I can use for both worm bins and for LOS.

but before that... I need to find money. :laughtwo: darn capitalism.
Now my worm bin is another matter altogether, and it's in the kitchen under the sink. No way around it, my kitchen has gnats. Many gnats. Surprisingly, I am not a bit concerned with them. They obviously serve a valuable function to the composting process. I just swish them out of his cereal before I pour the milk in and we brush them aside. They're just smaller earthlings.:laugh:

I'm glad he's so tolerant of my Mother Earth proclivities. :love:
:rofl: you have an awesome husband Sue. Our kitchen gnats tend to hang out by our fridge's little water and ice dispenser (it has a constant light on) - and I always get a quick ice cube and squirt and dump it out before getting water because there's usually one little gnat, like every time -.- .... yet when I asked my dad about getting rid of them in our kitchen he had no idea they were there :rofl: I guess gnat's become a regular part of my Dad's diet.
It never ceases to amaze me, the amount of things men will overlook.:laugh:
Daily Update: Day 41 (Bomb), Day 40 (Buddha)

Still growing at the rate of 1/2" per day, The Bomb is now at 17" and looking lovely as ever this morning. It's so rewarding to come out every morning and find her leaves praying to the lights. I was looking over stainless's journal yesterday and I believe I can expect at least another two weeks of this growth before they begin beefing out the buds in earnest. It's nice to finally have another grow to compare notes with. I stop in to admire his Bombs numerous times a day and hope.


My Happy Buddha is still right behind at 16 1/2" today and doing some serious praying of her own.


You can see how they are filling the available space.


This is how my husband sees it. He has to view them from my updates because it's blinding to him in there. Time for an eye exam (sigh). Never dull around here. I have to fit in a new electro cardiologist, a neurosurgeon to determine the beginnings of some sort of muscle tremor that's becoming a concern, an auditory specialist for a hearing aid and a new podiatrist. I'm just trying to get him through cardiac rehab. Yesterday he came down with the flu strain running amuck through our community - the strain I'm still recovering from. (Bigger sigh)


I'm absolutely fascinated with the development of the branches. The Buddha (on the right) has begun to reach outside her pot dimensions to intermingle with The Bomb.-


This is the average size of the fan leaves at this point. There are some larger, but for the most part they are about the size of my fully-spread palm. That makes me happy. :love:


They took on twice as much water today - almost a quart each. I better remember to raise the lights tonight so I don't find the tips fried in the morning.

Seed Sprouting Update: Day 4

SoilGirl called it - probably another day yet.


The tails are only about 1/4" - 1/2" long and we're shooting for 1" to make them easier to purée. Another rinse.....


..... and back into their resting spot. I've taken to covering the top with a paper towel and sitting the lid on that. It keeps moisture in and gnats out but still allows for some air exchange to occur.


That's all for this morning. You all get out there and spread the joy. Have a great day.

Very nice plants!
Sue they look Great!! Love the pictures :cheer:

Sorry Dale is feeling bad, geesh you two are getting put through the mill. Hope things get better soon! :circle-of-love:

Thanks. :love: He says he feels like someone's been punching him. Sounds too familiar to me. Damned flu. Usually his immune system is stronger than this. Too many assaults from too many directions I guess. I've been trying to prepare myself for years for the moment when things begin to cascade. We're not there yet, but Damn! The man needs a break already. It's why I'm growing. At least I can offer him this escape. Still months away from smoking the cured harvest, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. He's already wondering if we can take any buds. :laugh:

I can see already that it's going to be a real trick keeping him away from the curing buds. I've threatened bodily harm, but for some reason that doesn't frighten him at all. :laugh:
That is funny! I have one of those too - always looking over my shoulder - are they done? How bout now? is now good? And this is from the one that was totally against this to begin with.

Im sure his immune system isn't operating too great after all hes been through. I wonder, can he take echinacea? My mom and me swear by it when we come down with something - theres alot of back and forth about it but i truly believes it helps build up your immunity. If your interested then pick some up and have him take 5 right out of the gate then 3 a day for a couple days.
Thanks for the reminder JJ. I need to see if it will interfere with any of the 23 different meds he takes every day, but if it's ok I can get some right across the street. Camomile tea will do the same thing, but I can't get him to drink it.
Haha! When I posted that I thought "Opps, that's going to confuse her".
Mighty excited here. We have roots!!!


One of the ways you know the SWICK is working is when roots begin to exit the pots and seek out the water. Woo Hoo!!! I've been waiting for this to happen. These are only water-seeking roots, so they can be broken off, if you choose to, with no damage to the plants search for nutrition. Quite frankly, they are heavy enough that I won't be doing that just yet. Maybe next week when I have all of my strength back from the blasted flu. I'll figure something out soon. I don't really want them to get attached to the perlite. It's too much of a mess to clean up. I broke these off, but I'm sure there are others.

I am soooo happy right now. :yahoo:
Very nice plants!

Thank you petergreen, and welcome to the journey. May you enjoy the ride to the finish. This grow has been so simple to pull off so far I'm beside myself with joy.
Daily Update; Day 42 (The Bomb) and 41 (Buddha)

The Bomb is standing at 17 1/2", still growing at 1/2" a day.


Buddha is still sitting tight at 16 1/2". I need to watch her closely. She's taking on more water than her companion. I think she's preparing for a serious growth spurt. I can feel the energy when I get close to her. Seriously.


The flowers are coming in densely packed. Here's The Bomb.....


..... and her little sister, Buddha.


Sorry about the crappy pictures. I need to get a tripod for the phone to steady it better. This wasn't meant to do more than illustrate how tightly packed the colas are becoming. It's a challenge I will overcome in time. Bear with me guys.

In profile they are showing similar structure developing. I'll be feeding them an enzyme tea this morning. I'm interested in seeing how much of an effect the teas really have. This is something I've never tried before.


Making Sprouted Seed Tea

This morning the corn tails are long enough to purée and make a tea.


I dumped them out to sort out the ones that either didn't sprout or have just begun sprouting. I'll toss them back in the jar to see if they will sprout any more, possibly for one more drench in about two days. I just didn't want to toss them. I figure at the very least I can purée them and feed them to the worms.


Into the Kitchen Ninja with a bit of water and purée the hell out of them until they look akin to:


Now, the instructions are to add to 1/2 gallon to good water and then dilute that to 1 cup of the purée/water mix to a gallon of water. That was too much for me to mess with, so I thought about what we had here and decided to do it differently. I drained off the liquid part into about a quart of water, added a couple more cups of water and used it like that. That made enough to apply to my plants and to share with the grower downstairs.

I was left with the mash.


I grabbed my ziplock bag of gross kitchen crud from the refrigerator and puréed it all together.


That got buried into the worm bin I keep under the kitchen sink. Offering the worm bin puréed food speeds the composting time, since you've already begun the decomp process for the bacteria. The water I used to purée also had a drop of molasses, and bacteria love the molasses.


Pick out the sprouting potato skins and cover it over again. This piece of cardboard has been pretty thoroughly eaten up. That's good to see.


I added a new top and put them all back in their safe, warm, dark cubby under the sink. By the time I harvest there will be some seriously rich vermicompost ready for the top dress. It's nice how the timing works out so well. It takes the worms about the same time to create an adequate batch of compost as it does for the plants to sprout and grow to harvest. Sweet.


The plants have had their enzyme tea, the worm bin has been fed. All's well with the world.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Hi Sue, think the difference of our bombs at this stage is the leaf colour, yours appears to be a nice dark green. The plant that sits on the right hand side in my tent, the leaves on that were always darker than the left hand side. Could be because the difference in size of the pots they were both in and that both were getting the same measurements of nutes throughout. Yours appear to be getting fed great! It loves the organic approach :green_heart::peace:
Hi Sue, think the difference of our bombs at this stage is the leaf colour, yours appears to be a nice dark green. The plant that sits on the right hand side in my tent, the leaves on that were always darker than the left hand side. Could be because the difference in size of the pots they were both in and that both were getting the same measurements of nutes throughout. Yours appear to be getting fed great! It loves the organic approach :green_heart::peace:

Thanks stainless. This soil is incredible, and I don't have to change anything or add more than a top dress before replanting. The nutrient and mineralization levels worked out by Clackamas Coots are perfect for cannabis. And the SWICK took all the stress out of watering.

It's fascinating how yours turned out so different in stature. I guess it really makes a dramatic difference in depth of pot. You wouldn't have thought that small increase in soil depth would be such a dramatic factor. Do you know how much more volume the taller pot took? I can't remember if you mentioned pot volumes.

I salivate every time I look at your girls. If I get anywhere near that take I'm celebrating with magic brownies!

You're my inspiration stainless.
Thanks stainless. This soil is incredible, and I don't have to change anything or add more than a top dress before replanting. The nutrient and mineralization levels worked out by Clackamas Coots are perfect for cannabis. And the SWICK took all the stress out of watering.

It's fascinating how yours turned out so different in stature. I guess it really makes a dramatic difference in depth of pot. You wouldn't have thought that small increase in soil depth would be such a dramatic factor. Do you know how much more volume the taller pot took? I can't remember if you mentioned pot volumes.

I salivate every time I look at your girls. If I get anywhere near that take I'm celebrating with magic brownies!

You're my inspiration stainless.

Aww that's great then, be able to get back into it straight away quickly then :)

I know, I had a feeling at the beginning when I was putting the soil mix in that the difference in shape of these pots were going to make the plants take different shapes, the reason why I didn't bother waiting to get new pots of equal size, wanted to see the outcome :) No i still don't know the volumes, I just checked online there how to work out it, been a while since i done math lol. What I was going to do was take measurements of the pots, put them up here and see if anybody can work out the size in pots? First one that does it gets a taste of the bud, if they can find me lol :rofl::rofl:

Haha, think I'll be making some has oil, maybe a wee cake also :p

Thank you Sue! :) :peace:
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