Daily Update: THC Bomb Auto, Day 84
Can you all believe she's 84 days old? That makes her 19 days beyond breeder prediction, which I've noticed is fairly standard. I can tell you she's getting close. Smells so sweet it's driving me nuts!!!
I gave her a 1/4 turn under the lights, topped off the reservoir with a quart of water and got real close to check the trichomes. She's still comfortably on the side of cloudy. I'm watching the white pistils here for the moment when they've gone rust colored and begun to pull back.
Taking a closer look around the beauty it looks like these are intricately detailed sugar flowers, doesn't it?
Look! Necrotic leaves!
Those two, in addition to the one on the other side, make a total of three necrotic leaves over 84 days. What a happy soil community and plant.
The scissors found there way to a popcorn bud. I don't know how that happened!
One of the reasons I weighed Buddha yesterday was to keep me from any further "sampling".
There are an over abundance of gnats in the harvested pot. Time for stronger measures. Sprinkle some mosquito dunks over the surfaces and water it all in. It might be time to finally order some sticky traps. Over time the scheduled maintenance of these pots will cause them to become so healthy that even fungus gnats will vanish. In the meantime it's obvious they are no threat to my plants.
When I get home this evening I will have a choice - Buddha, or the Bomb?
I have crystals strung and hanging in the windows that catch the sunrise and sunset. In the morning our bedroom and living room fill with rainbows, lending a delightful air of joy to the morning.
Life, with all it's madness and chaos, is certainly sweet.