Swaggs Great Canadian Adventure: Diving into DWC

The grownups look great and congrats on the healthy new babies! Since you're killing it in coco what was the reason you wanted to switch to DWC?
My intention was to be able to have the setup run alone without me for days at a time. And I've always wanted to try DWC. Something about it just keeps calling me. Probably has something to do with watching the 420 mag mates crushing DWC grows. After the rough start I think we're all good now. Another week and I'll probably have to set up my watering timer to be on for a bit longer. They're definitely drinking more now. Roots all the way to the bottom of the pot already so they love it. Looking back, I really messed things up. Shoulda ran an auto in the background. Woulda saved the hassle of starting new beans a month behind the others. Gonna be a juggling act. Will just have to do away with some small girls and some big girls.
Looking interesting in here Swag, a lot going on with a lot of good looking strains, looking forward to flowering
Me too buddy. Alot going on is right lol. I'm extremely excited for flower as well. Will have a chance to see how these different strains all develop and react to the nutes, lights and environment. Hoping they all just like the same food cuz the last problem I need is to be making different batches for each plant. That would suck for me. Big time.
Little quick pic update. Nothing really new or exciting to report at this point. They're being tied down and I'm just trying to continue to shape them while also buying time in hopes the other new littles ones will miraculously have a massive growth surge. If it doesn't happen, they'll just be much smaller then the others. Oh well.

Here they are.

Baby gorilla glue

Here's the northern high lights. Likely never run this strain again.

One of the 8ball kush

And the other 8 ball kush

Top left is gorilla cookies
Top right northern high lights
Bottom is raspberry boogie


Gorilla cookies. Such a vigorous grower and so lush. I love this one.

Raspberry boogie. Reminds me of newtys white widow extreme that I grew last year. Everything from the leaves to the smell so how the stems of leaves feel when I super crop them. Very thick and bushy with big ass leaves.
It's a coin flip...nothing to be done. See you bye!
Yea it's all good. Nice to finally see males for myself. So a learning experience too. The little ones are all coming along. The last gorilla glue is probably doing the best of the little ones. She got spoiled with an extra week in just a rooting cube all alone on the dome. I transplanted her to a 3 gallon yesterday. So everyone is finally in their final homes. I'm thinking about adding a second light but even if I do it won't be for a few weeks at least.
Do you have a closet you could hang the other light in with the babies? Or can you wait for them to get bigger before you flip? Could be a while still...
I'm gonna delay flip as long as possible to try and let the others semi catch up. I'm just gonna have to deal with whatever the situation is in about 4-6 weeks id say. 2 big bitches and a gang of little ones. Space is already limited so I have make it all work in the tent.
Get some bricks to raise up the little ones eventually!
Whatever it takes. Lol. These little ones have really taken off since I started to feed them the same as the big girls. Just a few days ago there were still coming along but ever so slowly.

This first set of pics is from Jan 30 it says on my phone. Then I'll post pics from last night.
This must be the first gg

Pretty sure this is the blue dream

Rooting cube gg

8 ball kush 1 and 2

So as you can see and have already seen from previous pics, there were doing okay. They were actually starting to yellow a bit and I had a chat with my neighbor aka Newty and then I just gave em the same juice as the bigger gals. The yellowing went away and they're taking in all the nutes I'm giving.

Here's some pics from last night of the same little ones.

This is the last GG I popped. But it got the best care. Babied in the dome and left to grow in the rooting cube to develop a great root system before transplant to a 3 gallon pot.

This one is the blue dream almost threw her away when she was fading and yellowing last week

This is the original GG I started

8 ball kush from my neighbor. The second one did get slightly burned last week.
Whoa! Loads of growth in less than a week. C'mon kids, there are gown-ups to catch!

They've definitely picked things up since tasting that good emerald harvest. I don't think they like the fan just yet tho. They're very weak and shaky still and some days after work when I look in, a couple usually have a good ol' lean on em. I just used their toothpick name tags as posts for the 2 that lean the most.
Same ol' same ol' around these parts. Emerald harvest, California light works 550's, if only everything was this easy. I added another identical light a couple of days ago. It's going to help once the little ones catch up. The big girls were already trying to block light so it was time. Ive been following the feed chart and it's just perfect. No adjustments needed. No ppm readings needed. I just mix and ph down to 5.7-5.9 ish. All greens in here, minus the one 8 ball kush, not sure if it's just from water spilling on the leaves or it it'll be an issue later on but for now, I'm happy, they're happy. Just killing time till flip.

Everyone looks happy in there! So nice you gave up the struggles and got back to what works for you.

Something bugs me about those 8ball leaves though. It doesn't look like nute splash, and you water into those trays I think.
What do u think it looks like? To be honest, I don't think I'd mind being one less plant in the tent. I've got 2 8 ball kush's in there so I'd still have one if I had to make a cut Once the smaller plants get a bit bigger I'm gonna hook them up with feeding lines so that they all eat automatically without any work from me. Right now only the 2 bigger ones are auto watering and the littles ones I give a drink to every second day usually.
Is it spreading? If it is and you want to be down one plant then that's the one! But if it was a one-time leaf-freak-out then your decision isn't made for you ;).

It's one 2 leaves so far and the leaf is kinda crispy. And just a little bit I noticed on the edges of a leaf on another plant, which also happens to be 8 ball kush. I'll keep an eye and if I don't like what I'm seeing then she's gonna have to go.

The first 3 pics are the one plant (8 ball kush)

The last pic is the second 8 ball kush plant

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