Super Lemon Haze & Pure Kush

Eh, to use the soil tester you take small sample of soil and mix it with small amount of water then read that solution with your probe. PH incoming feed water to 6. You'll be ok.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Wish I could give you some advice bud, but I know next to nothing about soil grows.
Eh, to use the soil tester you take small sample of soil and mix it with small amount of water then read that solution with your probe. PH incoming feed water to 6. You'll be ok.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

Thanks miller, the probe is about 20cm long though so can't really just measure a small amount. The pH of the soil is 7 which isn't bad really, in future ill just have to find soil that's more 6.5 or add sulfur or something similar to lower it slightly. Regarding water pH yes ill just stick to around 6 as you say.
Wish I could give you some advice bud, but I know next to nothing about soil grows.

Hey blaze no worries, I'm just trying to understand my soil better. Tomorrow I start 12/12, I love looking at green foliage but its time to crank things up...I wonder how all this LST turns out.

Awesome bud. I look forward to that. Yeah, its tough to see just how big the plants are when they're all tied down like that.
Awesome grow so far! Lots of nice tid bits in the journal looking forward to watching the grow!

Thank mit for noticing my little green corner. I try my best without taking it too seriously, as long as there's no fatalities its all good in my book :rofl::rofl:! Do you grow yourself?

Awesome bud. I look forward to that. Yeah, its tough to see just how big the plants are when they're all tied down like that.

Cheers bro, yes its weird when they're flat but when you see all the bud sites you just know its gonna be interesting lol! I intend to replace the 600w with the 1000w after 1 wk flower, crank it up another notch.

Yea I do grow actually, just started my own grow journal as well you should check it out..... We got the same motto hahaha don't stress just go with the plant.

Just go with the plant indeed, like a cannabis whisperer lol! will be happy to check out your journal once I know where to find it, you should add the link to your signature.

Day6 flower. I found out a few days ago that my tap water has a ppm of about 600 which is very high I believe. I always knew it was high but never had a figure. The plants are doing OK though, they look a little droopy but they haven't been watered in 5 days, will do so later with 3ltr. I've been feeding very very lightly since the beginning but still signs of nute burn hence the high ppm.

day6 bloom:

During bloom I'll continue to feed lightly i.e. water/water/feed bearing in mind I water every 4-5 days & feed only 1/4 strength. Lights are still 600w. Ladybirds are still on guard duty, a few died out of boredom or in the line of duty who knows lol! but some more remain & there's others outside I think in case re-enforcement's are required.

Hey im at the beginning of your flower Cycle... Yes i get to see a Purple Kush from a different seedbank.
IF YOU DONT MIND :popcorn:
And they're looking beautiful even the specially the Topped lady. Good job keep it up and yes always PH your water no matter what!!!! I've read from page 1 :hehe:
Hey im at the beginning of your flower Cycle... Yes i get to see a Purple Kush from a different seedbank.
IF YOU DONT MIND :popcorn:
And they're looking beautiful even the specially the Topped lady. Good job keep it up and yes always PH your water no matter what!!!! I've read from page 1 :hehe:

Thanks buddy for checking it out. I'll keep up with the pH no worries, I think 6 is just fine. By the way it's pure kush not purple kush im growing, never tried it before but the reviews are good. I think it can go pink under the right conditions. I noticed you got some video uploads in your journals, will check em out shortly.

They're looking like they want to turn the corner. The stretch should help iron out some of the issues I think. Then the high EC might not be as much of a factor.

How much of a mission would it be to use RO water for a while?

Keep em green brother Sol!
Your right blaze, ppm is less of an issue as they get bigger. I haven't watered in 6 days though yet they look OK. According to that soil meter even after 6 days there's still a little moisture...although bordering on the dry so will water after. I might use RO one day but for now I jut wanna keep it grow i'll only use bottled water for the first few weeks & see what difference it makes.

Always keeping it green bro just like you I hope lol!
Thanks guys. Last night I noticed spider mites on one SLH. All the other's seem fine. There isn't many at all so hopefully its easily manageable. There's a few ladybirds in there so hopefully they'll help although I know they like aphids more than mites. Ill try to find more of them outside to bring in.

In the meantime I concocted my own 'spider mite' exterminator haha! I laugh because I just mix whatever's available to me in the hope that it works. So this morning I quickly brewed the following;

- 1ltr tap water
- 10ml hydrogen peroxide (6%)
- 1ml strong glass cleaner (it has alcohol)
- 2ml white vinegar (also lowers pH)

Next time i'll add oil (i.e. corn or veg) , its good to mix it up with these mites. I hate using soap because it messes with the sprayer, I do have one those power sprayer's but I only use it for outside because it makes a mess indoors with water everywhere. Oh & I'm too lazy to carry the plants outside for the task...cause I would have to carry them back inside too :rofl::rofl:

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