Super Lemon Haze & Pure Kush

Thanks everyone. Here's a picture update on day 43 I believe;


See the two sprouts at the back...will be nice to see them grow naturally, all this LST make the other's look flat as pancakes lol!

By the way, I was in a garden shop the other day & I saw potting soil similar to mine. On the bag it mentions pH 5-6.5. Since my soil bag doesn't have pH info its fair to assume (I think) that it will be similar to the one I saw i.e. 5 to 6.5. This would mean I was pH'ing the water all wrong...instead of low 6s I should aim for higher 6s or even low 7s. Worth a try.

hiya sol,

I was making the same exact mistake with my soil grow. I am so used to phing my water, that I completely forgot that my soil has the amendments to naturally ph itself. I was phing mine to 6.3 and ended up causing a nute lock out. my tap water is 7.0-7.2 out of the tap. I am now just pouring that directly into my pots. that was about two weeks ago and it looks like my girl is back on track.



your leaves look a little droopy, did they just wake up? or possibly to much water?
Easy guys, do not over think this. Soil needs PH correct feed and water you can hear about not PH'ing all day long on internet but it depends on pot size and age of plant. New grow in #2 pot or even #5 will need to be PH'ed until mature and keeping feed and water PH close to 6 helps yield. I feed at 5.7 and water at 6. If not, I'll lockout some strains. Sour, Cinex did not mind PH issue, but SLH locked out and I almost lost her.



Haze is front left.

genetics play a major factor.

I was phing my sativa dominate hybrid to 6.3 and got a pretty impressive lock out. I also have another clone (same mother) that I was just giving straight tap water to and it is perfect.
I have managed to save a couple cuttings of white rhino and I am curious to see how a indica dominate handles my soil.

your plants look really nice miller. discolor on the large fan leaf because of ph? what soil do you use? are you adding your own amendments or is it a store bought "ready to go" brand?

By the way, I was in a garden shop the other day & I saw potting soil similar to mine. On the bag it mentions pH 5-6.5. Since my soil bag doesn't have pH info its fair to assume (I think) that it will be similar to the one I saw i.e. 5 to 6.5. This would mean I was pH'ing the water all wrong...instead of low 6s I should aim for higher 6s or even low 7s. Worth a try.


The light-mix I use is 6.3 and supposed to be watered with water pH 6.8-7.2 (before adding nutes)
Thanks for the info buds. I'll probably pH the water at 7 & see what happens. Hopefully they react well to it, especially those damn kush's lol!

With the two newcomers I would like to go organic i.e. instead of adding bottled nutes when the time comes I'll just mix some egg shells & a banana peel in the soil & leave it at that. pH'ing with vinegar only. Does anyone know how long it takes for banana peels/egg shells to compost...if I place them in the soil now when will it start to release nutes?

genetics play a major factor.

I was phing my sativa dominate hybrid to 6.3 and got a pretty impressive lock out. I also have another clone (same mother) that I was just giving straight tap water to and it is perfect.
I have managed to save a couple cuttings of white rhino and I am curious to see how a indica dominate handles my soil.

your plants look really nice miller. discolor on the large fan leaf because of ph? what soil do you use? are you adding your own amendments or is it a store bought "ready to go" brand?

I let the plant go a day over feed/water, it drooped overnight, but I waited till lights on to feed. Lost many fan leave but just trimmed dried dead leaf mass, over next few weeks they all yellowed. In flush now and will harvest in few days.

I came across a few ladybugs outside so I picked up 6 & placed them in the grow room. Its pretty cool watching them crawling & falling about...not sure there's any aphids for them to munch over though. A couple of them were getting too close for my liking, I really don't wanna be seeing hundreds of them soon lol!

I also cut up pieces of a banana peel & buried half in each one of the two small pots with the new sprouts. Might come in handy during late flower...will see.

Just another nosey note, cheers. Unnecessary organics in the soil. My thoughts. I once thought that a few stray leaves or bits of whatever left in the pot might be good for my soil, until I watched said organics in my soil get moldy. No idea why but the absolute last time any outside organics were allowed in my soil. Cheers agin
Just another nosey note, cheers. Unnecessary organics in the soil. My thoughts. I once thought that a few stray leaves or bits of whatever left in the pot might be good for my soil, until I watches said organics in my soil get moldy. No idea why but the absolute last time any outside organics were allowed in my soil. Cheers agin

Thanks for the input nivek, will keep the mold issue in mind. It was only one banana peel between the two so hopefully its not a problem. I thought since my soil was fertilized for 4-6wks they could do with some banana to get em through bloom...

I love watchin ladybugs crawl about. In the warmer days of spring here my window sills are full of them. Plants look great Sol! :high-five:

Sounds nice, do you invite some in your grow space? its cool having a few standing guard. But I don't know what will happen to them if there's no aphids to feed on? not that im hoping for any lol!

Sounds nice, do you invite some in your grow space? its cool having a few standing guard. But I don't know what will happen to them if there's no aphids to feed on? not that im hoping for any lol!


Oh absolutely. I try to keep 4 or 5 per plant. Sometimes I wonder if they get paranoid that theres a giant human starin at em.. Bahahaha.
Oh absolutely. I try to keep 4 or 5 per plant. Sometimes I wonder if they get paranoid that theres a giant human starin at em.. Bahahaha.

Who knows buddy maybe they look at you & think the same lol! I only have one per plant, feeling completely inadequate with your 4 or 5...must find some more lol!

Sounds nice, do you invite some in your grow space? its cool having a few standing guard. But I don't know what will happen to them if there's no aphids to feed on? not that im hoping for any lol!


they tend to go to the light and die off, always sucking up dead ones in my tent, but like STIHL, my window seals, truck door jams you name stay packed with the little things, used to get them just a couple times a year, now they seem to be round all year inside where its warm anyway. I've got them head butting paper wasps in my tents, so they ain't scared of nothing.

Does anyone know how long it takes for banana peels/egg shells to compost...if I place them in the soil now when will it start to release nutes?


hiya sol,

I use a pestle and mortar to "powder" my egg shells. I drop in a couple of sea bird guano pellets for more crushing power. I add it to my soil as part of my amendments. I did a 30 day cook with mine. I also will powder egg shells and add that to the top of my soil when I feed.

i haven't tried to dry out a banana peel yet. but i am sure it would be easier to "powder" than egg shells. maybe ill set some out in the sun for a week or so and see what happens.

i would think that if your ph is dialed in, your plant would be able to use the nutes immediately.

hiya sol,

I use a pestle and mortar to "powder" my egg shells. I drop in a couple of sea bird guano pellets for more crushing power. I add it to my soil as part of my amendments. I did a 30 day cook with mine. I also will powder egg shells and add that to the top of my soil when I feed.

i haven't tried to dry out a banana peel yet. but i am sure it would be easier to "powder" than egg shells. maybe ill set some out in the sun for a week or so and see what happens.

i would think that if your ph is dialed in, your plant would be able to use the nutes immediately.


Thanks for the info mussh. I have a couple of gardenia plants in pots outside which I transplanted from 'heavy' clay soil to a normal potting soil like I use for cannabis. Before doing so I mixed in a couple of egg shells as well as a banana peel...I just broke the shells with my fingers & mixed it in. Banana peels sound highly nutritious though. My gardenia's are a pain in the ass, but that's another story lol!

A few days ago I mentioned being in a garden shop where I noticed a similar potting soil to mine had a pH of 5 to 6.5. Since then I assumed my soil would be the same so was going to start ph'ing the water to low 7s. But earlier I used one of those soil probes that measures moisture, pH & light. Well according to this my soil pH is just under 7. In this case then I should pH my water in the high fives, just like nivek said. Today I watered with pH 5.7 so will see how things turn out. Haven't added any nutes since Feb 27 by the way.

Hello everyone. Been really busy the past week hence my absence. In any case the grow is going well I think i.e. no fatalities lol! I'm still trying to figure out the pH issue with my soil, 2 days I pH'd the water to 5.1 but according to that soil meter the pH is still 7 (hasn't budged). I'm now wondering if there's any point in changing the pH of water in soil grows since it doesn't seem to change it...unless it takes a lot of time I don't know but even then I can't imagine it would move far.

Here's a pic of the main grow...there's another two small seedlings growing under CFL's.


The bottom 3 are the pure kush & top 3 the SLH. Will begin 12/12 on Tuesday making it 8 weeks in total. The canopy feels strange though, they're so small its weird but there's already quite a few shoots on each one so I'm hoping this turns out alright. Lights are on 17hrs now & will gradually decrease until 12hrs on Tuesday.

Peace out.

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