Stunger's Organic Soil Stealth Balcony: Landrace Mulanje & Other Sativas

I said it already but I thought it was an overdose of nutes probably burned the roots or built up too much salt.
I regularly use half strength nutes on sativas and reduce the feeds to quarter strength and finally no nutes for the last couple of weeks.
But thats in coco not soil and with liquid nutes.
Mulanje in its native country grows in the rainy season then finishes flowering in the winter which although still warm has no rain for months. Hence no food.
On the up side the Pan/hon and Mulx Malawi Ethiopian are powering along nicely.
Hello Stunger
Sorry about your baby I have been rooting for her all along. But I am afraid she was just to pot bound which primarily happens at different stages anywhere from veg to flower. In your case even if she was repotted in the size pot she is in now, just one month later she would have been fine. Mulanje is not always the easiest strain to grow, they always seem to need just a bit more attention then most strains. I am sure every grower here has had sad plants in their gardens.
Hell I had one grow where my whole room went that way it's how we learn and become even better gardeners. I truly hope you pull some satisfactory quality colas off her and also give Mulanje another go in the fuure you have a terrific environment there and very good grasp on cultural needs of growing beautiful plants. I am still cheering for you!
Update - more on the Mulanje + quotes

Greetings, and thanks 420 enthusiasts!

I made an update yesterday about the deterioration of the Mulanje. I didn't seem to get any notifications that there were replies until this evening when I was surprised to discover an absolute wealth of wonderful replies, and I will go back and digest them at least 2 or 3 times so I can glean as much as I can from them.
So thank you one and all, for the many wonderful helpful suggestions, it is really appreciated! :thanks:

Were there signs to be seen earlier?

The thoughts and suggestions have made me consider when the Mulanje might have been showing signs of distress, perhaps it looked good enough in other ways for me to not notice it, or overlook it. When I look over the past pictures I have taken, I feel at some point, perhaps mid, or certainly late February, that there were, maybe, signs that it was not growing so well.

A nutrient problem?

I think it is either a damage/disease problem or an excess/deficiency of nutrients. Given that all plants were largely watered with worm wee up until February it does point a finger at the top dressing. Yet, up until early March all plants got the same, by when I feel the Mulanje was already perhaps not the best.

I began a top dressing schedule in early February

As has been pointed out, the application of top dressing could be at fault. I may have accidentally failed to effectively water in the top dressing to avoid no root burn. And this is quite possible, altho I have always watered after doing do, it is quite possible I failed to do it well enough.

Or is root problems or something else?

I really don't know, there was a bad storm period early February that whipped the plants around, especially the Mulanje who got most of it. Was there some unseen damage done?

The training wire I used was the only one available with lockdowns and such. It was fiercely strong wire that actually cut into stems, or rather they grew around it. I won't be buying that again, and in future may use soft plastic loops on the stem themselves. Did that damage make her susceptible to disease?

I don't know.

So lets get to it - Flushing the Mulanje

So thanks to all that has been said, I am guided to realising that I have nothing to lose with trying flushing at this point. @InTheShed made a great suggestion that I would have missed, to first scoop off and remove the top layer that may still contain top dressing matter, which I did, all the old mulch, that was on top of it, and probably an inch underneath too, which left lots of worms exposed. I then added a fresh layer of pea and barley straw mulch on top.

I have never carried out a flush before, but I seemed to remember that many aimed for 3 x pot size. So as the Mulanje was in a 50L (13 gallon) pot, and my watering can was 10L, I made 15 trips to put 150L of water into the Mulanje's pot (before and after dinner).

I would never have thought to putting that amount of water through it, so It will be interesting to observe how it goes. I do feel doing nothing would have only ensured it would deteriorate further, so I am all for carrying out a flush, it actually feels a bit exciting to be doing something different, taking a view from a different angle, which is good.

The balcony line up

Mango Sherbert and Mulanje

Closer pics of the worst

After a 3 x Pot size flush


think if your gut is telling you its off, then my best guess it is mate.

In your situation a post mortem might be in order. Kinda up against it with 4 seperate varities but that fade seems extreme.

I wanna say the answer is in the pot, but Ill just watch on with my fingers crossed.

Ill ask my uncle what he knows about Blood and bone, its the third journal Ive seen weird things happen in. Ive never used it but maybe theres some insight to be gained. Hes in his 90s, not a canna grower, but hes a lifelong gardener.

How far assuming it would finish on time was it from chop?
You know Im thinking about this, looking back through your photos.

At this point I figure if it is a problem in the nutrients, then its maybe not too late.

If its not then it cant hurt to fix.

Id be looking at 3 possible causes in detail.

First, the yellowing began on the lowers and looks to have shifted upward, while the fans have slumped downward. They are all still semi attached. I think we can put that in the facts pile.

So if it was a lack of N, what you would expect is the advance across the plant in a steady slow upward fashion green growthing tops, but slow fading fans heading bottom to top.

If it was Mg, the fade would be splotchy and across the plant, not bottom top to top movement.

If Iron, the fade would show the inners on the fan fingers. (Greener highlights)

So Im left with 2 things to consider.

An N excess might cause these symptoms, if its a salt induced lockout caused by N it could look like this. Perhaps the remedy is a flush. I know Blood and bone is organic, but you can lock with organics. Its not impossible. Its due to natural salts (seen as leachates, or yellow staining).

Once the salts are locking it cant transpirate properly. It could have accelerated that fade.

The other is N excess/def and Iron def combo. This would almost certainly look like what you have, fade from the bottom and uniform yellow fans. The mobility of the N is dependent on Iron.

Yellowing can be induced by both excess and def of N. If the iron is off, then the process would accelerate when adding additional N.

Could be all 3, salt lockout, N ratio too high/low and iron def.

That would look like yours, the rapid fade and additional top dress accelerated the symptoms.

Best I got short of the roots being funked up.

Seems simple. Flush and reset, if hopes lost, cant hurt.

I probably should say noone should be apprehensive in giving that analysis a critique. Its been a long week and Im no star at my best.
Thanks DV8! I think that is really good advice, and really appreciate your thoughts and analysis.
sorry, screwed up a quote here.
I know you're all organic and stuff, but you might be able to save her with a flush for salts and the infusion of CalMag plus Iron. That's what I use and never have N or iron issues. It's mild on the N. Humboldt's Secret product. But that fade does look too extreme, and not sure there's coming back or not.

Happened so quick. That's the most mystifying part to me.

Your disappointment is palpable, sorry man. Hang in there with her though at this point, right?
Cheers Jon! It did happen very quick but when they go they go eh. Gotta live and learn. Anyway, it's great to have an approach to try so thanks for your thoughts!
Hey Stunger!

Plants are looking good except that problematic one....

I know you've already gotten some great advice, and from folks that grow in soil. But I'll toss in a bit of advice as well.
Since roots were listed as a possibility of the cause, and it's hard to rule out until after the chop. Have you considered a microbial tea? There's quite a few options as you know for getting one ready; but it might not be a bad idea with her next watering to giver her one.

hope she pulls through, she's in great hands, so she's got a good chance!!
Cheers Rex! Only yesterday I chucked in a couple of handfuls of worm castings into her water and mixed it up, first time I'd done that with her. But that could be a good thing once the flush has settled, thanks!
Stunger, sorry about the Mulanje, don't know what to say. Afraid it isn't a quick easy fix. This might be a situation where flushing could help.

As I understand it, you thought the yellowing was a lack of N, so you added more, a half cup of Blood n Bone over the past few weeks. But adding more N did not remedy the problem. Now it looks like way more than a simple deficiency. Like @DV8 said, some kind of lockout.

Could this be the N-sensitivity some tropical sativas are said to suffer from?

Tropical sativa breeders, Dubi included, write that some tropical sativas do not do well with even normal amounts of fertilizer, particularly N. Arjan of GHS says this too about their haze strains, e.g., Arjan's Strawberry Haze. Example: ACE Green Haze is said to be happier with very little fertilizer and in particular very low amounts of N or even no N amendment. "[Green Haze] requires medium-low levels of nutrients, especially of Nitrogen. For outdoor growing, it’s best to mix a good base of organic soil rich in guano and humus, and then plant the seeds in a sunny place and leave them to grow at their own rhythm almost without using fertilizers or stimulators." Here's a link to that statement: Green Haze (ACE Seeds) :: Cannabis Strain Info

I never experienced what the consequences of an excessive amount of N would look like in an N-sensitive strain, but this may be what happens. Damn, that Mulanje was a nice looking plant! I sure hope she gets better.

As you know, I am now planning my 2022 haze grow, so am really interested to learn from this. Please post your thoughts going forward.
Thanks Emeraldo! I only gave extra to the Mulanje because I mistakenly thought she was hungry :morenutes:well that's a good lesson to learn. At least I have 3 others to fall back on, and who knows, maybe some of the Mulanje will recover and make it to harvest, altho I don't really think so, but it would be nice to get to try her buds! The low N for Sativas I don't really have anything to compare it with, the other 2 sativas have both had the same top dressings and stayed fairly lush. Hopefully can gain from this to do better next time as I am sure I'll want to grow her again. But they still have to survive the next few weeks and the deteriorating weather.
I'm with the others. The easiest possible "solution" is a good flush and see if that helps. If not, I have another suggestion, but it's going to cost you some money :p.

Buy your wife a shopping spree to get her out of the house and get yourself a nice big tarp to cover the floor in the bedroom, some extra soil mix and a larger pot.

Then take the plant out and have a look at the roots. If it is suddenly pot bound you can give her a bit larger home for the finish. If it is a root issue hopefully you'll be able to diagnose it and maybe just pot it back up in the same container.

A nice big tarp will contain any mess, you wife will be none the wiser, but you will be!
Thanks Azi! The first suggestion seems a great one, but the second, haha, if only! I would love to muck around and up-pot or re-pot her, but it'd be a heck of mess on my own!
Sorry about the Mulanje Stunger. :( I was also thinking that it might be too much of the top-dressing, but before trying a flush I was thinking of scraping off whatever is on the top still to make the flushing more effective. Otherwise a lot of that water is just dissolving what was top-dressed.
Thanks Shed! If an overdose of amendments is the problem then it is well worth doing, and nice knowing it was removed before flushing.
Bummer to see your Mulange looking sad. I hope you manage to bring her round.
Thanks Joe! I hope so too, just a bit of her would be nice to enjoy post harvest!
Oh damn the Mulange is unfortunate. I reckon a flush sounds like a good idea and fingers crossed some can be nursed along . The other girls are looking really nice .
Cheers Zeb! She's all flushed now, I think a great suggestion too. Yes the other girls look well which makes me wonder about the root health. I remember well before she yellowed I felt some of her stems were perhaps more sparse than they should be (that now that are dying), makes me wonder if at that point there was a root/soil issue already occurring. Anyway, a 3 x pot size flush has been carried out, fingers crossed!
I said it already but I thought it was an overdose of nutes probably burned the roots or built up too much salt.
I regularly use half strength nutes on sativas and reduce the feeds to quarter strength and finally no nutes for the last couple of weeks.
But thats in coco not soil and with liquid nutes.
Mulanje in its native country grows in the rainy season then finishes flowering in the winter which although still warm has no rain for months. Hence no food.
On the up side the Pan/hon and Mulx Malawi Ethiopian are powering along nicely.
Cheers Tang! Yes the other 2 sativas seem quite happy, considering the mainstem of the Pan/Hon got broken 3/4 thru and yet it just powered on, amazing, and the Mulx Malawi Ethiopian has been quite delicate but is growing nicely, both lush.
Yeah I may have over done the top dressing for her. I'll certainly go less next time!
Hello Stunger
Sorry about your baby I have been rooting for her all along. But I am afraid she was just to pot bound which primarily happens at different stages anywhere from veg to flower. In your case even if she was repotted in the size pot she is in now, just one month later she would have been fine. Mulanje is not always the easiest strain to grow, they always seem to need just a bit more attention then most strains. I am sure every grower here has had sad plants in their gardens.
Hell I had one grow where my whole room went that way it's how we learn and become even better gardeners. I truly hope you pull some satisfactory quality colas off her and also give Mulanje another go in the fuure you have a terrific environment there and very good grasp on cultural needs of growing beautiful plants. I am still cheering for you!
Cheers tropics! You're right, it's how we learn. This is not time for me to be obstinate! haha. I hope I can gain from this, it would nice make an improvement the next time!
I like how u do things I’ll be watching what u put out way to go and good luck
Thanks Jhigh!

Well folks, thanks for dropping by and helping out! I hope I can report improvement on her in the future, but if not, then hopefully something is learned.
Be well and all the best!:ganjamon:
Great update. Here's hoping the flush works and you get her back on track:passitleft:
Update - more on the Mulanje + quotes

Greetings, and thanks 420 enthusiasts!

I made an update yesterday about the deterioration of the Mulanje. I didn't seem to get any notifications that there were replies until this evening when I was surprised to discover an absolute wealth of wonderful replies, and I will go back and digest them at least 2 or 3 times so I can glean as much as I can from them.
So thank you one and all, for the many wonderful helpful suggestions, it is really appreciated! :thanks:

Were there signs to be seen earlier?

The thoughts and suggestions have made me consider when the Mulanje might have been showing signs of distress, perhaps it looked good enough in other ways for me to not notice it, or overlook it. When I look over the past pictures I have taken, I feel at some point, perhaps mid, or certainly late February, that there were, maybe, signs that it was not growing so well.

A nutrient problem?

I think it is either a damage/disease problem or an excess/deficiency of nutrients. Given that all plants were largely watered with worm wee up until February it does point a finger at the top dressing. Yet, up until early March all plants got the same, by when I feel the Mulanje was already perhaps not the best.

I began a top dressing schedule in early February

As has been pointed out, the application of top dressing could be at fault. I may have accidentally failed to effectively water in the top dressing to avoid no root burn. And this is quite possible, altho I have always watered after doing do, it is quite possible I failed to do it well enough.

Or is root problems or something else?

I really don't know, there was a bad storm period early February that whipped the plants around, especially the Mulanje who got most of it. Was there some unseen damage done?

The training wire I used was the only one available with lockdowns and such. It was fiercely strong wire that actually cut into stems, or rather they grew around it. I won't be buying that again, and in future may use soft plastic loops on the stem themselves. Did that damage make her susceptible to disease?

I don't know.

So lets get to it - Flushing the Mulanje

So thanks to all that has been said, I am guided to realising that I have nothing to lose with trying flushing at this point. @InTheShed made a great suggestion that I would have missed, to first scoop off and remove the top layer that may still contain top dressing matter, which I did, all the old mulch, that was on top of it, and probably an inch underneath too, which left lots of worms exposed. I then added a fresh layer of pea and barley straw mulch on top.

I have never carried out a flush before, but I seemed to remember that many aimed for 3 x pot size. So as the Mulanje was in a 50L (13 gallon) pot, and my watering can was 10L, I made 15 trips to put 150L of water into the Mulanje's pot (before and after dinner).

I would never have thought to putting that amount of water through it, so It will be interesting to observe how it goes. I do feel doing nothing would have only ensured it would deteriorate further, so I am all for carrying out a flush, it actually feels a bit exciting to be doing something different, taking a view from a different angle, which is good.

The balcony line up

Mango Sherbert and Mulanje

Closer pics of the worst

After a 3 x Pot size flush


Thanks DV8! I think that is really good advice, and really appreciate your thoughts and analysis.

Cheers Jon! It did happen very quick but when they go they go eh. Gotta live and learn. Anyway, it's great to have an approach to try so thanks for your thoughts!

Cheers Rex! Only yesterday I chucked in a couple of handfuls of worm castings into her water and mixed it up, first time I'd done that with her. But that could be a good thing once the flush has settled, thanks!

Thanks Emeraldo! I only gave extra to the Mulanje because I mistakenly thought she was hungry :morenutes:well that's a good lesson to learn. At least I have 3 others to fall back on, and who knows, maybe some of the Mulanje will recover and make it to harvest, altho I don't really think so, but it would be nice to get to try her buds! The low N for Sativas I don't really have anything to compare it with, the other 2 sativas have both had the same top dressings and stayed fairly lush. Hopefully can gain from this to do better next time as I am sure I'll want to grow her again. But they still have to survive the next few weeks and the deteriorating weather.

Thanks Azi! The first suggestion seems a great one, but the second, haha, if only! I would love to muck around and up-pot or re-pot her, but it'd be a heck of mess on my own!

Thanks Shed! If an overdose of amendments is the problem then it is well worth doing, and nice knowing it was removed before flushing.

Thanks Joe! I hope so too, just a bit of her would be nice to enjoy post harvest!

Cheers Zeb! She's all flushed now, I think a great suggestion too. Yes the other girls look well which makes me wonder about the root health. I remember well before she yellowed I felt some of her stems were perhaps more sparse than they should be (that now that are dying), makes me wonder if at that point there was a root/soil issue already occurring. Anyway, a 3 x pot size flush has been carried out, fingers crossed!

Cheers Tang! Yes the other 2 sativas seem quite happy, considering the mainstem of the Pan/Hon got broken 3/4 thru and yet it just powered on, amazing, and the Mulx Malawi Ethiopian has been quite delicate but is growing nicely, both lush.
Yeah I may have over done the top dressing for her. I'll certainly go less next time!

Cheers tropics! You're right, it's how we learn. This is not time for me to be obstinate! haha. I hope I can gain from this, it would nice make an improvement the next time!

Thanks Jhigh!

Well folks, thanks for dropping by and helping out! I hope I can report improvement on her in the future, but if not, then hopefully something is learned.
Be well and all the best!:ganjamon:
That's an all-inclusive update. Very cool quoting everyone. Damn I hope she comes back some.
Great update Jon. Here's hoping the flush works and you get her back on track:passitleft:
@LKABudMan - you might want to edit the name in this post.......

And PASS that shit! I want some of whatever you're smoking!

@LKABudMan - you might want to edit the name in this post.......

And PASS that shit! I want some of whatever you're smoking!

I did right after you posted. Thanks.
@LKABudMan - you might want to edit the name in this post.......

And PASS that shit! I want some of whatever you're smoking!

It's hilarious cuz I do that all the time. When you're in a bunch of journals it's inevitable.
We wait in hope Stunger. Got my fingers crossed for you.

Even those pics today look rough. Poor girl. Shecwas so lovely for so long.

If she goes kaput then jump right into a post mortem, whatever went down will need an answer for your grows sake.

You might only be left with the best guesses, and remember to take good pics. Im amazed at what others bring to the table given the right information. The answer might be obvious, or may take some time to diagnose.
Update - more on the Mulanje + quotes

Greetings, and thanks 420 enthusiasts!

I made an update yesterday about the deterioration of the Mulanje. I didn't seem to get any notifications that there were replies until this evening when I was surprised to discover an absolute wealth of wonderful replies, and I will go back and digest them at least 2 or 3 times so I can glean as much as I can from them.
So thank you one and all, for the many wonderful helpful suggestions, it is really appreciated! :thanks:

Were there signs to be seen earlier?

The thoughts and suggestions have made me consider when the Mulanje might have been showing signs of distress, perhaps it looked good enough in other ways for me to not notice it, or overlook it. When I look over the past pictures I have taken, I feel at some point, perhaps mid, or certainly late February, that there were, maybe, signs that it was not growing so well.

A nutrient problem?

I think it is either a damage/disease problem or an excess/deficiency of nutrients. Given that all plants were largely watered with worm wee up until February it does point a finger at the top dressing. Yet, up until early March all plants got the same, by when I feel the Mulanje was already perhaps not the best.

I began a top dressing schedule in early February

As has been pointed out, the application of top dressing could be at fault. I may have accidentally failed to effectively water in the top dressing to avoid no root burn. And this is quite possible, altho I have always watered after doing do, it is quite possible I failed to do it well enough.

Or is root problems or something else?

I really don't know, there was a bad storm period early February that whipped the plants around, especially the Mulanje who got most of it. Was there some unseen damage done?

The training wire I used was the only one available with lockdowns and such. It was fiercely strong wire that actually cut into stems, or rather they grew around it. I won't be buying that again, and in future may use soft plastic loops on the stem themselves. Did that damage make her susceptible to disease?

I don't know.

So lets get to it - Flushing the Mulanje

So thanks to all that has been said, I am guided to realising that I have nothing to lose with trying flushing at this point. @InTheShed made a great suggestion that I would have missed, to first scoop off and remove the top layer that may still contain top dressing matter, which I did, all the old mulch, that was on top of it, and probably an inch underneath too, which left lots of worms exposed. I then added a fresh layer of pea and barley straw mulch on top.

I have never carried out a flush before, but I seemed to remember that many aimed for 3 x pot size. So as the Mulanje was in a 50L (13 gallon) pot, and my watering can was 10L, I made 15 trips to put 150L of water into the Mulanje's pot (before and after dinner).

I would never have thought to putting that amount of water through it, so It will be interesting to observe how it goes. I do feel doing nothing would have only ensured it would deteriorate further, so I am all for carrying out a flush, it actually feels a bit exciting to be doing something different, taking a view from a different angle, which is good.

The balcony line up

Mango Sherbert and Mulanje

Closer pics of the worst

After a 3 x Pot size flush


Thanks DV8! I think that is really good advice, and really appreciate your thoughts and analysis.

Cheers Jon! It did happen very quick but when they go they go eh. Gotta live and learn. Anyway, it's great to have an approach to try so thanks for your thoughts!

Cheers Rex! Only yesterday I chucked in a couple of handfuls of worm castings into her water and mixed it up, first time I'd done that with her. But that could be a good thing once the flush has settled, thanks!

Thanks Emeraldo! I only gave extra to the Mulanje because I mistakenly thought she was hungry :morenutes:well that's a good lesson to learn. At least I have 3 others to fall back on, and who knows, maybe some of the Mulanje will recover and make it to harvest, altho I don't really think so, but it would be nice to get to try her buds! The low N for Sativas I don't really have anything to compare it with, the other 2 sativas have both had the same top dressings and stayed fairly lush. Hopefully can gain from this to do better next time as I am sure I'll want to grow her again. But they still have to survive the next few weeks and the deteriorating weather.

Thanks Azi! The first suggestion seems a great one, but the second, haha, if only! I would love to muck around and up-pot or re-pot her, but it'd be a heck of mess on my own!

Thanks Shed! If an overdose of amendments is the problem then it is well worth doing, and nice knowing it was removed before flushing.

Thanks Joe! I hope so too, just a bit of her would be nice to enjoy post harvest!

Cheers Zeb! She's all flushed now, I think a great suggestion too. Yes the other girls look well which makes me wonder about the root health. I remember well before she yellowed I felt some of her stems were perhaps more sparse than they should be (that now that are dying), makes me wonder if at that point there was a root/soil issue already occurring. Anyway, a 3 x pot size flush has been carried out, fingers crossed!

Cheers Tang! Yes the other 2 sativas seem quite happy, considering the mainstem of the Pan/Hon got broken 3/4 thru and yet it just powered on, amazing, and the Mulx Malawi Ethiopian has been quite delicate but is growing nicely, both lush.
Yeah I may have over done the top dressing for her. I'll certainly go less next time!

Cheers tropics! You're right, it's how we learn. This is not time for me to be obstinate! haha. I hope I can gain from this, it would nice make an improvement the next time!

Thanks Jhigh!

Well folks, thanks for dropping by and helping out! I hope I can report improvement on her in the future, but if not, then hopefully something is learned.
Be well and all the best!:ganjamon:

Let's hope the flushing will help getting her on track, mate. I suggest you also remove all the dead leaves, and leaves that are about to die. They are doing her no good. Removing them will make her prettier for you to look at as well. ;)
Let's hope the flushing will help getting her on track, mate. I suggest you also remove all the dead leaves, and leaves that are about to die. They are doing her no good. Removing them will make her prettier for you to look at as well. ;)
Thanks Nick, but I think she's dead as doornail. After the 150L flush that I put thru her we have had lots of rain and wind further dumping down, she had completely collapsed by the next day. I still want to check her out closely in good weather to see if there is anything psychoactive exists that I can try, before chucking her. I hoped that perhaps a few parts might keep going but it doesn't look like it.

This morning, I made use of the first window of calmness to move around the pecking order for sunlight on the balcony, the Mulanje was in the prime spot which is wasted if she's not alive to make use of it. At least the others are all looking well, I'll put an update up shortly.
So sorry to hear that Stunger. :( Just out of curiosity, did the branches break off from the trunk? That's a sign of fusarium.
Man that is a shame. She was a real looker too. Oh well on to the next.
So sorry to hear that Stunger. :( Just out of curiosity, did the branches break off from the trunk? That's a sign of fusarium.
Thanks Shed! No, I couldn't see any damage or weakness like that, but I still have her so will look more closely. This morning in a window of opportunity I achieved the main aim of repositioning the other 3 plants to make the most of the available direct sunlight. The balcony tiles are a bit messy from dragging the pots around, I have to be careful not to clomp it back into the house.
Man that is a shame. She was a real looker too. Oh well on to the next.
Cheer LK! Yep, it is. And you're right, on to the next! I just have to try and establish as best I can what went wrong so I can learn from it. S far it is looking like I should never have given top dressing altho the other 3 plants including a half Mulanje cross, all look quite fine.
Bummer. That sucks. Sorry.
Cheers Joe, it is gutting. Thanks.
Sorry to hear about the Mulanje- I missed the discussion last week, but I couldn't have
done you any good anyway....My plant also yellowed and lost her leaves, but that was my doing....
The only thing I can think of is maybe all that wind cracked/broke the stalk just under the ground, so basically the roots aren't connected to the plant anymore, or barely so?
That's all I've got...but thank goodness the other 3 aren't affected!
Sorry to hear about the Mulanje- I missed the discussion last week, but I couldn't have
done you any good anyway....My plant also yellowed and lost her leaves, but that was my doing....
The only thing I can think of is maybe all that wind cracked/broke the stalk just under the ground, so basically the roots aren't connected to the plant anymore, or barely so?
That's all I've got...but thank goodness the other 3 aren't affected!
Hey thanks for thoughts Carcass! Yeah, thankfully the other 3 seem good.
Aw man I was really hoping for some good news Brother.

Its a real pity, as she was such a beautiful girl, to see it end like this seems wholly unfair.

I take it though the other girls are fine? It seems so given what youve said, but what a d**k punch as its expressed at my work.

May we remember her in her glory before a tragic and premature death.
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