Stunger's Organic Soil Stealth Balcony: Landrace Mulanje & Other Sativas

I see a little stem or "pedestal" under the growth on #1 (telltale sign of male). And that is not the case for #2.

Oh, but they are looking wonderful!

If you get a male, are you going to harvest pollen?
Thanks Emeraldo. Yes, I'm hoping for a male and some pollen. I am most wanting a Mulanje male and female to make some more pure Mulanje seeds, and if that occurs I'd be happy to selectively pollinate a branch or two of the other strains if they're female.
Beautiful green color. You have that low crawl down pat. Great structure! This early a start, sativa can get huge. :ganjamon:
Thanks stinker. I have seen some sativa listed as being short and yet others are really tall, I recall seeing one in Nepal that reached the second story of a building (one guy sat resting his back against it for a couple of days before realising it was a cannabis tree). I have no idea how tall or not mine will want to grow, but whatever their inclinations there can be no rainforest show-offs on this balcony!
I'm sitting on my hands for another week before I commit! They're looking great no matter what sex they are though. :)
Thanks Shed. There always a bit of apprehension after up-potting, that the amended and rested soil will be agreeable to the plants.
They're feeling the love Stunger!
Thanks Otter! Touch wood, they seem to be alright so far thankfully.
Update - Rainy day weather, partial gender reveal, and a conundrum

Greetings all, I wasn't going to do another update so soon but the rain is pebble dashing the house and the plant's leaves are all curling down from the onslaught.


I included these as they just look nice with the rain drops on them

It's a girl!

I took a quick look earlier during a slight break in the weather and I spotted pistils had erupted on the Mulanje #2. In fact, on of the closeups I posted in my last update, on 1 pic it showed 2 little points of the pistils starting to erupt, so today confirms it.

I am guessing that the Mulanje #1 is a male, but I won't confirm it until I can see multiple pollen balls. If it is a male, then that will be great as I can use it's pollen to make a bunch of seeds with the female Mulanje.

Sorry about the picture quality but here's the confirmation!

And now, the conundrum...

Prior to topping the 2 plants, I noted that the Mulanje #2 was close to 50% taller than the Mulanje #1, so hence I took a guess that the #2 was a male and up-potted it to the smaller 30L/8Gallon pot with the idea that I will eventually relocate that downstairs to the ground when it starts to shed pollen. But now it looks like I have up-potted the wrong way around, the probable male is in the bigger 50L/13gallon pot which is going to be real bugger for me to carry that weight downstairs. So my conundrum is, shall I un-do the LST training and take off the mulch layer before scooping them out of their pots and swapping them over in the hope I don't damage the roots. I'd prefer the female Mulanje to have the benefit of the bigger pot but at the same time I don't want to overly stress it. They were up-potted 9 days ago so their roots will have grown out to some extent. Hmmm...

All the best everyone, be well!
It looks like the only root damage might be to the suspected male, since he'd be going into a smaller pot.
If you lay the smaller pot on it's side, you might be able to just slide the plant out without breaking up the rootball, slide it into the bigger pot and fill in the soil after you stand it back up.
The male might get some damage when you downpot it, but hey- it's a male anyway, and they don't have to get very big to "work their magic" on the ladies... :)
Alrhough- I wouldn't declare that one a male for a day or 2- if it turns out a female, you obviously won't need to up pot that one, but you'll still need to uppot the existing female..
So, either way, it looks like you'll be uppotting something ..
It looks like the only root damage might be to the suspected male, since he'd be going into a smaller pot.
If you lay the smaller pot on it's side, you might be able to just slide the plant out without breaking up the rootball, slide it into the bigger pot and fill in the soil after you stand it back up.
The male might get some damage when you downpot it, but hey- it's a male anyway, and they don't have to get very big to "work their magic" on the ladies... :)
Alrhough- I wouldn't declare that one a male for a day or 2- if it turns out a female, you obviously won't need to up pot that one, but you'll still need to uppot the existing female..
So, either way, it looks like you'll be uppotting something ..
Cheers Carcass, good points you mention and I share your thoughts, thanks!
Hmm. Nice problem to have, from where I sit. But really, even if a little root damage occurs, it will mend quickly.

I always enjoy your posts and photos! Watching your grow gets me through the winter... Cheers
shall I un-do the LST training and take off the mulch layer before scooping them out of their pots and swapping them over in the hope I don't damage the roots.

I give you this:

and later, this:


(Note: the brown on the buds is from overly aggressive droughting near the end.)
Mulanje have 2 main phenos one shorter with big colas and one taller also with big colas they could both easily be female I would wait for confirmation.
Well the taller one is a girl. It's currently raining non stop, I just need some fine weather again to check more closely on the other plant, but I have my suspicions because so far it's parts may look a little crab claw'ish/male.
Nice early start to flowering they dont start in Aussie until the end of Feb most of the time your going well.
You can also savagely prune them if needed its hard to kill Malawi plants.
I have found that here that they generally start flowering around mid Feb. I only saw pistils at one node, so I am not sure if it signifies a general outbreak of pistils which would surprise me this early, or whether they are just a couple of random early ones.

I give you this:
Yikes! I'm going to have to be very careful so I don't drop a load of soil thru the house and get into trouble with the other half.
General Update

Greetings good 420 folks! I was going to do an update yesterday but my brother bought a fishing drone, so instead we went and tried it out. Wow usually when we go fishing we just end up feeding the fish and coming home empty handed but with the drone we caught Snapper on every 'cast', got 4 good ones to bring home and the smaller ones were released. Still buzzing over how effective it was, but now back to gardening!

With the Mulanje, I am pretty convinced I have 1 male and 1 female. Which altho I am greedy for buds, I am really pleased that now I should be able to get some pollen from the male and make some landrace Mulanje seeds. With so many hybrids these days, this landrace strain is too good to squander!

I also switched the female Mulanje (#2) to the bigger 50L/13gallon pot that the now suspected male was in. The suspected male Mulanje is now in a smaller 30L/8gallon pot that I will soon remove from the balcony and put it somewhere discrete in the garden where it can hopefully produce it's pollen without attracting attention.

The 2 seedlings are now young plants and will be soon be ready to be up-potted. Currently I cannot ascertain what their gender is, but I will put a 'node' pic of each up for reference. They were a bit late being germinated so I may not top them, but use LST instead, altho I'd like to see the sign of gender first.

Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras (regular)

Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje (regular)

Mulanje #1 (suspected male)

Mulanje #2 (female)

That's it for now, thanks for dropping in, and may your gardens be lush and blooming!:ganjamon:
Your plants are looking great, mate!
Thanks Nick!
Nothing like fresh snapper. That coast must be beautiful. Seeing NZ is on my bucket list.
Cheers stinker! NZ is blessed with a lot of coastline.
Way to go on the drone man lovely snapper especially off the beach, yellow tail ki
Thanks Tang! That was the very first use of it, a little stressful as she zoomed out to the horizon and we were wondering if it was going to come back. But we got at least one fish every cast, so I have to say it was amazing.
So you spot them with the drone and catch them with rod and reel?
Cheers Otter! No, this drone doesn't have a camera. Obviously it is more cost for camera versions but yes you can do that if there are fish to spot, e.g. taking part in 'boil up' near the surface. But as soon as the first cast had dropped and the line was tightened, the rod started getting strikes, it was impressive.
I'm with you on the sex guesses Stunger, especially since they're the same variety and the same age. All the plants are looking great though! And congrats on outsmarting the fish with technology. Nice to find a use for those drones besides spotting balcony cannnabis grows. ;)
Thanks Shed!
Yes I am so glad that drones are banned from being flown around people's homes as my balcony stealth attempts would be a fail.
Thanks Otter!

Cheers McRib, hope you're keeping well.

Thanks Rex, hope I don't disappoint!

Thanks Nick!

Cheers stinker! NZ is blessed with a lot of coastline.

Thanks Tang! That was the very first use of it, a little stressful as she zoomed out to the horizon and we were wondering if it was going to come back. But we got at least one fish every cast, so I have to say it was amazing.

Cheers Otter! No, this drone doesn't have a camera. Obviously it is more cost for camera versions but yes you can do that if there are fish to spot, e.g. taking part in 'boil up' near the surface. But as soon as the first cast had dropped and the line was tightened, the rod started getting strikes, it was impressive.

Thanks Shed!
Yes I am so glad that drones are banned from being flown around people's homes as my balcony stealth attempts would be a
General Update

Greetings good 420 folks! I was going to do an update yesterday but my brother bought a fishing drone, so instead we went and tried it out. Wow usually when we go fishing we just end up feeding the fish and coming home empty handed but with the drone we caught Snapper on every 'cast', got 4 good ones to bring home and the smaller ones were released. Still buzzing over how effective it was, but now back to gardening!

With the Mulanje, I am pretty convinced I have 1 male and 1 female. Which altho I am greedy for buds, I am really pleased that now I should be able to get some pollen from the male and make some landrace Mulanje seeds. With so many hybrids these days, this landrace strain is too good to squander!

I also switched the female Mulanje (#2) to the bigger 50L/13gallon pot that the now suspected male was in. The suspected male Mulanje is now in a smaller 30L/8gallon pot that I will soon remove from the balcony and put it somewhere discrete in the garden where it can hopefully produce it's pollen without attracting attention.

The 2 seedlings are now young plants and will be soon be ready to be up-potted. Currently I cannot ascertain what their gender is, but I will put a 'node' pic of each up for reference. They were a bit late being germinated so I may not top them, but use LST instead, altho I'd like to see the sign of gender first.

Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras (regular)

Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje (regular)

Mulanje #1 (suspected male)

Mulanje #2 (female)

That's it for now, thanks for dropping in, and may your gardens be lush and blooming!:ganjamon:
yep do beleive its female
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