Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!

Nice update brother.... Godfather og is looking happy, healthy and well.
The other girl's look nice as well.. Strawberry cough is one I'd like to grow too.
I am still a little concerned with her light'ish colour but are hoping she'll start to pick up and motor soon.:bong:
Interesting how the cbd structure is one big bud....
I am sure it is from her not getting enough sun, a grow buddy's is growing a seed from the same packet and his is a larger multi-branch plant instead of a mono branch plant!:yummy:
I am sure it is from her not getting enough sun, a grow buddy's is growing a seed from the same packet and his is a larger multi-branch plant instead of a mono branch plant!:yummy:
if he's a good mate you could save pollen and ask him can you do one branch and split the seeds :)
Hey Koro :ciao: good to see that summer has started for you! Looks like everything is about to kick off.:yummy:
You don’t wear glasses? Treat yourself for chrissy, mate. Trust me, those headaches and that secret brain tumour you don’t want to go to the doctor about - clears right up! :laugh::nerd-with-glasses:
Hey Koro :ciao: good to see that summer has started for you! Looks like everything is about to kick off.:yummy:
You don’t wear glasses? Treat yourself for chrissy, mate. Trust me, those headaches and that secret brain tumour you don’t want to go to the doctor about - clears right up! :laugh::nerd-with-glasses:
I had been using some supermarket glasses for 'assistance' when I needed to look at fine print but then about a year and half ago I got proper prescription lenses, but found the prescription ones were terrible and gave me pain/discomfort behind the eye. They said to keep wearing them that I had to get used to them, but same result, I just couldn't do it. Then they remeasured my eyes and found that for my right eye they had given me +2.75 when it should have been +1.75. So they remade the glass with new lenses, better in one sense but now I find I have to use a very tight focal range for both lenses to stay in focus. It leaves me with the thought that instead of trying to correct each individual eye that it would have been better to bring the stronger eye up to normal and just give the weaker eye the same magnification, like one's natural eyesight where generally one eye is always weaker. Anyway, it sounds ridiculous but most of the time I simply use the old supermarket glass with same strength lenses, they feel far more comfortable. But when I go back to the Optometrist I won't be returning to Specsavers as I have no confidence in them, a waste of $300. Even after they established that they got the first prescription so wrong they were surly and behaved like I was a trouble maker when they got the prescription wrong. Anyway, when I'm wearing the glasses now and looking at the plants I just find that my old good eyesight made things so much easier and better, everything was in focus back then! :nerd-with-glasses:
Even after they established that they got the first prescription so wrong they were surly and behaved like I was a trouble maker when they got the prescription wrong.
Cu(nt)stomer services, kiwi style. Oh, yes!
It makes everyone look like an idiot when you pay the minimum wage, which is less than a living wage, on a zero hour contract OMG don’t get me started :rolleyes:

Anyway, it doesn’t sound as though your expensive specs were ever set up properly. Your first fitting should have centred each lens to each eye and pitched your focus like tuning a violin. If you don’t remember them doing that then they didn’t. Perhaps another optometrist might be able to set up your frames to pitch the lenses correctly for you without too much of a hassle? Just a thought.

Then you can stop loading those blurry pictures we all squint at ;)

Too bad about your Mexican sativas, btw. Having just caught up with haps I just want say Aue! Too bad about the Mexicana, Koro. I was looking forward to seeing that one happen for you.
Then you can stop loading those blurry pictures we all squint at ;)

Haha, yes I agree. The pics on this grow have all been taken from my phone. We just replaced our computer after the last one suddenly went kaput, forgot to pick up a USB-C USB 3.0 adapter for it. Hopefully can soon be posting some sharper pics.:ganjamon:
I have been spraying her for the last 15 days usually twice a day with Colloidal Silver in an attempt to reverse her sex. Obviously I will fail to get any real harvest from her but if I got some female seeds instead then I'd be rapt. I have been spraying her top to bottom but only on one side. We'll see how she goes in another week or two. As well as being pungent she is also quite frosty with trichomes but very small. I am looking forward to checking out the high CBD nature of her bud when she's ready.
I'm sure you know this but I'm not sure it was clear can't use the flowers for smoking or edibles from a plant sprayed for reversal, whether it works or not.
already her smell is pouring into the house.
Better into the house than over the railing! :goodjob:
for my right eye they had given me +2.75 when it should have been +1.75.
What? That's crazy! Between me and my wife we have 15 pairs of cheap readers scattered around the house, from 1.0 to 2.25. o_O
Cu(nt)stomer services, kiwi style. Oh, yes!
Then you can stop loading those blurry pictures we all squint at
Hopefully can soon be posting some sharper pics.
I think DD was joking. They look good to me in my 1.25s. :)
Haha, yes I agree. The pics on this grow have all been taken from my phone. We just replaced our computer after the last one suddenly went kaput, forgot to pick up a USB-C USB 3.0 adapter for it. Hopefully can soon be posting some sharper pics.:ganjamon:
I was joking. Now I have to get my own glasses checked :rolleyes:
Stunger, I'd recommend visiting the university student optometry clinic where you are. It's cheaper, and the students are way more likely (ironically) to give you better attention/care than a commercial clinic. I had a good time there. Worth looking into! Oops that last sentence was an unintentional pun!
General Update

Trying to root the topping of the Godfather OG.
I abandoned this attempt after 23 days, the stalk of the cutting became covered in some sort of 'gloop' with bubbles in it, in spite of regularly changing the water and cleaning it off. I was hoping that the 'gloop' was some sort of precursor to rabid rooting, but no, it just seemed to be a sign that the cutting was deteriorating. The jelly like gloop seemed to occur and persist after I deliberately scraped some of the stalk with the idea it may stimulate rooting. It was a failed attempt, but useful to try given the topping would have been wasted otherwise. I feel it went downhill when I removed the humidity dome for a couple of days, and where it was left got too hot and it look quite wilted in a way that it wasn't able to recover from. It was worth a shot. I'll have a think as to how I can do it differently next time as it is a shame to waste a cutting from a topped plant if it can be grown out too.

Spraying. I sprayed insecticide soap on the plants this morning as a few aphids were visible, probably more that my eyesight didn't see, really just on the CBD 'mutant' plant. I will start foliar feeding very soon as the plants last year seemed to enjoy that.

Training. Today I start using LST on both the Godfather OG and the Mango Sherbert

Godfather OG

I began LST on her 5 arms to keep them roughly level. I didn't attempt to do so in a symmetrical shape as I did last year as I found the roundness of the canopy made it cumbersome to get up under the plants. So I have let her go out towards 3 quarters and leaving one side free. I will probably supercrop her soon to further keep her level and compact. Overall she appears to be looking good and happy.

Mango Sherbert

She is growing the biggest leaves of all the girls. Today I applied a restraining counter training wire half way up her trunk/stalk and another to one of her top nodes which I used to bend her over a bit. If I had more vegging time available I would have topped her and quadlined her. But with flowering to start in a month I didn't want to risk slowing her down so instead I am employing LST to train her so her growing height is restrained while being encouraged to grow out more horizontally.

Strawberry Cough

This girl has been growing super low with very short internodal distances. She also has been 'lighter' in colour than her balcony sisters, which I am unsure why, maybe it is a characteristic of the strain but somehow I doubt that, her pot of organic soil was all re-amended and left to settle over Winter like the soil of her balcony sisters and their foliage doesn't appear as light, so her soil shouldn't be lacking. Just in case, 2 days ago I applied a light layer of Blood and Bone to the soil surface and watered it in just to see if her foliage would pick up. So far it has only been 2 days and hard to determine so early. But this morning's picture she appears OK and seems to have grown a little but still quite small. In full sun light her foliage looks lighter, here in this picture she is in the shade. I am hoping she'll soon get her skates on and start to motor with flowering imminent next month. She is my Sativa dominant choice for this grow.
Yes the Godfather has cranked it up a notch, she looking good now to build a bit of a veg base for flowering. Sure am hoping so! :ganjamon:

The Mango Sherbert has also picked it up. Big sized leaves she’s got. I hope to get her building a bit of a horizontal base too before nature’s fast approaching commencement of flowering.
Fantastic update brother...It would've been great to see them all booming but it's been a strange summer so far..
They'll still turn into some great plants I'm sure...
Lets hope you smash those little bugs over as the plants are looking very nice so far.
Have a good week brother
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