Stu’s First Grow

Bahhhhhh, after close inspection, looks like I nute burned 5-9 plants last night got quite a few neon green leaf tips and some dry edges on fan leaves...I gave 1/2 strength Sensi grow part a&b..... so now to repair this just ph’d water for a couple waterings and no nutes?
First screw up.... many more to come I’m sure and yes I ripped that leaf :confused: old shakey here
Just a normal little plant showing a little stress. As shed said just keep an eye on it. The other plant you ended up FIMing and you can try and train that one into 6 main lines if you want. I've seen it done and it turns out pretty well. You have others that were quadlined so you'll be able to experiment with one now! Things really look fine here. Just always take a deep breath and then try to compare them from day to day to see if things are getting worse or better or staying the same. If the answer is anything but getting worse then you are A-OK.
You're a brave man, I'm going to be very nervous topping mine here soon lol.
Keep up the good work my fellow countryman

Brave is not the first word I’d have choose for myself lol :)
And indeed was scary, first clip I used scissors all the rest I used a steral new exacto blade, was much cleaner cuts.

Do you have a journal also?

Hey Stu. I haven't read the whole thread, but did you manage to get your humidity up to where you wanted? I face similar issues here - tis the season where every time I touch a door handle I wonder if I'll get shocked, and it came earlier than usual this year. I found a warm air humidifier works really well. The plants in veg love both the humidity and the warmer temperature.
Hey man, thx for stopping by, I did get it under control :), ended up buying a warm and a cool humidifier cool is inside the tent beside a fan and the warm mist is outside the tent being sucked in via dryer ducting and a inline fan... have been holding 45 to 50 last couple weeks.
This weekend I plan to make a feed system for the cool one as it has a small tank and I need to fill every 10 hrs. I plan to add a hose bib and hose to a 5 gallon pail outside the tent feeding the cool humidifier a very slow rate of continues water, got a bib and washers already to do it in the morning
I’ve added my city to my sig, does anyone know if that’s frowned apon?
I’m still trying to find someone to adopt my blue cookie plant!
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