Stoney's First Journal: Cheap Tents & LEDs With High Brix Blend - Fall 2018

. Get a laugh outta the sounds some of em make when they hit the ball....
Watched the QF match between Nadal and Thiem and that was quite a sound fest! Friggin amazing match too - could have gone either way. I think Thiem’s one handed backhand os teh best I’ve seen - at least it was in that QF. I was a big Agassi fan too. Saw him play live a couple of times.
The open is coming down to it now... I predict a very stoned weekend in front of the telly for me
Looking great Stoney! I hope you bag a buck! No offense to riffle hunters but bow and arrow seems so much more sporting. :high-five:


Somehow, I missed this--agreed Ween!

Archery has been one of the single greatest disciplines I've ever taken on in my life. It terms of what it does for me, I rank it up there with music, meditation, gardening, fishing, hiking, yoga--that kinda stuff--the type of stuff that tends to make the rest of life better :)

Started hunting only 8 years ago, aimless and hopeless--nobody in my family hunts. Had to teach myself, and it wasn't until I picked up the bow, 5 years ago, that I was *forced* to learn to how to really move and interact with the environment, and learn how to be totally ***utterly*** still.

Ever needed to sit *so still*, that you've sat as a mosquito buzzed irritatingly around your head and, moving only your eyes, you watch as he lands right on your nose, and drills his little beak into ya?

You feel him land. You feel the ever-so-slight *pinch* of his peck. The only thing moving is the heart beating in your chest and the gentle rise of your shoulders as you breath. You try to concentrate on sounds of the forest, on what may be right around the corner, and on NOT swatting the vampire as he gets fatter, and fatter, sucking your blood out for minutes before he's done. You let him finish his business, and fly away. The tip of your nose isn't a red bump just yet, but you know it's coming. The relief of sweet solitude is short. You hear the other mosquitoes jockey for position as you continue to try and suppress the god-awful fart you've imprisioned inside you, knowing it's escape would alert every animal in the forest of your presence, and make a waste of the 5 hours you spent to drive just to have the pleasure of this experience.

It ain't exactly romantic and don't-ask-me-why, but something in it speaks to me.

Well, that, and the wife and I are truly grossed-out by most Factory Farm meats, products, practices, etc, and we spend less than $100 annually for the household for those kind of products. Being a guy that likes to eat a lot of protein, that means we end up needing to hunt, fish, and forage the rest. 2 deer and 1 bear per year does us just fine--especially when we're mixing in a few turkeys, doves, quail, ducks, and a lot of foraged greens and mushrooms in the winter months.

We're a weird crew!

Only 4 pages in and here I am! Plants look good bud!

Thanks Yeti, and welcome! Boy, if y'all couln't tell....that malawi really hit me this mornin.
A sad update:

Upon returning to the grow tents, I found, for the first time, some PM on two plants--the Sherbet, and the Spacer Auto. I also found some drench pooled, sitting in the corner of the floor of the tent. My assistant must have been a bit careless when feeding, or otherwise not noticed the 1/4 gal of accumulated liquid on the floor. Bummer. Never had PM in there, and I have little tolerance for that sort of thing, so I removed the plants entirely.

The spacer has gone outside, in hopes that she might still finish out and provide some edible or salve material. The Sherbet was plucked by hand with fresh buds going straight into a gallon bag, labeled 'mold weed', and put into the freezer. It was plenty sticky, and probably only 2 weeks out or so, so if anyone has bright ideas on what to do with that material, I'm all ears. Maybe some more salve, or more CCO...either way, not a chance in hell it's getting smoked.

Maybe this was all just good cosmic timing, as the veg tent is bursting at the damn seems. I'll be putting the big BBTW and 2 BCP's into flower in the next few days, now that there's space. Probably going in 10 gallon fabric pots, but I could be convinced of some other configuration...

Anyhow, below are some pics. Sorry for the let down folks, I had big hopes for that 20 gal Sherbet, but I played with fire, and we all know what that tends to lead to...

A sad update:

Upon returning to the grow tents, I found, for the first time, some PM on two plants--the Sherbet, and the Spacer Auto. I also found some drench pooled, sitting in the corner of the floor of the tent. My assistant must have been a bit careless when feeding, or otherwise not noticed the 1/4 gal of accumulated liquid on the floor. Bummer. Never had PM in there, and I have little tolerance for that sort of thing, so I removed the plants entirely.

The spacer has gone outside, in hopes that she might still finish out and provide some edible or salve material. The Sherbet was plucked by hand with fresh buds going straight into a gallon bag, labeled 'mold weed', and put into the freezer. It was plenty sticky, and probably only 2 weeks out or so, so if anyone has bright ideas on what to do with that material, I'm all ears. Maybe some more salve, or more CCO...either way, not a chance in hell it's getting smoked.

Maybe this was all just good cosmic timing, as the veg tent is bursting at the damn seems. I'll be putting the big BBTW and 2 BCP's into flower in the next few days, now that there's space. Probably going in 10 gallon fabric pots, but I could be convinced of some other configuration...

Anyhow, below are some pics. Sorry for the let down folks, I had big hopes for that 20 gal Sherbet, but I played with fire, and we all know what that tends to lead to...

Oh man what a bummer, Sorry you had to come home to that :(
Bummer Stoney. Do you have a sulfur burner? You should really do a sulfur burn before putting more plants in there. I can't tolerate PM either and once a plant shows signs the clones of that strain get killed. I've had to deal with it twice in 4 years. TGA strains are the worst for me. Burners are fairly cheap on the zon.
As for what to do with the bud, if you add the H2o2 wash it will kill the mold and then you can make CCO without any concern. The alcohol will kill it too during the extraction.
A sad update:

Upon returning to the grow tents, I found, for the first time, some PM on two plants--the Sherbet, and the Spacer Auto. I also found some drench pooled, sitting in the corner of the floor of the tent. My assistant must have been a bit careless when feeding, or otherwise not noticed the 1/4 gal of accumulated liquid on the floor. Bummer. Never had PM in there, and I have little tolerance for that sort of thing, so I removed the plants entirely.

The spacer has gone outside, in hopes that she might still finish out and provide some edible or salve material. The Sherbet was plucked by hand with fresh buds going straight into a gallon bag, labeled 'mold weed', and put into the freezer. It was plenty sticky, and probably only 2 weeks out or so, so if anyone has bright ideas on what to do with that material, I'm all ears. Maybe some more salve, or more CCO...either way, not a chance in hell it's getting smoked.

Maybe this was all just good cosmic timing, as the veg tent is bursting at the damn seems. I'll be putting the big BBTW and 2 BCP's into flower in the next few days, now that there's space. Probably going in 10 gallon fabric pots, but I could be convinced of some other configuration...

Anyhow, below are some pics. Sorry for the let down folks, I had big hopes for that 20 gal Sherbet, but I played with fire, and we all know what that tends to lead to...

Hay Stoney Next time you need someone to watch your baby's call me I'm
not that far and will keep good notes ;) Guaranty the place will be in better
condition than you left it :peace:
:thanks: Thanks for all the love and words of encouragement, folks. Gazoo--what an offer! You got it, man, careful what cha wish for :) :slide: Heck, you could take a few hot peppers home with ya as well.... :) I'd offer clones, but now with this PM issue.....yikes.

Neiko - Yessir, that's the plan! Never done a sulfur burn, but it's in order here.

I tell you guys, if it weren't for this Malawi x Tangie OG, I'd probably be in worse spirits--but man o man, I can't wait to try her. She's starting to fill in nicely. Will try to get some more photos in today.

The GDP is having issues adjusting to her new pot and the indoors--if she doesn't snap out of it I might have to cull her as well. The BCPs are begging to be up-potted, being drenched 3x a week right now. Devil's Carnival is growing slowly, but surely, with some beautiful colored pistils starting to emerge.
Picture update:

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