Stoney's First Journal: Cheap Tents & LEDs With High Brix Blend - Fall 2018

That’s the one been getting your kit ‘leftovers’ yes? Do many folks use their drench and brix remains in their veggie gardens?


I'm using my leftover in a couple tomatoes and they're massive but fruit has been slow to develop, looking forward to,tasting some. I did dig a hole and fill with soil that had 3 runs on it but didn't amend is beside some EWC.

Interested to see what your thoughts are on the defoil experiment Stoney! Will you do it again?

Got my attention too ......:nomo: , need to take those peppers to the framers market, look so healthy......:peace:

Thanks Rooster! Making some fresh and fermented hot sauces, and having fun experimenting along the way. Mouth is currently burning from the fresh one--this time I've added a whole roasted garlic head into it, and I'm digging the results.

That’s the one been getting your kit ‘leftovers’ yes? Do many folks use their drench and brix remains in their veggie gardens?


Hey Amy! Yeah, she sure has. Beast of a plant--thing must be pushing 8 feet tall.
I'm using my leftover in a couple tomatoes and they're massive but fruit has been slow to develop, looking forward to,tasting some. I did dig a hole and fill with soil that had 3 runs on it but didn't amend is beside some EWC.

Interested to see what your thoughts are on the defoil experiment Stoney! Will you do it again?


Hey Ween!

Not sure yet man--I think it comes down to individual strains, and timing. The Spacer, which I admittedly did nowhere near the same damage to, seems to be the healthiest in the tent. Next up is that Malawi cross, which doesn't seem affected at all, except that she's been very slow to drink water. Then again, she was transplanted before ready, and was slow to drink from the start. Overall she looks pretty darn happy, but might be somewhat stunted and without a control, it's hard to say she's better off for it as this point.

TL, DR: Too early to tell, but at the moment, I'm leaning towards "No".

Vegging these BCP's to have 4-6 tops in traditional Doc style has been fun, and I'm excited to see how they come out. Duggan's journal had me drooling.

I'm using my leftover in a couple tomatoes and they're massive but fruit has been slow to develop, looking forward to,tasting some. I did dig a hole and fill with soil that had 3 runs on it but didn't amend is beside some EWC.

Interested to see what your thoughts are on the defoil experiment Stoney! Will you do it again?

Hit em with a cat and let's see what happens lol!
Wow them ladies look fantastic!! All caught up! Keep it up stoney. :yummy::popcorn:

Thanks Sarge! Hopefully I don't disappoint too much :)
Hit em with a cat and let's see what happens lol!

That's a great suggestion. The Transplant drench seems to keep them flowering, keep them green, etc, but the 'cat is where it's at' for fruiting veggies!

NOTE: A few years back I had Swiss Chard planted right next to my tomatoes in the summer (we can do both simultaneously here, go figure), and almost immediately applying leftover cat drench to the tomato (2-3 days later) the chard was flowering.

Moral of the story? Keep the CAT away from leafy greens.
A quick update from the mountains--trying to arrow a buck this weekend, but I snapped some quick photos before I left yesterday right before they got their Cat Drench. The BCPs and BBTW got a Transplant Drench. Getting packed in that little veg tent!

Mid week update: Flower tent isn't *quite* ready for Cat #2 yet, so I'll have to ask the lady if she can do it tomorrow. Heading out of town for several days, family stuff...

Things are getting so bushy in my small 4x3 veg tent that I had to make some tough choices--Devil's Carnival went straight into the Flower tent, she's now got 4 mains going, but has yet to fill out her pot--I thought it was a 3, maybe a 3.5, but now I'm seeing it's a 5. It's not root bound, in fact far from it. Not an ideal time to flip her and no transplant here, just straight into the 5x5. We'll see how she does.

The very crowded veg tent:

A size reference--this is just two of these BCPs. I'm stuffing 5 of them plus two BBTW into that small Veg Tent...Somethings are just going to have to go outside when the time comes. Fortunate to live in a climate where they just might make it!

Blueberry Trainwreck--Lefty started a few weeks after the other--both getting a Transplant Drench.

The Malawi x Tangie OG seems to be really happy--boy do I wish I had taken the time to train this one better. She's really enjoying the soil-- I fully expect her to fill out those arms of hers over a nice, long flowering period. I'm guessing she goes 13 weeks....any other guesses? We're in Week 4, here.

Spacer Auto isn't too shabby either--and after that Cat, is now also starting to throw trichs everywhere. Exciting! :yahoo::slide::surf:

The Sherbet--certainly stunted after the week 3 Defoliation, now throwing trichs out. Buds look smaller to me than usual, but this strain grows funny--they tend to just keep fatting, so we'll see where we end up I guess. Wishing I had left her leaves on her, and done her Doc style, keeping the top 5 nodes and lollypopping the rest. We live, we learn.

Friggin cold here Duggs! Having a late winter snap in early spring - many zero mornings lately. Nice early spring feels in the middle of the day sometimes though...


I’m a big tennis fan, so am watching everyone going down in the New York heat and humidity at the Open though! Looks brutal.
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