Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

Trying something different with this CapJunky. Of course right after bending it immediately went back to getting taller so I am gonna backbuild it. Trimmed and flattened the top pistils yesterday and we will see if it helps.
This strain needs more bulk definitely not more height so this may be the solution I’m looking for.
It couldn't hurt.. 👍
I did /tried some backbuilding on the BG41, but I didn't clip enough off, so it didn't really do anything.
Don't be shy when you clip those tops..✂️
Will you backbuild each flower or just the very tops? It's got such a sativa growth pattern to the flowers that I feel like the bulk of the harvest will be everything below the top.
I’m just doing the 3 tallest tops, she will get the message. After watching the mother plant fill out, I feel like it could use some different trimming and a slightly different plan. Got rid of lots of sparse undergrowth last week.
It couldn't hurt.. 👍
I did /tried some backbuilding on the BG41, but I didn't clip enough off, so it didn't really do anything.
Don't be shy when you clip those tops..✂️
It used to be one of my least favorite things to do but I have seen it bulk up a plant that wanted to keep growing up. I THINK this one is slowing
The newest cross Alaskan BananaBerry x Wizard auto. Nice fattie leaves I like that
she was the first to sprout in a long line of duds. Today she actually got another sibling but they are still just 2/8 which ain’t that good for me. I still blame the hard shells and I actually cracked this one first before planting

Outside, their aunt is done.
Alaskan BB auto #2, 91 days
A solid, smelly ride. Hoping a bit of pollen from the other one spilled onto her, she seems like she’d make a good mother.
Though the mother of the 2 current babies was a more pleasant smelling and trichome encrusted plant. They are vastly different ABB phenos.
Ok ….10 days after topping at first sign of a pistil
and we are here

This is just about the look I’m going for when trying to get them to catch the wave 🌊

A lot happens in these 10 days, as you can see. If I had waited until the plant was bigger to top, growth would almost certainly be confined to a much smaller area when bloom set in fully.
This seems to be a very common area of hesitation for growers and I believe one of the base problems in why autos don’t grow right for many folks.
People see a pistil and something in their brain says the growing is somehow “done” which you can see, is far from reality.
The cold, dry barren wasteland that is my sprouting area-

I don’t use special lighting or a heat mat because with autos, nature didn’t provide many special conditions, which helped make ruderalis what it is. Autos were kind of born out of miserable conditions and are tougher than they get credit for.

My autos are born into real conditions, because the clock is ticking from the minute they break ground. They don’t care what day I start counting, they already started.
I’ve tried in the past few years to dispel some rumors and some of my own beliefs about them as well.
Here’s some of what I’ve found-
It’s fairly bright where they are born (22-23k lux) and this has never hurt a single plant. During training the lux sits around 33-35k.
I don’t need to start them in their final container. If I’m halfway decent at transplanting, they’ll barely notice for longer than half a day.
For about 8/10 autos, topping within 36 hours of seeing a pistil gets me the best results in training.
They can live on almost nothing (no nutes) for the for the first 2 weeks, and some even prefer that. I like a few drops of superthrive and tap water.
Shock seems absolutely necessary to their prolific veg growth, rather than something to avoid as many seem to ponder.
I get great results watering (but never over watering) pretty much every day.
Because of the lighting and other factors, there will always be a calcium/mag deficiency if I don’t compensate. There will always be gnats.

As much as I appreciate quadline, hexline gets me consistently good sized buds without being so big I face fungus gnat/rot/pm issues. Also a better chance at secondary branching during training. OctoLine can tend to favor the top 2 branches more and hasn’t shown any advantages. Hex seems like my jam

Indoors I like the 3g and outdoors 5/7g containers.
July and August are really the only months where the sunlight here fully supports their outside growth but if I get them nice and beefy inside first, they jump into the sun no problem and finish strong and colorful due to the temp changes.
Been lucky to have very few herms (none of my own seeds hermed) from the sometimes extreme weather and light changes.
My Wookiees is practically made for this kind of transition and seems to resist problems well.
I have quite a few new crosses getting ready to try early outside growth this month.
Thanks for sharing Justin. You pretty much wrapped the entire process up in a "seed shell."

On a related note (that's not really related), I used to be able to grow some fairly big autos until, suddenly, I couldn't. I've been reviewing those grows from years ago looking for what changed when I went from an okay auto grower to being fairly lousy at it.

One major factor is that some of my biggest were grown in DWC, right when I started out growing. However, when I switched to soil grows I was still able to push out a few nice autos before the downfall.

But there was another major change that occurred shortly after I switched to soil. I started getting my hands on more powerful led grow lights! That led me to realize that most of my better auto grows were accomplished under cheap, low-wattage blurple lights.

I've given all of my blurples away. I wish I had kept at least one so I could see what kind of auto I could grow under one now.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my "theory." :Rasta:
Great summary of how you do it, thanks Justin!
Thanks for looking!
Thanks for sharing Justin. You pretty much wrapped the entire process up in a "seed shell."

On a related note (that's not really related), I used to be able to grow some fairly big autos until, suddenly, I couldn't. I've been reviewing those grows from years ago looking for what changed when I went from an okay auto grower to being fairly lousy at it.

One major factor is that some of my biggest were grown in DWC, right when I started out growing. However, when I switched to soil grows I was still able to push out a few nice autos before the downfall.

But there was another major change that occurred shortly after I switched to soil. I started getting my hands on more powerful led grow lights! That led me to realize that most of my better auto grows were accomplished under cheap, low-wattage blurple lights.

I've given all of my blurples away. I wish I had kept at least one so I could see what kind of auto I could grow under one now.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my "theory." :Rasta:
Interesting! I wonder if it was the lights or just part of the environment they created through temp and everything else.
I do have a slightly similar comparison….some of my biggest autos (by several ounces) were either grown under @Carcass old cheapy AMZ light, or under my 100w mars hydro.
I have 2 300+ watt lights and can’t seem to produce more than 5-6 oz per plant, whereas I used to hit 7-9 fairly regularly. I have moved my latest auto (queen g x wizard) back under the MarsHydro 100w because that’s where it responds best (totally obvious too) and has the best days.

Probably confusing the hell out of @Stonecrusher who I’m trying to show how “simple” this all is growing autos lol.
Thanks for looking!

Interesting! I wonder if it was the lights or just part of the environment they created through temp and everything else.
I do have a slightly similar comparison….some of my biggest autos (by several ounces) were either grown under @Carcass old cheapy AMZ light, or under my 100w mars hydro.
I have 2 300+ watt lights and can’t seem to produce more than 5-6 oz per plant, whereas I used to hit 7-9 fairly regularly. I have moved my latest auto (queen g x wizard) back under the MarsHydro 100w because that’s where it responds best (totally obvious too) and has the best days.

Probably confusing the hell out of @Stonecrusher who I’m trying to show how “simple” this all is growing autos lol.
I'm in it for the journey. I already see your plant in this pic has grown 2x the one I was trying to boost. But I am not afraid! I have two brand new auto babies in brand new SIPs in the 3x3 under a Vipar Spectra KS3000. I also own a little Vipar Spectra XS1000. Maybe Ill move one of them under it and see if there is a difference!
I'm in it for the journey. I already see your plant in this pic has grown 2x the one I was trying to boost. But I am not afraid! I have two brand new auto babies in brand new SIPs in the 3x3 under a Vipar Spectra KS3000. I also own a little Vipar Spectra XS1000. Maybe Ill move one of them under it and see if there is a difference!
Doesn’t hurt to try both lights (different times/days), the shock may even end up to be a positive.
Either way, to me it’s fairly noticeable (usually early evening) when the plant favors one light. There’s a certain glow and angle they get when they are really happy. I happen to see it more often under my smallest light, they must love that spectrum.
I can send you my old Mars blurple if you want to give it a go.

I have a few tucked away as well. Some ultra cheapies I got years ago on AMZ. The ones that liked to say “1000 watt equivalent” and they were like 70 watts 😂
CapJunky #1 turned out to be decent, though she put me in trim jail for longer than I can remember in recent memory. Was all worth it though, even her larfy trim was like glue sticky.

She had a sexy purple hue that may not come through in the pics. If you’ve never had the pleasure of harvesting this, it’s hard to describe. The smell is so good it’s almost more like candy than weed. The taste is like sugary lavender lemony goodness. There’s no faking CJ

I had A LOT of trim around those dense nugs and it all went straight into decarb, then into the MB machine. Came out a lovely shade and very clean (infused coconut oil) ALL OF IT 🤤
Image_2024-05-20 21_12_04_367.jpeg

Because how do I just ignore leaves like this…
As for CJ #2- did backbuilding and bending help slow her down? Maybe a little. Time will tell

@Grand Daddy Black i saw your technique to measure nutes without mess, I can appreciate that.

With MC I use a plastic Asian style soup spoon, stands on its own and doesn’t weigh much.

For the Remo, it’s all liquid and I have a different system that works for now.
Shit seems to get everywhere no matter what
Another thing to add regarding autos- outdoor growing is GREATLY affected by cloudy cold days and rain. As fun as it is to watch them grow through all the harsh elements, they just won’t get big that way. Without some long days and a head start indoors, it’s tough to get them to tap into those genetics that will keep them growing.

Queen G x Wizard #2 outdoors

Vs #1 indoors

#2 was a bit runty to begin with but all my outside plants are sitting at about that size, waiting for the sunny month that will never come 😂
That's quite a contrast, Justin! :Rasta:
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