Stizz1e's First Autoflower: RQS Hulkberry Auto

I have a small fan in the closet moving the air around, but not blowing directly on the buds so hopefully that's enough.
In the drying tent I was trying to use I had ducting connected to a window a/c unit that I ran straight into the tent to keep it cool, and I think that was causing issues with the hygrometer I was using. I have one of these

in the closet now so I am hoping its more accurate. Especially since I plan on using them to monitor the cure in my grove bags
well I only got a four day dry time before the buds felt crispy on the outside. The stems did not snap but I made the decision to trim and set up for curing. I'm glad I did because although the buds didn't tumble perfectly in the trim bowl they worked pretty well.

This was the haul after I had trimmed some of the stalks, about an ounce worth already. The buds were all very airy and probably what most people would consider larffy, but they smelled delicious. A combination of lemon and gas.
All in all I ended up with 3 ounces dried and trimmed with a half ounce of trim that I threw in the freezer to start a collection for turning into hash rosin.

It is surprising to me how much room this 3 ounces takes up, that is a half pound grove bag that seems almost full.
Thanks for coming along for this ride, and for all the advise! This grow is now complete.
I may have bagged too early, my humidity in the grove bag is up to around 64%-65%, I'm currently burping the bag, but I may end up taking the buds out and sweating them a bit
I was able to stabilize the humidity on these flowers, it required sweating the buds in paper bags for about 12-14 hours. They are now in for a month long cure sitting stably at 61% humidity. I rolled a sample joint out of it yesterday and it tasted great and had a nice effect, gave me a headache afterwards though so I know it still needs to cure out some chlorophyll. I'll now officially stamp this grow as completed, if someone could move it to the completed grows section that would be great! Thanks for coming along everyone!!
I was able to stabilize the humidity on these flowers, it required sweating the buds in paper bags for about 12-14 hours. They are now in for a month long cure sitting stably at 61% humidity. I rolled a sample joint out of it yesterday and it tasted great and had a nice effect, gave me a headache afterwards though so I know it still needs to cure out some chlorophyll. I'll now officially stamp this grow as completed, if someone could move it to the completed grows section that would be great! Thanks for coming along everyone!!
Good to hear your weed is turning the corner
The way to move your journal to Completed is to hit the Report button on your final post to notify mods the journal is now completed
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