Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

Nice bush Snid! Lookin mighty fine my friend. Good call on the "up cup" shes gonna love the leg room.. Chicks love crampy fast sports cars... Beautiful cannabis plants love a big ass basement.. :rofl: :high-five:
I've been thinking of up cupping for like a week now, Building up the courage.. Lol.. Her roots have been peaking out the drain holes since last Tuesday. She's so magnificent I didn't want to limit her potential. Pretty sure I made the right call. Winnie can suck it, she's the mutant, it's not my fault. :thanks:
It sure looks busy inside of those bush canopies Snid :thumb:
Interesting to see what 12/12 could bring.
Oh it's busy! :) hoo hah! I took out all the pins and she's like little bonsai with over two dozen shoots. And 16 pinnacle tops. I'm going to need lots of bamboo stakes..12/12 here I come... Countdown is at less than two weeks. Still debating with myself.:loopy:
What up snid top of the day to you brother. Your ladies are country gravy thick my man, you could probally drop a bowling ball on them and it would just bounce off!! Sorry im late for the show but im here boss, hope theres still room in here im just a little fella shouldnt take up much room. Things look great snid keep up the excellent work!!
I don't know about a bowling ball, maybe a billiard ball lol :goodluck: but I'll see about a tennis ball next time for sure. They are my pride and joy right now, thanks for the support :thanks:
Dang Snid, Ellabella is just a puffball of tops ready to be a bouquet of colas. I think she will love her new digs and can't wait to see what happens next.
I can only dream of what a real plant looks like. I've done autos and a few small photos, but this is uncharted territory for me. My goal is to fill a 27"x27" tent with their canopies. I think I may run out of room, in which case I'll have to improvise or improve the setup. :adore: Mad respect ShiggityFlip :Namaste:
sup boiz, sry im late! :passitleft::woohoo:
ohhh this one is gonna be good!
I sure hope it is going to be a good show for you all. It's been going well, yes. But I'm sure there will be some hiccups, there always are. Stay tuned brother :ciao:

Where's that joint? :passitleft::blunt::cough: :goof::sleep::sleep:

KiG everyone :green_heart:cheers
Mar. 31st, nothing fancy today... I forgot to feed Winnie this morning, she's feeling ultra light now. I bought myself a shorter table instead of a taller stool :) i save myself an hour of back aching hunching over the plants. Now I'm sitting comfortable at the same height. By using the old table, I got my water Buckets off the floor to keep them free of debris and bugs. Let's see what the ladies are doing...

Ellabella veg day 65 : 19.0 lbs
After she had settled into her new pot I figured since I shocked her something fierce already, that I may as well go ahead and clip what I'm going to clip off. I re staked her last night and gave her the last major clipping before she hits 12/12
Her tips have already turned up and are not showing any sign of stalling growth. She's back on track for a decent flux frame.

Winnie veg. Day 65 : 6.4 lbs ultra dry
She's going to get her feeding, g/m/B, b52, calmag, silicate, and some big bud and x factor to try and get her to flower quickly once the switch happens. We'll see.

Leialoha day 57 : 6.8 lbs @ 6.0 Ph

Another day of rest, she is definitely moving into flower stage. It's looking very good my friend :high-five: I don't want to stress her too much in the "Stretch" period, just some gentle guiding from now on.. Operation flux the poop out out of an auto, a success. Now let's get this girl settled and producing some purty flowers.

KiG everyone :green_heart: cheers

Ps. Lots planned for this weekend stay tuned folks Stinky Snid's Nursery and Flower shop is about to open its doors to the public. Come one come all, my adventure is just getting started, so he'll yeah!... It's all going to be unveiled soon.
Subbed...ill be here for the finish as well. Very interested! Looking at similar things for my lady!

Thanks for the support tho snid!
I followed your lead and nailed down 2 of my to sativa's today. Looked like a good idea after I seen you do it. :peace:
Nicely done hydro :thumb: you'll be happy with the extra growth that comes from everywhere that is not the main stems. Only time will tell how these ladies turn out. Stay tuned, thanks man very humbling that my training is so well received by others. :ciao:
Subbed...ill be here for the finish as well. Very interested! Looking at similar things for my lady!
Thanks for the support tho snid!
You're welcome, I'm glad to be there for you, anytime Wombat. Enjoy the show, lits more to go in this adventure.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Apr. 1st, Made it through the day without getting zinged, a successful April fools day. Got off work super early and spent the better part of the afternoon in the nursery. Not much going on with these ladies but still busy in the nursery with other pet projects.

Ellabella veg. Day 66 : 18.2 lbs @ Ph 5.7

Im going to let her settle for a few more days before doing any training. Boy she's going to be a beauty. :)

This one's for you budbadger, I'll work my way up to a bowling ball... Cool? :slide: hey oh!

Winnie veg day 66 : 11.0 lbs @ Ph 5.8

Her foliage is getting a little light in green shades, I hope the feeding takes care of that. On the same note I've managed to give her some nute burn. :yahoo: always nice to see you've found the sweet spot. She's right at 1.8ec or 1220 ppm (700)...

Leialoha day 58 : 6.4lbs @ Ph 5.6

Let the pistil production commence, I've removed most stakes from her flux frame. The main stems are still staked. (at a node point allowing the rest to grow upward)this is to be able to Maintain an even canopy while the smaller shoots catch up to the mains. :ciao:

KiG everyone :green_heart: cheers
Wilsooooonnnnnnn!!!!!! Bahahahaha Ya got the lance Armstrong goin on huh bruv? I ball in the bush!. Lookin good buddy guy. :high-five:
Haha ya thats going to be hard training her to hold a bowling ball. But this is a start. :high-five: back at ya!
Hey Snidrajsed.. I actually noticed your thread when I was taking a look into the Crop King contest, so I'm glad you took a moment to comment on my grow. Thanks for that.

Looks like you put in lots of TLC here and it shows, so keep going and good luck!
These girls are very spoiled I'm only abusive if they get out of line. :) I'm always glad to see new growers and new setups, it's awesome to see the countless different styles and Techniques that people use to get the same result. Potent, Stinky, smooth smoke... :blunt:

KiG :green_heart:Cheers
April 2nd, A wonderful relaxing Saturday it is and was, just taking some time to get to all my subscriptions I've finally caught up on all of them... :yahoo: I also decided to start my perpetual journal.
Please join me there as I open the doors to the public on the Grand opening day. Onto the ladies...

Ellabella veg. Day 67 : 16.8 lbs @ Ph 5.8

Not much to do with her, I flexed her pinnacles down some to slow down their growth. She's getting a little light in the greens. She may need a foliar spray

Winnie veg. Day 67 : 10.0 lbs @ Ph 6.0

I've now taped down her out of pot limbs so they grow slower and outward. She really pooffing up now.

Leialoha day 59 : 5.6 lbs @ Ph 5.9

The waiting game begins... Nothing to do with Leia today, tucked a couple leaves and that's it. She's due for a feeding tonight

I've got a surprise for y'all, it was sprung upon me by a great member here... Thanks Rifleman :green_heart: I'll let you all know as details emerge. Until then...

KiG everyone :green_heart:Cheers
April 3rd, What a great day to relax... Does that make two in a row, wow I'm feeling pretty good. It may be the new vitamins and wonderful sunshine, but I've got tons of energy. Let's see what the plants are doing today. I've got less than 2 weeks before I've got to flip the lights to 12/12.

?? Is there anything I need to do before I switch??

Ellabella veg. Day 68 : 16.2 lbs @ Ph 5.5
Time for some ponytail training to slow down the pinnacle tops. Every shoot is back facing up, I'll need to train again today or tomorrow

Winnie veg. Day 68 : 9.4 lbs @ Ph 6.2

Winnie is getting way over grown. I may take a couple more clones before sending her into flower, is there a point that I shouldn't take clones before the switch?

Leialoha day 60 : 9.8 lbs @ Ph 6.0

The only stakes that remain are holding down the 4 main stems creating a bend at the 3rd sideways node. Those will be my main Colas and everything else should fill up the middle pretty good.

Enjoy this Sunday of sunshine, KIG everyone :green_heart:Cheers

Ps. Please join me on my perpetual adventure :ciao:
Stinky Snid's Nursery and Flower Shop
Is now open to the public:welcome:
Good day to ya Snidrajsed! Looking good! Can you explain the ponytail and how it slows the stretch of that top?
My guess is you are starving it of light until everything catches up. First time I've seen this done.
Learning new things, lovin it :peace:
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