Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

Man I know I am going to have a jungle with 2 of the BH in it. I was just thinking about how much room I will have for 4, 20 gallon pots that's 2 foot for each plant. I am beginning to think its going to be one hell of a show. Dam only 2x2 for those Big ass plants each. and I have an AC unit and fans in there so not even that much room. I may have to switch out the big ass gnome for an action figure hero to watch over things for me Lol But 2x2 for each plant. I think they will all need more room then that so lots of LSTing and I may have to top more then once
4, 20 gallon pots? Isn’t each pot in a 4x4 space?
I don't know what I was thinking. My math was way off Thank you for correcting me now I feel better about the whole thing.
Once you flip get ready for some big league stretch.
That's what I hear. Going to be a full house and me SCing and LSTing everyday to keep them in control.
I over fed my BH and she never really recovered, yours is doing really well though.
I used more product then I should have for a drench @ 15 mills but it should have been 7mills so I am seeing a little yellow. Especially on the PH and a little on the BH so I will just water for a couple drinks and see how they do. I may get the tomato cage out and put it around the PH
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