Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

with a little mint or chocolate in the background,the high is pretty potent its actually got me a little jittery my mind is going to town lol im going to have to try this in the morning and test it out again what a bummer lol,its not what I want to toke in the evening

stay high!!!!!:ganjamon:

Freshies... FTW. Gotta get used to the freshie buzz. The hybrids can get a little edgy when fresh. The Indica straight up freshie - close your eyes.. Sativa freshie, heart palpitations. Must resist. Cookie freshies, I'm not sure yet. Still smoking them. :smokin2:

Keep hand out of nug jar unitl ready, just sayin. Should make that a sticky here.

I like to smoke the freshie laf budlettes, those little chick-o-letts down low. They taste good and arent as in your face freshie like the tops can get. Nobody but me likes those anyway well except Sticky. Problems solved. Hint: they make good hash too.
I say to each his own after having some ud chem I want to try some other chems,ive got copper chem,and some dosi chem and some lemon chem see what happens!:)

Sticky, Chem Connoisseur, the force is strong with you.

I felt a ripple in my chem puffage high when reading this.

Freshies... FTW. Gotta get used to the freshie buzz. The hybrids can get a little edgy when fresh. The Indica straight up freshie - close your eyes.. Sativa freshie, heart palpitations. Must resist. Cookie freshies, I'm not sure yet. Still smoking them. :smokin2:

Keep hand out of nug jar unitl ready, just sayin. Should make that a sticky here.

I like to smoke the freshie laf budlettes, those little chick-o-letts down low. They taste good and arent as in your face freshie like the tops can get. Nobody but me likes those anyway well except Sticky. Problems solved. Hint: they make good hash too.
I toke all the little stuff before I get to the real buds I like to take half the nice buds and put them away for at least 4-5 mos.then there ready to start getting into lol,heart palpitations lmao that's what I had two nights ago when toked some of that narly ud bud its not for the evening unless like conrad said your going to party I could see where that might f--k you up what a way to go!:passitleft:
ok this a/h auto is at 55 days today the breeder says 85 days I don't see this one being done in thirty days unless it piles it on quick its very healthy I hope it finishes rite ive had them do funny things before like just not really finish and they just stop so will see,it resembles how some of the weed I grew back in the 70-80s looked this early bud formation it deffinately looks sativa imo!also I have some critter eating the tops off my pepper plants I have replaced them twice now and I go out this morn and see im going to be replacing 3 more at first I thought slugs or snails but I put bait around them and something is still chowing on them so the last ones I did in 1 gal pots and then I would move every nite put them on top of my air conditioning unit and they have been safe there but today 3 of those got ate off ffffss so its not slugs its a critter of some kind im going to get a night game camera and find out what im going to kill!

GL on the hunt. Alot of critters love tender tops,, from field mice to deer.
I think it was you I talked about monster cropping. I did find a read that looked good and wasn't ungodly long, Hell you might even know which one I'm talking about;
BF LSD Monster Crop
your rite I have been semi following his thread,ive seen him do well with it and after I do this I may want to do it again will see but I have to say I don't like doing that to the plant it doesn't look very happy,i would rather start them indoors in say march and get them all lst and ready to go and then put it outside in may to finish its life im sure I can get a good plant doing it that way,i screwed this up by putting it outside to soon wont happen again lol!
Be safe and put them out the first of June an adult plant. Seeds can start earlier.
ButI've seen alot do some hella plants doing that monster cropping..... Most use a smaller plant tho.. From clones. Or even a small reveg wood work. You are going to have a monster there on that one. Got my interest. GL
Be safe and put them out the first of June an adult plant. Seeds can start earlier.
ButI've seen alot do some hella plants doing that monster cropping..... Most use a smaller plant tho.. From clones. Or even a small reveg wood work. You are going to have a monster there on that one. Got my interest. GL
june it is then ill start them rite after my fall crop veg them for a couple mos. and then outside!
You are going to have a monster there on that one. Got my interest. GL

Ya Me too! This year I took clones and put them outside around April 15 and most of them went right into veg. One strain the Blueberry OG - a few of them started to flower and would be a great plant for monster cropping. I wish I could give away the clones I have. I hate to cull a decent cutting. Everyone that said they wanted one from me flaked....
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