Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

That UD is gorgeous, Lembatoast made a winner with UD.
yes he did these plants usually grow real healthy and sturdy and most of them are potent and some are potent af there fun to grow once you figure them out they grow well indoors but they excel outdoors that's where they want to be and they would be happiest in the ground unbounded. :)
He did, which is why it’s a typical outdoor strain with deep root system.

the garden is coming along nicely there Stickyone........

Keepem Green
Looking great Sticky. Gonna be some decent trees come harvest time. Fingers crossed you Get some crazy sun this summer .
thanks bud I cant wait to see them in September that's when there in full flower they usually get about 5-6 ft. tall with 8 main colas more than enough for me but im seriously thinking on prepping the spot for growing them in the ground ill need to put some heavy wire down in the hole to keep the gophers out I really want to grow in the ground ive had very little experience with that its been 40 years since I grew one in the ground lol! :)
When the fabric pots are sitting on the ground. Do the roots make it threw the bottom and go into the ground.
Dam I'd love to grow outdoors
no I have them on small pallets to keep them off the ground don't want any gophers chewing there way in there plus the air pots will work properly that way this system worked well last year I have them hooked up to an automatic watering system so we don't even need to water them just some good teas along the way and watch for bugs theres plenty of those when you grow outdoors there going to get chewed on you have to overlook it as long as you don't have a grasshopper or a worm they can do some damage ok now im rambling!
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