Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

OK That makes sense. I thought it sounded familliar.

:ciao:Sticky. Looks like you might be kicking those damn mites. I started using H2O2 as a dilute spray that seems to help.
thanks lazy you mentioned that a while back and have included that in my regimen I think there basically whipped but im still going to spray them once a week until they go into the ground make dam sure don't want them coming back!:)
The curl and overall shape of the plant giving me flashbacks to that nasty time. The only spray I used that didn't do that, after using every other day, was H2O and H2O2. Those new leaves look great, just deformed.

Do they look like that because of chemical burn?
The curl and overall shape of the plant giving me flashbacks to that nasty time. The only spray I used that didn't do that, after using every other day, was H2O and H2O2. Those new leaves look great, just deformed.

Do they look like that because of chemical burn?
I think its a little of everything but I have been spraying them with a trio of axamax-safers and spinosad with alittle h202 that probably has something to do with it plus this one was really infested with them I understand that the littlr fuggars inject something that poisons them slowly its probably something to weaken the plant so they can have there way with it!
ok so today I took some pretty good pics of these warriors the black dog and the blue berry got the worst of it but there going to make it im glad there going outside that will give them time to rebuild!:)

these didn't get hit so hard that's why they look better!:)
I started these 3 plants because I wasn't confident I would be able to get rid of the mites so I have plenty now left to right peyote critical,wicked widow,bergmans gold leaf I just up potted them from there solo cups to these 2 gal pots should be plenty of room for 6 weeks of growing before they go into the ground!:)
stay high!!!:blunt:
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