Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

What's UD? Help a strain abbreviation challenged fellow out here.
I have never reversed a plant but from everything I have read the STS is supposed to be far superior and less labor intensive. I have seen some breeders have a real hard time getting certain plants to reverse. I am not sure how true it is but from what I have read (yet again) the harder the plant is to reverse the more stable the progeny should be (as in less likely to herm).
I have two plants I am currently treating with the colloidal silver. The first is a Jellium plant. The second a Black Cherry Punch from In House Genetics. The Jellium plant received it's last application of the CS yesterday as I saw a good number of pollen sacks forming. I gave her a closer inspection just before lights out and spotted this little bud site.
What is concerning me with this plant is I am not seeing buds forming yet. I am hoping they get to it really quickly or else I'll have to learn how store pollen successfully and keep it till she has buds to pollinate.
I have two plants I am currently treating with the colloidal silver. The first is a Jellium plant. The second a Black Cherry Punch from In House Genetics. The Jellium plant received it's last application of the CS yesterday as I saw a good number of pollen sacks forming. I gave her a closer inspection just before lights out and spotted this little bud site.
What is concerning me with this plant is I am not seeing buds forming yet. I am hoping they get to it really quickly or else I'll have to learn how store pollen successfully and keep it till she has buds to pollinate.

Storing pollen is not supposed to be that difficult. Just make sure you dry it really well before you try to store it.

I’ve grown the Chem 91 and her taste for calmag is huge. She’s easy to get deficiencies but worth the trouble.

The clone only or the S1? The 91 is supposed to be very nice but everyone seems to prefer the Chem D. I cannot say I would complain getting to run either one.
I have two plants I am currently treating with the colloidal silver. The first is a Jellium plant. The second a Black Cherry Punch from In House Genetics. The Jellium plant received it's last application of the CS yesterday as I saw a good number of pollen sacks forming. I gave her a closer inspection just before lights out and spotted this little bud site.
What is concerning me with this plant is I am not seeing buds forming yet. I am hoping they get to it really quickly or else I'll have to learn how store pollen successfully and keep it till she has buds to pollinate.
You can store pollen in the refrigerator for quite a while.
Yeah we got plenty of it here! :rolleyes: We got about a foot or so last night.....not sure how much more we are going to get before the system clears.
Same and now I’m sliding around in a oil truck already went down once on my back, looks like more tonight into tomorrow
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