Stanks Switch It Up In 2019

First time I read that I thought you were getting pics from the Great Beyond. :eek:

Nice bud, nice pic! I'm sure they appreciated it.
LOL, yeah it did kind of have that underlying tone to it didn't it . And thank you, it is a gorgeous pic. I told her so as soon as she sent it to me.
Evening folks! :ganjamon:

Had a hell of a day cleaning up the aftermath of the snow storm that blew through here. Lots and lots of shoveling! :rolleyes:

I did take a break between bouts of shoveling to come down and do some watering. I'll take pics for a full update tomorrow but I did manage to sneak a few bud shots from the sleeping flower tent. I'm really excited for the Golden Tiger. She looks like she is down to a couple weeks left, but I might cut a tester to try on xmas morning. Stank's gotta have something to look forward to right :Rasta:

Speaking of the Golden Tiger!!

We also have a couple shots of the Green Crack, which I must say has really moved up my list in favorites the last few times I have smoked it. Very very euphoric and makes any crappy task exciting and a freaking blast!! You can't beat dat!!! We almost had an 'incident' with this one and the next one. I was hurting real bad a couple nights ago and knew I should have watered Flower Tent 1 but I didn't. When I got to it the following day, lets just say the Green Crack and Blue Dream were not amused....AT ALL! This is what she looked like when I opened the tent. Glad to report that she bounced back minus about 20 fan leaves.

And bud shots today

And then the Blue Dream during her temper tantrum

I plucked another 30 or so fan leaves that weren't going to make it off her and she bounced back nicely.

I really have to be more vigilant on those two plants as they are both only in 3 gallon pots. I can't go past 2 days without watering those two. The rest of the plants in that tent are all 5 gallons and I'm getting 3-4 days between them going dry. Both of those are coming up on day 50 of flower. I figure 2 more weeks on the green crack, and probably 3 weeks to a month on the Blue Dream though I haven't flowered her out before so who knows. Cheers! :ganjamon::passitleft:
Highya VS,

I agree with Pennywise, your Golden Tiger is just gorgeous! Looks like it will improve your Merry Christmas! I think they all look gorgeous, except the dry ones, lol. Sorry about your trevail. Happy Smokin'
Your Golden Tiger is impressive, looks dense for a pure sativa!
Thanks Penny! Yeah I am very pleased with how she's maturing. Hard to believe she's only 68 days into flower.
I can do it without the valid excuse. I've been thinking about dropping a Green Crack. We'll see I guess.
I have been very happy with how she came out. Glad I kept her around for at least 3 runs! My only knock on her the first time around was she was a bit on the lower side yield wise....but for the quality of the bud, I will take her quality all day long. I had to force myself not to reach for her today.
Highya VS,

I agree with Pennywise, your Golden Tiger is just gorgeous! Looks like it will improve your Merry Christmas! I think they all look gorgeous, except the dry ones, lol. Sorry about your trevail. Happy Smokin'
Bode, good to see ya bud! :passitleft: and thank you for the kind words. Cheers brother! :thanks:
Looking great.

That GT looks super dense.

I have yet to try Green Crack. Definitely on top of my "To Smoke" list.
I think you will like it. Definitely makes things fun!
Ditto about the GT! :thumb: :bravo:
:thanks:, good to see you Graytail! Hope all is well in your garden brother!
Flower Tent 2 Update

Afternoon folks :ciao: Just got back from a couple miles through the snowy trails with the dogs. Man that kicked my ass. Big difference in walking through a foot of snow vs walking on the flat trails. Managed to snap some pics of the girls in Tent 1 while I was working on them today. I thought I was in the clear but I did see one aphid during my search. I'll keep fighting the fight time they are gone forever :headbanger:

As you are looking at the tent, Triple OG front right, Garlic Sherbert Front Left, Gelato Middle, Super Lemon Haze Middle Right, MOB Back Left, Gorilla Glue Back Right.

Triple OG (Reg) - Exotic Genetics - Flower Day 30

Kick things off from the order listed above. All things going along nicely with my first real foray into an OG strain. She's been a breeze to grow and she's showing no signs of anything to complain about. All the girls got a half dose of water only today since I had them out of the tents. Drinking rates have dropped drastically as the basement temps drop down into the 50s.

Garlic Sherbert (Clone) - In-House Genetics - Flower Day 30

She's chugging along nice and healthy and pest free. This cut of her is definitely growing much healthier and better than the last one. Smells are much stronger and the plant just looks much better.

Gelato (Fem) - Black Skull Seeds - Flower Day 30

I know I keep saying it but I am crushing on this one more and more as she grows. She's developing really nice colas and the smells are pure fruit (not sure which one specifically, leaning towards something citrus). Like the others, I need to consider doing some leaf removal pretty soon. Its not that she has a lot of leaves, just that they are really big and block out light to the lowers.

Super Lemon Haze (Clone) - Greenhouse Seeds - Flower Day 30

This is the small girl of the tent (being grown in a 3 gallon pot). Probably needs a bit of a hair cut as well.....she's a bit on the leafy side as well. I'll probably give her another 10 days before I do that.

MOB (Electric Stoner Cut) - Flower Day 30

Discovered an interesting bud on this girl today. I think I remember this being called whorled or something. I had a Blue Kush I grew a few years ago that had one bud like this one has. Aside from that, we are about 5 days out from a massive hair cut for this leafy lady. There are a lot of smaller bud trapped in that canopy that aren't getting any light. I didn't do this until like day 50 on the last time I flowered her, but I'm doing it earlier this time around. I think the yield will go up a good bit. Smelling delightfully blueberry right now!

Gorilla Glue #4 (Grandpa Tokin Cut) - Flower Day 30

We're clicking along on cruise control with this little lady. Starting to pick up the earthy piney scent on her! Always fun times growing this one! :goof:

That will do it for this tents update! Hope everyone is staying warm and lit!!! :thumb:
That’s what I thought was like 100 days flower or close to that. That GG4 makes some gorgeous flowers.

I don't think that the clone will approach anything close to 100 days, I have a feeling she's coming down around 80-85 days tops. I'm looking forward to the tester on xmas!!
Flowers look awesome Van. :high-five:
Hope you had a great weekend brother.
Sparkey, what's shakin brother. Thank you for the kind words and the weekend was great, except for the Gators losing. But my Fins won so its all good.
Fight that fight brother! These pests are resilient. Ugh

All of the girls looks amazing. The frost is great so far!!

Yes indeed. I spent about 6 hours yesterday doing their weekly rinse with water and silica. I will be spraying with Soapers either today or tomorrow. Spraying is the epitome of the dirty work of fun at all LOL.
Man what a frost factory :high-five: :rollit:
:thanks: , appreciate the love PC!!:ciao::passitleft:
Van you gotta nice set going. Glad to see not any aphids (knock woody).

I'm about done with mine too I have seen a live one in a while.

I just gotta clean up the crap left behind.

The Garlic Sherbert looks good you gonna like her.
Van you gotta nice set going. Glad to see not any aphids (knock woody).

I'm about done with mine too I have seen a live one in a while.

I just gotta clean up the crap left behind.

The Garlic Sherbert looks good you gonna like her.
Bob, great to see ya brother! :thanks:

I keep seeing one or two pop up so I keep treating em. Its always an uphill battle with these things aint it. I started a sulfur burn in the veg tent a few minutes ago. Let it go for a few hours, put the lights back in and ready to roll.

Garlic Sherb, yeah she is looking sweet for sure! Best round that I have done with that cut so far. Last one was riddled with pests and I know it dropped the quality. This one should be really good :ganjamon:
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