Day 2 of flower for the Sour diesel and Blueberry OG
Day 70 from birth (All 3)
Day 32 of flower for the White Widow Auto
Light: Sylstar GL-4000 @ 24inches, @80%, @ 360 watts.
Lux: ? Forgot to take a reading
Par: ?
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: 2.5 gallon or approx 12 litre, plastic
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel
. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. Both photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: Pre-charged soil and liquid organic feed.
Water: Mineral, pH 6.5
Temperature day: 28
Themperature night: 24
RH Day 48
RH night:55
Howdy do folks. Hope all's growing well on your side
Sorry for being absent all week. I buggered my tablet device and I don't like to log in on any other device, incase I leave a trail of evidence that the old Bill can follow.
Anyway, where were we?
Yes! The deficiency.
The sour diesel was showing signs of nutrient burn, without any change to the nutrients. She was also displaying white tips on the fans and slight colour change to the borders of the leaves. The Blueberry was also starting to lose the colour in her borders.
Here is the blueberry before and the next picture is the SD before
So, after all the wonderful advice off you lot, i bought some calmag.. I gave the SD calmag and a PK boost and I only gave the BB a PK boost on Monday
Both of them are fixed, or on their way to being fixed
Heres the BB
and here is the SD
They are getting healthier by the day..
So after a process of elimination, it looks like the PK boost was the one that was needed the most. I'm not saying the CalMag didn't help the SD, as she's never looked so healthy. But after doing a bit more research I found out that a potassium deficiency causes a burn on the tips and lightning of the margins .
The Cabbage food they get normally is low in potassium, so it seems to make sense..
If it happens again, i will repeat the process. But this time, I will give one just calmag and one just PK and see what the results are.
Oh! But whilst fixing these two, I've broke the white widow. After a feed of base nutrients, calmag and PK, she lost all her colour within 2 days. I know she's getting old and tired and will naturally lose colour, but this happened as soon as she was fed
Shes pretty sparkley and sticky, so I'm not too worried. I will check soil PH like
@Verbalist mentioned, so I can rule that out. anyway.. she's only got a few weeks left; hopefully she can keep enough green in her leaves so she can photosynth-a-thingy properly.
The BB and SD are now officially in flower. They have their party hats on.
Heres the BB
So, that's it really.. it may take me a while to catch up on all your threads;
but I will.
Oh!! Day 8 of no smoke. The wife is feeling it more than I am, as she's had to go back to her tramadol for pain relief.. they make her all sweaty and anxious, so not good..
I'm just slightly fidgety. It's the taste I miss the most.
Who am I kidding.. I miss the mellowness. My mind is racing a million miles an hour. Full of great plans and no inclination to do any of them.
Ooops!! Im rabbitting again.
Anyway. That's it folks.. as always, i appreciate you all popping in and giving your advice and support.
I will see you all on your side
Take care