Squiggle Is Testing The Sylstar GL4000a: Multi Strain Grow, In A Brand New Set Up!

Hey Mr Squiggle.. sorry to hear of Mrs Squiggle’s troubles:(.
best wishes to y’all from Mr and Mrs Bud.
Keep well peeps❤️
Thank you so much.. she's on the mend. Her hips are knackad anyway, she has a condition called hip dysplasia, very shallow sockets; some thing that should have been fixed in her teens, but they didn't spot it. This has happened a few times and theres two options, false hips or a huge operation where they smash the pelvis and pull it apart and let it set again..
luckily our wonderful medicinal plants keep her off the stronger painkillers. Thanks again. Appreciate the thought.
Day 7 of veg
Day 27 from birth
Day 31 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a. Set @ 24inches, @ 46% power; drawing 130 watts
Lux: 20000
Par: 380 approximately
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: 2.5 gallon or approx 12 litre, plastic
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. Both photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: Pre-charged soil and liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 25°C
RH: 55

Howdy do guys. Hows it growing?

Well, what a week we've had. As you all know, missus squiggz has been in and out of the hospital and I totally neglected the plants; as I was looking after her. Thanks for all the well wishes by the way, she really appreciates the thought.

The plants.. they didn't get watered for a while. I missed two watering schedules. The timer on the light was making it flash on and off, like a bloody disco and the environment got hot, very hot..30 odd degrees C.

I didn't have the time or the inclination to take a photo of them when they were looking sad; I wish I had though, just as a before and after... They looked pathetic at the time.
I'm amazed at how well they've bounced back just after dialing it all back in.

They entered the veg stage last week. I class them in veg stage when they get a few of their first full fingered fan leaves.. I know other people have different methods of classification and I would love to know when you lot mark the change of seedling to veg..

The white widow is growing exceptionally well, I've started LST, just training her around the pot, here are a few photos of her


The Sour diesel is catching up. Shes begun her training too. She's producing huge fan leaves .
Heres a few pictures of her

The blue berry is the runt of the litter. I think the soil is a bit too hot for her as she's a deep green in colour and the leaves look thick and leather like. She's also got a blue tinge to the outside of her leaves.. it's hard to capture in a picture. I thought it was the light at first. But even in the sunlight she has a blue hue to her.
Here she is

The holes in the leaf are Cat damage. Sid took a bite of her and the WW.
Anyway, that's it I think.
Apart from giving them more CO2 in a sock, they are just getting mineral water to drink..
As always , I must thank you all for taking the time to read my journal. All support is greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys
See you all on yourside

Hi there :)

Firstly sorry about your wife, my advice not that you asked, with crumbly bones and femaledom it’s good to ensure you have the right calcium/vitamin D levels. A cheeky cheat is a multivitamin that specifically targets those two properties. I’d go a 25mcg/600mg VitD/cal mix.

Your grow looks great. I have a question, why do you not class day 1 of veg the day the seed pops? I ask because I have been counting from seed popage.
Hi there :)

Firstly sorry about your wife, my advice not that you asked, with crumbly bones and femaledom it’s good to ensure you have the right calcium/vitamin D levels. A cheeky cheat is a multivitamin that specifically targets those two properties. I’d go a 25mcg/600mg VitD/cal mix.

Your grow looks great. I have a question, why do you not class day 1 of veg the day the seed pops? I ask because I have been counting from seed popage.
Howdy do, thanks for popping in.. and the missus thanks you for the well wishes .
Would CAL MAG be ok for her? :rofl:

She actually takes D and cal supplements, but not that high of a dose, she's just said she will up the dose from now on. Thank you ..There's a load of osteoporosis in her family too. Her sister just has to sneeze and she cracks a rib..

To answer your question, with possibly a stupid answer..
It may just be me, but I've always been under the impression that they are seedlings until they take on the characteristics of a mature plant; then they are in veg. I could be totally wrong, as I have never really read about it. I think I should though ..
As I could be totally wrong.
Howdy do, thanks for popping in.. and the missus thanks you for the well wishes .
Would CAL MAG be ok for her? :rofl:

She actually takes D and cal supplements, but not that high of a dose, she's just said she will up the dose from now on. Thank you ..There's a load of osteoporosis in her family too. Her sister just has to sneeze and she cracks a rib..

To answer your question, with possibly a stupid answer..
It may just be me, but I've always been under the impression that they are seedlings until they take on the characteristics of a mature plant. Then they are in veg. I could be totally wrong, as I have never really read about it. I think I should though ..
As I could be totally wrong.
Look I wouldn’t recommend it, but if you do you may as well go the whole hog and do what you need to do to get her to full flower. LOLLINGGGG

We tend to shut the gate after the horse bolts, I think every woman over 40 should take a Cal/vit D top up. And if there are any drinkers, Vit B1 (thiamine) is a must. It’s as cheap as chips, you take just one 100mg tablet a day. The reason is alcohol depletes it.

In a hospital emergency room environment the first thing you give a drinker, well depending on the cause of the admission of course, but as soon as they are stable they will get 300mg IV thiamine.

I always count from head popping up. But I think I count flower from first hairs.
Look I wouldn’t recommend it, but if you do you may as well go the whole hog and do what you need to do to get her to full flower. LOLLINGGGG

We tend to shut the gate after the horse bolts, I think every woman over 40 should take a Cal/vit D top up. And if there are any drinkers, Vit B1 (thiamine) is a must. It’s as cheap as chips, you take just one 100mg tablet a day. The reason is alcohol depletes it.

In a hospital emergency room environment the first thing you give a drinker, well depending on the cause of the admission of course, but as soon as they are stable they will get 300mg IV thiamine.

I always count from head popping up. But I think I count flower from first hairs.
Her flowers died years ago. You would have to re veg her..:laugh:
She's just said thanks again. She doesn't take B1. So she's ordering that now.
What should an over 40 wino and pizza addict like me take to stop my body falling to bits? :laugh:

I agree with you on the flowering phase. I count the days from flip and the days from first hairs. I think I may be over complicating matters though.
Her flowers died years ago. You would have to re veg her..:laugh:
She's just said thanks again. She doesn't take B1. So she's ordering that now.
What should an over 40 wino and pizza addict like me take to stop my body falling to bits? :laugh:

I agree with you on the flowering phase. I count the days from flip and the days from first hairs. I think I may be over complicating matters though.
OMG I dribbled coffee on my iPad! I hope you made lol coz otherwise call the ambos I’m having a fucking stroke!!

My advice since you asked, I would say, make pizza a sometimes food and make fresh fruit, veg, and grains your staple. Take 100mg of thiamine morning and night, and start exercising if you don’t, aim for 1/2 hour per day. If you are a smoker try and balance edibles with choofables and really focus on lung health. Get a blow machine, I don’t mean a cocaine machine either just to clarify.

Thankfully we can make our grows as complicated as we like.

Anyway, as far as my expert medical advice do you want to pay with PayPal or bank transfer?
OMG I dribbled coffee on my iPad! I hope you made lol coz otherwise call the ambos I’m having a fucking stroke!!

My advice since you asked, I would say, make pizza a sometimes food and make fresh fruit, veg, and grains your staple. Take 100mg of thiamine morning and night, and start exercising if you don’t, aim for 1/2 hour per day. If you are a smoker try and balance edibles with choofables and really focus on lung health. Get a blow machine, I don’t mean a cocaine machine either just to clarify.

Thankfully we can make our grows as complicated as we like.

Anyway, as far as my expert medical advice do you want to pay with PayPal or bank transfer?
:drool:if you look like that, I will call the ambulance.

Well. I'm fooked. The only fruit I get is fermented grapes. Grains? Does grains of salt count? Exercise? Does walking to the off license to buy wine count?
Lung health? If I blow up a balloon I pass out.
But I will start taking thiamine. Just ordered some multivits for unhealthy men. It's got all sorts on it..
Oh! Will you accept a cheque?. Can you reverse lung damage with one of those blowy the ball machines?

Oh!! Just googled seedling to veg stage and it says veg stage is when they start producing fan leaves and when they take the form of a mature plant.. but you can't believe everything that's written on the tinterwebby thing
:drool:if you look like that, I will call the ambulance.

Well. I'm fooked. The only fruit I get is fermented grapes. Grains? Does grains of salt count? Exercise? Does walking to the off license to buy wine count?
Lung health? If I blow up a balloon I pass out.
But I will start taking thiamine. Just ordered some multivits for unhealthy men. It's got all sorts on it..
Oh! Will you accept a cheque?. Can you reverse lung damage with one of those blowy the ball machines?

Oh!! Just googled seedling to veg stage and it says veg stage is when they start producing fan leaves and when they take the form of a mature plant.. but you can't believe everything that's written on the tinterwebby thing
Look I’m not gonna lie and try and catfish you. That is 100% me. Fairy wings and all.

You are, but it’s not too late to change your direction, unless you’re over 70, if you’re over 70 just strap in and enjoy.

Defs thiamine. Be careful with multivitamins they tend to put a tiny bit of everything you need when you in fact need larger doses for them to be effective. Oh if you smoke eat an orange or take vit c. Once your lungs are fucked they are fucked. You can’t reverse that damage. However you can slow it getting worse. I think the only organ that can rejuvenate is the liver.
Look I’m not gonna lie and try and catfish you. That is 100% me. Fairy wings and all.

You are, but it’s not too late to change your direction, unless you’re over 70, if you’re over 70 just strap in and enjoy.

Defs thiamine. Be careful with multivitamins they tend to put a tiny bit of everything you need when you in fact need larger doses for them to be effective. Oh if you smoke eat an orange or take vit c. Once your lungs are fucked they are fucked. You can’t reverse that damage. However you can slow it getting worse. I think the only organ that can rejuvenate is the liver.
:rofl:Has anyone told you that you are Bonkers?:rofl:
Day 8 of veg
Day 28 from birth
Day 32 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a. Set @ 24inches, set @60% , drawing 150 watts
Lux: 25000
Par: 440 approximately
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: 2.5 gallon or approx 12 litre, plastic
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. Both photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: Pre-charged soil and liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 27
RH: 60

Howdy do folks. Hope all's growing well for you lot

Quick photo dump update. Everything is chooching along quite nicely.They've had their drink after 3 days of drying out; 400ml each for the WW and SD and 250ml for the BB
I have ramped the light up to 150 watts and they are happy. I will be making a suggestion to @Sylstar on how to improve this light, after I've done a dump..
Here is the White Widow


Here is the Sour D


And the runt Blueberry OG

All is growing in the right direction

Right! The light!
It's starting to get a bit toasty in there and it's only set at 150 watts, the drivers are at 40°C
And that's with a fan blowing on them . I gave it a short blast at 300 watts and It was into the 50s (lost that photo and they are asleep now) I know this is unavoidable; as all drivers generate heat and other brands of light have the same issue.
So, @Sylstar , it would be beneficial if the drivers were removable from the board. With small extension leads, it would give the user the option of mounting the drivers outside of the tent, when needed.

In the winter, this light is going to be perfect. No heater required. But, in the summer, its going to add heat to the environment that I could do without.
Anyway, I know this will void my warranty, but I will be making my own extension cables.
This is the back of the board at the moment

The leads on the left and right of the drivers which feed the LEDs, will be getting cut and extension cables made to join them back together. The drivers, along side the dimmer control, will be mounted externally onto an aluminium heat sink. I will be using cable with the same rating as the existing; with suitable connectors for that cable. This modification will help eradicate a lot of unnecessary heat in the grow environment..
Anyway. That's next week's job, I've got to source the connectors and this cable. ..

The longer cables shouldn't cause any voltage drop issues, so it won't impact the performance of the light.
Any advice on light butchery would be gratefully accepted.

@Sylstar please do not take this as a negative comment. The light is an awesome bit of kit. Affordable quality, with high end performance.
I would not choose any other brand of light now. I am a customer for life.
I just believe with this simple modification, it would make this light perfect for every set up..

That's it guys.
As always. Thank you all for stopping by.

See you all on your side


Ps. Missus is on the mend!!:thumb:
Day 8 of veg
Day 28 from birth
Day 32 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a. Set @ 24inches, @ 60% power, drawing 150 watts
Lux: 25000
Par: 440 approximately
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: 2.5 gallon or approx 12 litre, plastic
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. Both photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: Pre-charged soil and liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 27
RH: 60

Howdy do folks. Hope all's growing well for you lot

Quick photo dump update. Everything is chooching along quite nicely.Theyve had their drink after 3 days of drying out; 400ml each for the WW and SD and 250ml for the BB
Ramped the light up to 150 watts and they are happy. I will be making a suggestion to @Sylstar on how to improve this light, after I've done a dump..
Heres the White Widow


Here is the Sour D


And the runt Blueberry OG

All is growing in the right direction

Right! The light!
It's starting to get a bit toasty in there and it's only set at 150 watts, the drivers are at 40°C
And that's with a fan blowing on them . I gave it a short blast at 300 watts and It was into the 50s (lost that photo and they are asleep now)
So, @Sylstar , it would be beneficial if the drivers were removable from the board. With small extension leads, it would give the user the option of mounting the drivers outside of the tent when needed.

In the winter, this light is going to be perfect. No heater required. But, in the summer, its going to add heat to the environment, that I could do without.
Anyway, I know this will void my warranty, but I will be making my own extension cables.
This is the back of the board at the moment

The leads on the left and right of the drivers which feed the LEDs will be getting cut and extension cables made to join them back together. The drivers, along side the dimmer control will be mounted externally onto an aluminium heat sink. I will be using the same rating cable with suitable connectors for that cable. This will eradicate a lot of unnecessary heat in the grow environment..
Anyway. That's next week's job, I've got to source the connectors and this cable. ..

The longer cables shouldn't cause any voltage drop issues, so it won't impact the performance of the light

Any advice on light butchery would be gratefully accepted.

That's it guys.
As always. Thank you all for stopping by.

See you all on your side


Ps. Missus is on the mend!!:thumb:
Hey Amigo hope everything is getting better. ;)
Garden is looking good. But you knew that.hehe
Next time your at Tesco's grab some grow bags for those lovely ladies.:rofl::laugh:
Sorry I can't help myself sometimes. :laugh:
The wife says thats what gets me in trouble all the time.
I jest , lol I made a pun. Get it jest,well I found it funny.
Take care.
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