Squiggle Is Testing The Sylstar GL4000a: Multi Strain Grow, In A Brand New Set Up!

Ez bro, Maybe you should change the name of the journal to something like;


Joking aside. If this Auto White widow produces anything decent, it dispels the myths of them being fragile. When they fell out the last time. I jammed them back into there pots until I prepped the other ones . The roots were snapped and snagged. Wish I had took a photo but I was in a proper flap..
So, let's see if they grow at all, never mind grow in pain...
Seedlings Day 15
Day 19 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a @ 40% 90 watts
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: to be confirmed
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. All photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 25
RH: 50

Howd y do folks

Hope all's growing well on your side.

I had a proper disaster last night, as I said above; I tipped the pots over again. This time there was no soil around the roots as they were a tad dry..
So,, roots dangling in mid air, I had to hastily prepare the only pots I had. They are 2.5 gallon plastic things which I used on my last grow.. not ideal, but I had to use what I had..

I made two separate layers of two separate composts. The bottom and the side walls of the pots were layered with the hotter mix

And the stuff next to the new root growth is the not so hot stuff

I used a bag for life from one of our budget shops to mix the compost and perlite in
it saves a load of mess.. here's the pot set up.

I also added this stuff where the roots will grow into

Here they are all snug and cozy in their non tippy over pots.

The White widow

The Sour Diseasel

And the runt of the litter, the Blue berry OG

I've started adding a bit CO2 to the tent also.. one sock full of dry ice every 8 hours. I can get hundreds of old extinguishers for free, so it's a CO2 bonus:cheesygrinsmiley:

So. Hopefully the WW and SD will be ok after their bashing about.. I've totally fooked up the start of this grow; all down to not trusting new equipment.. im pretty happy with all the setting on the light, now I have it mapped in lux and Par. But, no doubt I will bugger something else up along the way..

Hope all's growing well with you lot.
As always; I appreciate you popping in. Thanks again

See you all on your side

Boom, back on track! I have to say, as I was looking down those photos, I thought that Q4 was a can of fosters!!!
I was like "Oh no, Its got to him..he's cracked!"
But nah, all good! Loving the sock injection of CO2 :thumb:

The Mrs has got your cards marked already & she hasn't even met ya yet.....She reckons Mrs Squiggles should take over...Women are more gentle....apparently :laugh:

But seriously though, considering the clumsy start, they do look sound tbf & you've stuck with it mate so kudos for that dude. I don't think I could have kept it together & would probably have started again...but that's just me, major stress head.
Onwards & upwards....fingers crossed for no more drama's bro!

One :love:
I'm a proper clumsy idiot mate. The wife calls me Frank Spencer.. for those that don't know who he is, look him up.
Classic British comedy...
Thanks for not reporting me to the cannacops. I promise I will never injure another plant ever...
" oooooooh Betty" :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: A forgotten legend!

Joking aside. If this Auto White widow produces anything decent, it dispels the myths of them being fragile. When they fell out the last time. I jammed them back into there pots until I prepped the other ones . The roots were snapped and snagged. Wish I had took a photo but I was in a proper flap..
So, let's see if they grow at all never mind grow in pain...
Totally mate, we always seem to end up taking the piss...I think that's partly down to you though.....being a joker 'n all :laugh:
Dude, people are always saying that cannabis is fragile.
When I started 20 odd years ago, I was using just normal light bulbs with colour film over them, in a cupboard & that's it.....they still grew!!! drought, under feeding, over feeding the lot.
These plants will grow in the sh*ttest of conditions. Granted, you won't get a decent result but they are stubborn.
They may take a while to recover but I'm still confident for you dude, still plenty of time to heal :thumb:
Boom, back on track! I have to say, as I was looking down those photos, I thought that Q4 was a can of fosters!!!
I was like "Oh no, Its got to him..he's cracked!"
But nah, all good! Loving the sock injection of CO2 :thumb:

The Mrs has got your cards marked already & she hasn't even met ya yet.....She reckons Mrs Squiggles should take over...Women are more gentle....apparently :laugh:

But seriously though, considering the clumsy start, they do look sound tbf & you've stuck with it mate so kudos for that dude. I don't think I could have kept it together & would probably have started again...but that's just me, major stress head.
Onwards & upwards....fingers crossed for no more drama's bro!

One :love:
Your Mrs sounds like my Mrs. Thats what she said..she's more gentle.

I told her to take over, but when I mentioned, ppm, ppfd, par, pH
Lux, NPK, and cal mag,, she said WTF? :laugh:
Your Mrs sounds like my Mrs. Thats what she said..she's more gentle.

I told her to take over, but when I mentioned, ppm, ppfd, par, pH
, lux, NPK, and cal mag,, she said WTF? :laugh:
Yh, just reply with PMT.

Totally mate, we always seem to end up taking the piss...I think that's partly down to you though.....being a joker 'n all :laugh:
Dude, people are always saying that cannabis is fragile.
When I started 20 odd years ago, I was using just normal light bulbs with colour film over them, in a cupboard & that's it.....they still grew!!! drought, under feeding, over feeding the lot.
These plants will grow in the sh*ttest of conditions. Granted, you won't get a decent result but they are stubborn.
They may take a while to recover but I'm still confident for you dude, still plenty of time to heal :thumb:
I've read about that before. 100 watt incandescent bulbs painted blue and red and they produced bud.. I thought it was a myth but you have confirmed it. It does go to show, they are pretty resilient..
Thanks for the confidence vote.. we shall see..
Ye all jokes a side i agree with Sticky they dont look bad at all for being out the pots so much those roots will make a come back.
Thanks mate. I've pulled hundreds of tomato and broccoli seedlings out by the roots and replanted with no problems, but there seems to be an overwhelming majority of info, saying these roots of our medicinal plants are fragile, so I'm only going on what I've read.. now I have the experience of abusing our beloved plants, I feel a bit more confident..
Not the green house. :laugh:
Gotta say mate.. I feel much less of a c**t now.:) alls I said was give em a splint an they’ll be ok..watdidyado? You strapped em to what can only be described as monster cocks (it’s all relative) and then repeatedly knocked em about the place.. wtf. Starting to have a few concerns over your character mate:)
Seedlings Day 15
Day 19 from soaking seeds

: Sylstar GL-4000a @ 40% 85 watts
Lux: 12960
Par: 296 approximately
Medium: Store bought compost.
Final pot size and type: 2.5 gallon or approx 12 lites, plastic
Grow space: 1metre X 1metre X 2metre
Strains: 1xSour diesel. 1xStar dawg. 1xBlueberry OG. All photoperiod and 1x White widow Auto
Nutrients: liquid organic feed (if needed)
Water: Mineral, pH'd to 6.5
Temperature: 25
RH: 50

Howdy ya do folks

Hope all's growing well on your side.

I had a proper disaster last night, as I said above; I tipped the pots over again. This time there was no soil around the roots as they were a tad dry..
So,, roots dangling in mid air, I had to hastily prepare the only pots I had. They are 2.5 gallon plastic things which I used on my last grow.. not ideal, but I had to use what I had..

I made two separate layers of two separate composts. The bottom and the side walls of the pots were layered with the hotter mix

And the stuff next to the new root growth is the not so hot stuff

I used a bag for life from one of our budget shops; to mix the compost and perlite in
it saves a load of mess.. here's the pot set up.

I also added this stuff where the roots will grow into

Here they are all snug and cozy, in their non tippy over pots.

The White widow

The Sour Diseasel

And the runt of the litter, the Blue berry OG

I've started adding a bit CO2 to the tent also.. one sock full of dry ice every 8 hours. I can get hundreds of old extinguishers for free, so it's a CO2 bonus:cheesygrinsmiley:

So, hopefully the WW and SD will be ok after their bashing about.. I've totally fooked up the start of this grow; all down to not trusting new equipment.. im pretty happy with the light, now I have it mapped in lux and Par. But, no doubt I will bugger something else up along the way..

Hope all's growing well with you lot.
As always; I appreciate you popping in. Thanks again

See you all on your side

They don't look any worse for the wear. They might stare angrily at you for a few days
Hey Squiggles, just caught myself up and gonna have a seat. I just bought the gl2000 so very interested to see what you can do with the 4000. Question if I may, I’m using the 2000 in my 4x4 for only one plant, should work okay right? I do hss as cr a Phlizon 600W blurple LED if needed but don’t really want to use. The GL2000 says actual wattage is 220, if like yours maybe it’s a little more, lol(wishful thinking, why not). Happy Smoking!
Hey yooo guys!!!

Sorry for disappearing. Misses Squiggles been in hospital, she fell down the stairs and dislocated her hip. Shes back home now and on the mend..

The plants are a mess. They've been neglected, the timer has been doing its own thing, so God knows what light they've been getting. I've replaced that. They were as dry as sticks. They've missed two watering cycles. I didn't have the fans on and the thermometer recorded a temperature of 34°C
God knows for how long..
So. I'm not doing very well on this grow, a proper fook up. I've hastily trained them.. No technique training, just bending them over and training them around the circumference of the pot.. it's worked out ok for me in the past, so I will just stick with it for now..
Anyway.. I will upload some photo's laters.. I will catch up on all your journals tonight; it may take a while, as I logged on to this

So, just a few notifications to look over..

Anyway. Catch you all soon guys..

Thanks again

Hey Squiggles, just caught myself up and gonna have a seat. I just bought the gl2000 so very interested to see what you can do with the 4000. Question if I may, I’m using the 2000 in my 4x4 for only one plant, should work okay right? I do hss as cr a Phlizon 600W blurple LED if needed but don’t really want to use. The GL2000 says actual wattage is 220, if like yours maybe it’s a little more, lol(wishful thinking, why not). Happy Smoking!
Hi mate.. thanks for taking the time to catch up..
As @skunksa said. That light is more than enough to grow a beast of a plant under, so I wouldn't worry.. will you be setting up a journal? If you are, tag me in please.. wishing the best of luck with your grow.
Speak soon
Damn. Soory to hear about the Mrs. falling. I wish her a speedy and full recovery.

You can grow more plants, if necessary.
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