SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Looks excellent Spirit! But, u know how I do. I always have a comment. lol... Ok, here I go. co2? U might want to wait until the stretch is over b4 adding ur co2 into the enviroment. From what I have learned they will grow (stretch) alot more in a co2 rich enviroment. Could cause alot more side branching and alot more height. But if you wait until the stretch is over then all of your co2 efforts will be focused on flower production instead of stretch and growth. You could still probably use it but you might want to keep the ppms lower. Say maybe 500-600. Above fresh air levels but not at explosive growth levels. Ur plants already look to be 4-5 inches tall. What height are u aiming for? Can anyone else chime in about adding co2 right now? I am not a pro on the co2 enrichment but I have see alot of people wait until stretch is over.
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Hey SpiriTHC! I'm back early (click here for story) and just got caught up.

Congrats on the BPN Elite 3-part w/ Liquid Blue Bloom Booster! You're gonna love these nutes. There's no way in hell I'd pay $850+ for any nute line.... That'd be Cyco! lol!

For the naysayer to 2L DWC-H siting not enough evidence, I would point out Twelve12's awesome breeding program. He grew out several strains in just this type of setup for his breeding program, and it was a perpetual flower that lasted for several months...

tiptopper had a good point on when to add CO2

About the difference in PPM between Cyco and BPN, I can only say that these nutes were formulated with specifically cannabis in mind. It is my belief that even with the lower PPM than any other product out there, the balance is such that the most efficient use of the nutrients is achieved, so there is no need to ramp up the PPM just to give the plants what they need.

Nice job on the transplanting, lots of bud is headed your way... GO BIG OR GO....somewhere else with your weak self. :rofl:
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Looking great SpiriTHC :) Can't wait to start seeing them all flower! Amazing job on the cloning, I'll have to get some tips from you when I decided to venture into cloning myself.
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum


Well my girrlfriend is officially upset and jealous of my other girl(s) !
LOL I have completely blown her off for the last 3 days! Lots of work to be done tho!

As for the op:

1. The mothers in soil got fed pH water + black strap molasses along with a foliage spray of SM-90! That should help use up the salts in the soil a long with sweeten some things up to help rise the pH and the SM-90 to help build a metabolism and clean stuff up and prevent things as well (it is a wetting agent) ! I will add some dolomite limestone if the pH remains high!

2. The coco mother(s) got fed as well! I actually used the run off from the plants that I switch from Cyco to BPN! LoL! good nute water nice pH and nice ppm since they were just starting off! They are looking pretty good and blowing up in size!

p.s I will take pictures of the mother chamber tonight, I wanted some time to see if the elements I added would kick in and show me an overall better looking plant. We'll see!

3. I set up the CHHC-4 Sentinel controller! So my entire room is pretty much automated now, minus my feeding (which I will come up with later) I set the carbon filter, a/c unit , and the c02 to it! I only set the ppm of the c02 at 700 max! it stayed in the 600's for the majority of the time! (question: I am pretty sure I do not want to run c02 at night.. but since it is automated I wonder if it knows not to release it at night? Just in case I shut it off right before I went to to sleep and the lights were shutting off at 6 AM! Yes! I had a LONG DAY/NIGHT!)

Unfortunately, my carbon filter is set as my "cooling device" because I do not want it to interfere with my c02 when lights are on! I know Twelve12 told me to have it running all the time.. But that thing is overkill! It is huge and my c02 will not enrich properly. So what I have done is set it to my cooling device so it shuts off and when it does c02 automatically comes on and once the temp rises to 81 the carbon filter/ventilation exhaust turns on (because of the oversize of this filter I believe it will suck out the smelly air within seconds while it cools out the room as well) ...I still have to play with things to figure out the best approach and least wasteful and safe!

The a/c unit is set to the "humidity device" set at 42% to stay on pretty much all the time! and I could set it up so it would stay on while the c02 emits! therefore not wasting any! The only exhaust ventilation fan that is on now is the 700cfm fan that air cools my 3 1000hps!

I will take photos of the sentinel device as the hook up as well tonight! Its pretty damn cool!

Now to the flowering chamber!


To make sure its fair! I completely discarded all the water out of the BPN bottles that had a light mix of the Cyco for the first day of flowering! By far this device is amazing easy to flush
Check it out!

Simply tilt it and let the water run out the hole on the bottom half of the 2L (Hempy portion of the DWC)

I put it into the 5 gallon jug so I can re-use this great ppm and pH nutritional solution! Makes it very easy and non-wasteful!

Will have more pictures tonight as we get into the 3rd day of flowering!
So exciting guys! I will germinate three seeds tonight!

(1)THC Snow, (1)Black Domina , and (1)New York City Diesel

So we can get three new healthy mother(s) into the picture if I so happen to lose 2 soil mothers that are sick , I want to make sure all my clones are strong and keep my 100% success rate! Taking these precautions will take you a long way I've realized! Time is the obstacle but patience leads to the open path! I feel like Propa Gator speaking some cool wise words for once! haha

:thanks: EVERYBODY stay posted!
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Good thing I ran it at about 600ppm for the c02 then!

I honestly dont mind if I have a little bigger plants because the bigger the plant the bigger the buds!
But I am aiming for 2 - 2 1/2 feet considering these are clone(s) to bloom


Looks excellent Spirit! But, u know how I do. I always have a comment. lol... Ok, here I go. co2? U might want to wait until the stretch is over b4 adding ur co2 into the enviroment. From what I have learned they will grow (stretch) alot more in a co2 rich enviroment. Could cause alot more side branching and alot more height. But if you wait until the stretch is over then all of your co2 efforts will be focused on flower production instead of stretch and growth. You could still probably use it but you might want to keep the ppms lower. Say maybe 500-600. Above fresh air levels but not at explosive growth levels. Ur plants already look to be 4-5 inches tall. What height are u aiming for? Can anyone else chime in about adding co2 right now? I am not a pro on the co2 enrichment but I have see alot of people wait until stretch is over.
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Good thing I ran it at about 600ppm for the c02 then!

I honestly dont mind if I have a little bigger plants because the bigger the plant the bigger the buds!
But I am aiming for 2 - 2 1/2 feet considering these are clone(s) to bloom


With that size light you can get away with 2 or 2 1/2' of growth but unless they are single cola phenos then u will probably end up with a shit load of side branching. As u know this is not desirable with ur technique because u will most likely end up lolli poppn most of them at some point. Some of them already look to be 5-6" tall and will most likely hit ur target height. Not sayn it wont work just speaking on the effect this could have for ur technique. Jandre stated that 12/12 has been doing a perpetual breeding program in the 2l DWC-H style so I guess there is more evidence than I was aware of. Ur sentennial should have a photosensor that cuts off the co2 automatically during the dark hours. I do have 1 question about ur a/c and temps. If ur a/c is running constantly wouldnt it be sucking out co2 canstantly since it is pumping out hot exhaust into ur attic? And do u have a way of controlling the smell in ur attic since it would also be sucking out smell as well? Forgive me if u have already explained, I cannot recall some things I have already read.
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

well this moment is the hardest moment I have ever dealt with in my entire life
I lost my house (not the house that the grow is in) so now I will be moving into that home but my entire family now is homeless and have no money.. whatever money that we did have was invested into doing this..

and the worst as happened now that I lost my home I dont know where my family will stay and i dont know how they will be okay.. and on top of that I just lost the love of my life.. my sweetheart has decided that it would be better for us not to be with each other anymore.. because of what I do..

I know that what I am doing may not be morally correct in society.. But I truly believe it is 1. the most beautiful thing a human could do 2. I do it strictly out of love and to feed and support my family 3. God has allowed me to because he has brought it upon me and brought it upon others for thousands of years

but she decided to opt out of our relationship because I seem to refuse to change.. what she doesnt understand is what is riding on my back.. I have taken the savings to make this happen so we can have a better life.. its the sacrifices that pay off.. but seem to hurt more than anything right now.. I am completely destroyed and in tears.. i have no friends.. i have no life.. I have nobody to lean on to..

I know its pathetic but this is all I have.. This journal is the story of my life.. And although the world is against me.. I have to prosper and I have to make this happen for my family's sake.. and I know this may be weirder but my emotions and support is resting within these lines of context and my only support are my subscribers ..which I believe personally are my friends..

My heart hurts ..
My head throbs ..
My knees tremble..

But my hands will continue to work and my fingers will continue to type..

I will do this for my family. For my future. For you guys!
and now I understand that it is also important that I do this for myself!

re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

With that size light you can get away with 2 or 2 1/2' of growth but unless they are single cola phenos then u will probably end up with a shit load of side branching. As u know this is not desirable with ur technique because u will most likely end up lolli poppn most of them at some point. Some of them already look to be 5-6" tall and will most likely hit ur target height. Not sayn it wont work just speaking on the effect this could have for ur technique. Jandre stated that 12/12 has been doing a perpetual breeding program in the 2l DWC-H style so I guess there is more evidence than I was aware of. Ur sentennial should have a photosensor that cuts off the co2 automatically during the dark hours. I do have 1 question about ur a/c and temps. If ur a/c is running constantly wouldnt it be sucking out co2 canstantly since it is pumping out hot exhaust into ur attic? And do u have a way of controlling the smell in ur attic since it would also be sucking out smell as well? Forgive me if u have already explained, I cannot recall some things I have already read.

That is not how an A/C works... It takes inside air, forces it past cooled coils, (Evaporator coils remove heat) and pushes it back into the inside air. The rest of the heat exchange takes place outside. A separate fan blows outside air across heated coils (Condenser coils release heat) and back out into the outside air. Heat is literally moved from inside to outside within the sealed system and refrigerant... The air inside and outside never touch or change places.

Because of this there will be no smell in the attic. There would only be a need to scrub air inside to keep it from building up and billowing out as the door is opened each day to check on the plants... or whatever the frequency would be. If the house is truly sealed, that is. If not, there will be a constant escape of aroma through miniscule imperfections in the structure and the smell would linger in the area.
Keep your head up bro, you got to weather the storm to enjoy the beach. I understand what you do and why you do it, take things one day at a time and stay positive.

One Love Brother
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Hey big homie Spiritz HIGH up in here, would hug U 4sho bro, Come on in lets smoke dis 4 da night! SIIIIAAAAAHHHT, it breaks my heart too read this. I feel you 2 the bottom, Ive got 2 kids my self, oldest one is only one and a half, my baby boy is 6 month. I know what ur coming from homie, struggeling myself. But damn. I know this dont come cheap, and from the looks of your setup nothing has been spared either--
Chin high, keep it poppin. Life is life, if its real let it go and it wil come back! I'll B here 4 U either way bro! Keep lightz ON!!
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Really do appreciate the support guys!
This is so hard to deal with.. but I must continue



2 Days of Flower (4/25) tonight will be the third 4/28 when lights are come on in 15 min
Things on both sides. Cyco and BPN are looking great! this will be an interesting run.. What a nice green color coming about :morenutes:

>>Cyco Platinum Series

>>Blue Planet Nutrients

Thanks again guys!

Just in case anyone wants to tune in with me on the blues
"SpiriTHC's Radio"
Currently listening to: Michael Grimm - You Don't Know Me
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Last night and this morning is harder than the other day..

I miss my sweetheart :phew:
I am hurting soo much..

Here's the update on 3rd day of 12/12:

>>Sentinel CHHC-4 Controller working its magic (still have to figure out what to do with that carbon filter.. I know I need it on all the time but it is working against me right now.. seems to suck not only the c02 but the cold air out as well ! damn I might just have to hang that bitch high.. Dont even know how I am going to do that.... )


Here is the c02 tank with the regulator that attaches to the sentinel controller

set the line that emits the c02 behind the fan that breezes the plants

Things are getting Green

Not bad at all for 3 day of flower! I can see lady parts already! and things should be picking up as the week progresses

Had to turn both 1000k HPS down to 750w.. gotta a lil hot in there .. going to have to find a solution here .. I really wanna bump it to 1000k wattage

Let the battle continue..

Left: Cyco Platinum Series Right: Blue Planet Nutrients

Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I made you feel second best
Girl, I'm sorry I was blind

You were always on my mind..

I miss you so much :'(
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Looking good spirit. Couple of things for u if possible. Are u able to connect ur carbon filters fan up the the sentinel controller? I noticed there was an available socket. If so this would be ideal that way u wouldnt be sucking out ur cool air and co2 as it should on come on when temps get too hot and in turn it should cut off ur co2 while it is running. If u can go this route u would also need another carbon filter and fan that is only circulating room air and not being exhausted. Doesnt have to be as big as the one u have either. A cheapo 6 in fan/ filter combo would probably do the trick. Could probably find a real good price on ebay. U could just sit the fan ontop of the filter and maybe add a little ducting so it would exhaust between the plant and the light. Maybe even put it on opposite side of the fan u have mounted so u would get co2 action from both sides. I would have the mounted fan and co2 injection on one side and on the opposite side the a/c unit, filter and fan so u would also be blowing cool air and co2 over the tops of ur ladies, and just hook the huge filter and fan up to the sentinel and have it only kick on when temps are too hot so it can exhaust. This way (should) enable u to keep the temps down while keeping in ur co2.
re: SpiriTHC's 2L Hempy vs DWC-H Tsunami of Green - CycoPlatinum

Also, where does the air that is cooling ur lights come from? If it is coming from inside the room u might want to consider drilling a hole and running ur intake from outside of the room. Alot of people have their fans that are hooked up to the hoods pulling air out of their hoods which unless u have airtight ducting and connections will pull out undesirables. I find it better to have my fans pushing air through the hoods as it does not cause a vaccum reaction and therefore it will not suck any undesirable smells or co2 out of the room. Hope this helps. Stay strong man. Women like to control every aspect of our lives. But u have to be happy with life itself. If a woman is the only way to happiness then I will never be happy. Dont change unless u want to. I have made the mistake of changing myself for a woman and that will deffinetly never happen again. She didnt dig what I do after a while. So she left. Then I changed and she came back and the problems we had before where still there so my hobby didnt really have much to do with it like she said it did. Long story short, she is still here and we know work on problems that count. Although I do compromise when it comes to my hobby, I will not stop until I choose to. Happiness comes in many forms. Best advise to u is to take care of ur fam. And if this is how u do it, go all in. Focus. Do everything u can to be sucessful. U have invested too much. Plain and simple (DONT LOOSE!). Be careful and be smart...
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