Speyedr's White Widow Deep Water Culture SCROG, House & Garden Nutes - 1st Grow EVER!

However, I am using a Hanna Grow Check, and when I turned it on my pH reading immediately dropped from 5.7 to 3.8. My EC was off too, so maybe the temp is as well.
Either the Ice Probe fried my shit or it interferes with the Hanna, which seems odd given it is meant to work in Aquariums where in tank probes are common.

I've read that often people have reported problems with the Hanna monitors. FYI, you are correct about the possibility of your ice probe throwing off your number. My monitor was incorrect because I had my probe cord to close to the ballast (electrical interference). You might try that first.

I've read that often people have reported problems with the Hanna monitors. FYI, you are correct about the possibility of your ice probe throwing off your number. My monitor was incorrect because I had my probe cord to close to the ballast (electrical interference). You might try that first.


I moved it to the other side of the res. EC is fine now but the pH reading is still way off.
Hanna said I may ave an issue with the e-ballast but I really haven't. Now it gets thrown off by the Ice Probe. Always something ain't it? On the plus side it keeps me from staring at my pH and getting all nutty.
As of this morning my temps had started to creep up even with the Ice Probe. The were mid 72f and I was pretty upset.

The problem it seems is that the SH res (and any other rubbermade type container) has a very thin wall with little insulating ability. In an aquarium you have either glass or fairly thick acrylic, both of which are fairly decent insulators.

So I wrapped my res in mylar bubble wrap insulation ('About time', says Roseman) and now I have the added benefit of blocking out light. Once I did that the temps started dropping. Room temps are set between 74f - 77f and the res is holding between 69f - 70f. This allows humidity to range between 45% - 60%+ depending on when the room vents.

I'll keep monitoring and posting results before the verdict is in, but it looks promising so far. The plants seem to be happy with it too.

I also picked up some aquarium algaecide and added that. Once the H2O2 is out of solution I'll add another dose and add the Roots Excelerateur.
As of this morning my temps had started to creep up even with the Ice Probe. The were mid 72f and I was pretty upset.

The problem it seems is that the SH res (and any other rubbermade type container) has a very thin wall with little insulating ability. In an aquarium you have either glass or fairly thick acrylic, both of which are fairly decent insulators.

So I wrapped my res in mylar bubble wrap insulation ('About time', says Roseman) and now I have the added benefit of blocking out light. Once I did that the temps started dropping. Room temps are set between 74f - 77f and the res is holding between 69f - 70f. This allows humidity to range between 45% - 60%+ depending on when the room vents.

I'll keep monitoring and posting results before the verdict is in, but it looks promising so far. The plants seem to be happy with it too.

I also picked up some aquarium algaecide and added that. Once the H2O2 is out of solution I'll add another dose and add the Roots Excelerateur.

Good to see it leveling out for ya', keeping fingers crossed! I used the foil tape and it helped a bit, definitely thinking of the Mylar bubble wrap now. I do not recall seeing it in hydro store though. Hmmm.... where did you get it, a home depot type establishment?
I ended up making a larger res for around the bucket I'm using now. I put Ice bottles in it everyday, and put thick towels over them to keep the cool at the bottom, and the heat up top. I have been monitoring it all day, it has been 65 in the morning and up to 68 about 4 hours later. I will keep an eye to see how hot it ends up getting, but yesterday it was still quite low. I think this is my new cooler! I'll post some pics on my grow page in the next few days. Still checkin your Ice probe! Doesn't sound too bad, but yeah, the tubs need to be thinker or have some kind of wrap insulation on them. I've been trying to come up with a really cool solution to use. Need more time to Brain storm. Later!
Too Cool! I got my fingers crossed for ya. How many gallons are you cooling? :goodluck:

Evolution Of A GrowCab-From The School of hard Knocks
Grow Cab Ventilation Redesign-All About Heat

As of this morning my temps had started to creep up even with the Ice Probe. The were mid 72f and I was pretty upset.

The problem it seems is that the SH res (and any other rubbermade type container) has a very thin wall with little insulating ability. In an aquarium you have either glass or fairly thick acrylic, both of which are fairly decent insulators.

So I wrapped my res in mylar bubble wrap insulation ('About time', says Roseman) and now I have the added benefit of blocking out light. Once I did that the temps started dropping. Room temps are set between 74f - 77f and the res is holding between 69f - 70f. This allows humidity to range between 45% - 60%+ depending on when the room vents.

I'll keep monitoring and posting results before the verdict is in, but it looks promising so far. The plants seem to be happy with it too.

I also picked up some aquarium algaecide and added that. Once the H2O2 is out of solution I'll add another dose and add the Roots Excelerateur.
Too Cool! I got my fingers crossed for ya. How many gallons are you cooling? :goodluck:

Cooling 6gal. The insulation seems to be the ticket. Current readings:
room - 76f
hum - 56%
res - 67.2f

These are night time temps (lights on 24hrs) so I don't want to get carried away, but I may be able to bump up room temp (and hence humidity) a point or two.

I am not using the model with temp control.

Also, pH seems to be fairly stable. have not adjusted since res change and currently 6.14. I will not mess with it until it is over 6.2.
Res is @ 66.2f this morning so I turned the temp controller up a degree. Don't want it getting too cold.
pH is at 6.20. I'll keep an eye on it but my hands off unless absolutely necessary. It's real nice to go 48hrs w/out adjusting pH.
Rockstar's roots are starting to explode and once I am positive they've hit the water that tube will come out. Runt hasn't shown me her roots yet but she is growing a bit and looking good.
I could just do a jig I'm so happy!!!
Looks like its starting to come along Speyedr. I know what you mean about the constraints of your grow room. I'm using a PC to grow lol. Just from following your grow I have learned and implemented a few things for my grow that is now in its 7th day. Sub'd :cheer:
Looks like its starting to come along Speyedr. I know what you mean about the constraints of your grow room. I'm using a PC to grow lol. Just from following your grow I have learned and implemented a few things for my grow that is now in its 7th day. Sub'd :cheer:

Thanks for the support and for stopping by. I sub'd to your journal. I am fascinated by the PC grows.

I took some pics today. Made my SCROG in anticipation of using it. When it is mounted the cross pieces on the bottom will be mounted on the underside of the lid using stainless steel U Bolts. That way I can raise the lid on the res along with the entire screen. Just have to watch out for the lights!!

I'll be moving the whole res & light to the right to avoid the filter. It's a little tight in there but I'm confident it'll work.

Here are the Girls as of today..

The Runt..

The Rockstar..

..with a finger for comparison..

Theres a little yellowing/browning of the tips of the leaf on the right. Any ideas?

The Roots..

You cant actually see it but there is finally a root peeking out of the Runt's cup. The Rockstar is LOVING the Roots Excelerateur. I'll be pulling the tube from her this weekend.

Temps and humidity are all good and stable, holding in the desired ranges. The Ice Probe is doing the trick now that the res is fully insulated. res stays under 70f and the room goes to 79f, 60% before venting down to 75f.
The pH is fairly stable but seems to want to stay a bit high. I am fighting the urge to fuck with it.

Comments, tips, criticisms by trolls, all welcome please!!:peace::ganjamon::thanks:
Can you buy one pre-made?? If you can I'll kick myself. Lots of PVC sawing and scratches from chickenwire making that thing.

Some people sell them on ebay for nice stack of cash. As well as DIY tubs that would take any of us 10 minutes is up for like 75$ Even PVC CFL arrays for like 10 bulbs! Search hydroponics on ebay. I also go to craigslist and seach things like HPS, grow, hydro,etc in the home and garden section be suprised at what you find.

Plants are looking mighty happy. I'm not sure about the pulling the tube yet, I have a huge bush of roots, with about half of them about 1 inch in the water, but I'm waiting until the roots are at least 3-6 inches in before pulling the tube. This is still my first grow, so maybe someone else can help better. That screen looks great!
Plants are looking mighty happy. I'm not sure about the pulling the tube yet, I have a huge bush of roots, with about half of them about 1 inch in the water, but I'm waiting until the roots are at least 3-6 inches in before pulling the tube. This is still my first grow, so maybe someone else can help better. That screen looks great!

I've read elsewhere, and I think also in Roseman's tutorial, that once the roots hit the water you can remove the tube, and that doing so actually encourages the plant to grow more roots more quickly to get to the water/nutes. Since they are in the water they do not need the tube.

Does this sound right?
Pardon me if this was asked already I've looked at sooo many threads tonight... but at what point do you remove the feeder drip tubes into the net pots butted up to the rockwool cubes and water pump from bubble buckets?

Is it when the roots start to touch the water in the buckets, or never?

I remove the feder tubes when the roots are 3 or 4 inches in the water, around the 3rd or 4th week. I used to clean the filter in the water pump then too but now I remove it and replace it with 2 plastic net pan scrubbers..
Stealth Hydroponics Deep Water Culture Growing Q & A Posts 87 & 88. I read those this morning. Hope that helps.
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