DIY CFL Deep Water Culture Grow A

Well, I have a pair of Pakistanie clippers... Couldn't even read the directions on how to use them. It was a low point in my life.
Happy New year and one fine grow. Short and tight nodes. Happy babies for sure.
Question? How many lumens are you showering your babies with? They look like they are under the perfect amount of light! Fat and happy! Having need of nothing! Well done!
Your start will result in a sucsessful finish if you contiue to care for them the way you have thus far.
Well, I have a pair of Pakistanie clippers... Couldn't even read the directions on how to use them. It was a low point in my life.
Happy New year and one fine grow. Short and tight nodes. Happy babies for sure.
Question? How many lumens are you showering your babies with? They look like they are under the perfect amount of light! Fat and happy! Having need of nothing! Well done!
Your start will result in a sucsessful finish if you contiue to care for them the way you have thus far.

Thank for the prop Proverbs I appreciate.
Damn them Pakistani clippers must be freaky if you need directions. Sorry I couldn't resist that one. I'm just playing.

This is the light setup I made they are 8 42 watt CFL 6 are 5100K and 2 are 2700K. I started them about a foot from the sprouts and moved em down slowly to where they are now about 2 inches above the girls. I believe they come to 21000 Lumens. You can see above I added a little bit of side (or in this case front) lighting last night to try and get those lower leaves.

I think it subliminally tell the plants to be girls! LOL! "Treat her like a lady and she give into you"

Well they are fem seeds MC so I really hope to have girls those five are 2 Barneys Farm Morning Glory, 2 Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth and a free seed from Attitude that is a DinaFem Blue Hash. That leaves me with 3 of each of the Barneys left for my next grow as well as a hashplant haze that was also free from Attitude. Not too pimp Attitude too much, they are not exactly cheap, but they did send me what I ordered in the Breeder Packs with three free seeds and they arrived in 7 days.

I use Attitude for the most part with a little Sannie Seeds thrown in because I was looking for a Jack Herer plant and Sannie's seed were cheap by comparison.

You have some of my future favorites in your line-up and the free Blue hash is next up for me. Still got to treat them like a lady! No Hermies allowed! LOL!
Nice start Mata, + reps

I'll be watching! :popcorn:

Thanks OBX Your setup is wild man.

Those extra large stems tell me you are going to have some giant plants!

Topping Time!

Very impressive Light Design too! VERY IMPRESSIVE GROW!

Thanks Roseman I really appreciate the kind words from the master. My whole grow I've done everything I could the same as you, only changing what I had too because of different space and stealth requirements. I've read your tutorial several times and even now I go and look at it almost daily to see what you were doing on the corresponding day of your grow. I'm even going in the next couple of days and getting some Ona, a bucket and a 9 or 10" fan so I can make an odor control system just like yours.

I topped a couple of days ago, I should be able to get some more pics up today to show my progress since the topping.

I appreciate all the onlookers and welcome all comments and suggestions.
Thank for the prop Proverbs I appreciate.
Damn them Pakistani clippers must be freaky if you need directions. Sorry I couldn't resist that one. I'm just playing.

This is the light setup I made they are 8 42 watt CFL 6 are 5100K and 2 are 2700K. I started them about a foot from the sprouts and moved em down slowly to where they are now about 2 inches above the girls. I believe they come to 21000 Lumens. You can see above I added a little bit of side (or in this case front) lighting last night to try and get those lower leaves.

Well they are fem seeds MC so I really hope to have girls those five are 2 Barneys Farm Morning Glory, 2 Barneys Farm Sweet Tooth and a free seed from Attitude that is a DinaFem Blue Hash. That leaves me with 3 of each of the Barneys left for my next grow as well as a hashplant haze that was also free from Attitude. Not too pimp Attitude too much, they are not exactly cheap, but they did send me what I ordered in the Breeder Packs with three free seeds and they arrived in 7 days.


Now that is one sweet light set up. Nice and clean. No tangled cords. Very efficeient design!
I love to see wisdom in the works!
+ rep
And now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Today is 21 days from putting the seeds in the system.
So I skipped my daily maintenance yesterday and it bit me in the a** today. Well not really too bad but a bit. My ph was up around 7.0 when I checked it this morning. I had only used a very little bit of ph down when I did my drain and replenish, figuring the hard water micro would help to keep the ph down but I guess not. The tank was down about a gallon of water so they are drinking.

I took the girls out and gave them a nice air bath while I went to work. I added a 1/3 dose of nutes in a gallon of water ph'd to just under 5.0 to bring them up to 5ml Micro and 10ml Bloom per gallon, a full dose according to the Lucas formula. The Ph is now about 5.8 and the PPM is at 840 - 380 (my tap water comes out at 380) so I believe that puts me at 460 PPM.

Here is Alicia (Barneys Morning Glory) leaves curling up some so I would say she was a little hungry

Alison and Adriana (Barneys Morning Glory & DinaFem Blue Hash) both look very healthy

The roots are actually a little lighter than they appear so they look healthy

Here is Abigail (Barneys Sweet Tooth) She has a little lime coloring and leaves curling up a bit, hopefully just hungry?

And here is the whole gang.

I have the lights about 2 to 3 inches above with the fan and front lighting like here. Two 42w one 5100K and one 2700K in that clamp reflector and I rotate the top daily so they get the fan and lights from different angles.

Yeah I don't think that Lucas formula is for me. Decided to go with the regular GH flora three part system. I did another drain and replenish today. Sure am glad I put that drain plug in.
Yeah that one actually never came up to begin with. That seed was the first to crack after only a couple hours of soaking. And then when I put it into the system it never did anything so I figured I would just roll with 5. I don't know if it was a dud to begin with or if it drowned. That was one of the free seeds from attitude so no biggie.
Drill a 1/2" hole about an inch from the botom of your res and install this:

SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Pro Drainage Kit

Deep Water Culture in the discount code gets you 10% off.

This wasn't what I did, but I definitely agree this is your best move. I found this plug in my garage but I don't know when or why I got it. I had to buy a pvc adapter and cut and file the nipple because it was too long and then buy the rubber gaskets. Definitely go with the pro drainage kit.
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