SpaceGhosts 1st Grow Hydro Advanced Nutrients

i have those exact grodan cubes. can u just drop seeds into those bad boys? thats what i did, hope it works, my hydro lady said it would. by the way idk if u remember me but this is deege420 i just have a new name and journal for my plant. I see things are turning out good here. hope everything buds up well:Namaste: can someone say plant of the month?

Ya you can just drop seeds in if you like. I did mine bet between to small glass china plates and a moist paper towel with 50/50 ho2o and 5.6ph tap water. then after they cracked I just set them in the cubes tail facing down. Don't let the cubes get to saturated. You can spray the bottom of the cubes to moisten them as not to saturate them to much is a key.

Lookin good SG

I wish, killed her to make room for the strong.

Today I am cleaning the flower rooms reservoir and giving the girls a good flush. It really is fortunate that I set this up next to my sump pump. I just unplugged the coupler and drained both the buckets and the reservoir down the sump hole. Flushing was even easier. I have a garden hose T'ed into my washer with a sprayer. Rinsing the hydratron couldn't have been easier all the run off went straight to the sump and with a 3rd bucket in the system I was able to pinch off the main with a pair of vice grips and flood the buckets then drain them into the sump pump. I did this 3 times. This has been the best that I have been able to flush any of my grow set ups and I like it. I now have ph'ed water in my system and I'm running my pump 4 a couple hrs to rinse the chlorine out of the rocks and dilute it in the system. The Veg room is going to get a good flushing next week as soon as I get some more tap water d-clorinated
I meant overall looking good. I think you're coming along just fine. Sure ya had an issue and had to sack a plant. But you're moving along.
So to day I made a purchase off ebay. I picked up a 1000w HPS XtraSun Ballast and a Sun System Yield Master II with a Hortilux 1000w Bulb all shipped for under 200.00. I went to the local Hydro store and the Sun System Yield Master II seemed kinda small. I think I will through the 1000w in my hood and switch my 600 to the Yield master. Get the 1000w over the big girls and set the 600 over the new addition to the flower room.

I made some mods to the flower room I mounted my oscillating fan in a 2 x 4 and mounted it out of the way tired of tripping over it or having to move it.

I mounted a dual squirrel cage fan that runs off 240 for fresh air intake nice cool air in from down low (I picked the fan up 4 free) Probably get it on a temperature activated switch

The new addition I'm not going to let my plats grow as big as I did with the 1st ones I think I will try my own style of hempy grow. SpaceGhosts Hempy Hydro in a 5 gal bucket grow stay tuned.

The big girls

Buds :bravo:



Every mistake is a learning experience, though you've already skipped almost every newbie mistake.

I'm definitely interested to see how this turns out. You're already demonstrating ability and knowledge well in advance of any first-time grower I've ever seen.
After flushing the other day my ph has been running rapid. in the mater of 4 hrs it'll go from 5.6 to 6.1 Dam city water I like to let it sit a week before using after bubbling it for 24 hrs actually, I just keep swapping the lines between the 2.5gal jugs and then use the oldest when necessary. Maybe it's the new blue air bubblier. I heard they make you're ph rise when you 1st get them. They hydratron probably soaked up all the city water when I was flushing and now its bleeding back out.

This is why I want to get a 50 gal drum for a reserve tank, with a pump I could ph it before use and use it to flush the hydratron rather than having to use straight city water out of the garden hose for my flushing like now.

Has any1 tried sulfuric acid as a ph down?

I spilled some of my ph down on my cement last night and it started eating it just like acid I may just give this a try as I'm always looking to save a $$$

roots look good. OMG I wish I had some1 to snap a pick when I pick up a net pot, by the end of the grow the bucket will be 1 solid root mass they are already touching the bottom bucket.

God I only got 5/6 weeks to go I'm in the home stretch don't fuk up now
Has any1 used the advanced nutrients ph perfect line? What you guy's think is it more additives that's unnecessary? Would it control my ph now after a reservoir change and flushing? Water temps are good 68 and I just checked ever1s roots and their as white as a ghost

OMG this was a acrobatic trick but I managed a shot of her roots here you go boys
Well I ended up staying home this weekend inseed of heading to the other side of our state to spend Easter with My GF and family The ph fluctuating so much I just couldn't leave the kids home alone not this far into my grow. I really wanted to see my mom and Easter dinner is always a joy most of her family have thier Medical cards and getting medicated together is always a good family reunion.
So here are some pics of the kids other than the ph going crazy from the other day they're being good.

There's a 5th branch I couldn't get in the shot. Trying to hold the light and shoot at the same time

The shoots are so thick on this one plant it should be able to carry some massive buds

the plant on the right

The panda paper was split in 1/2 thats a 5ft marker

Every mistake is a learning experience, though you've already skipped almost every newbie mistake.

I'm definitely interested to see how this turns out. You're already demonstrating ability and knowledge well in advance of any first-time grower I've ever seen.

I forgot to mention a lot of what I have learned in the very beginning came from this Youtube video How to Grow Cronic Weed it's a 9 part series and explains clones, checking sex, set up, building the rooms start to finish

How to grow chronic weed 1 - YouTube
It is for hydro but there is much useful knowledge for the beginner, if it's hydro or soil there is something that can be learned from this video series

This video should be a sticky in the hydro section
So I was relaying on another thread about how those drip stakes that I used in the very beginning suked and I found one clogged and not working. You can see in my beginning photos I used drip stakes and then went to a open line dumping on the Rockwool in the media.
That's about the time I was looking at Hydraforms drip system that runs off the air pump, but I didn't want to rely on the air pump to draw the water up to the drip ring, I think it has a more important job to do and that's to aerate the bucket. So I built my own drip rings in mostly 2 sizes one is just a tad larger than my 1.5" cube of Rockwool and another after the plant has developed some more roots about 8" in diameter so that most of the hydratron gets watered, I used a 1/16 drill bit and it cost me penny's to make and a little of my time:peace:
This morning I cleaned my Veg rooms reservoir. Let me tell ya I get this set up better and easier every time. Noobs take note :high-five: and with the drip trays you can do hydro any way you like, it doesn't get any better than this.

My veg room during a quick cleaning I usually only clean with bleach every other reservoir change.
Water being bubbled out and cleaning the jr's station

The kids that will be moving to the grow room soon the one on the left as soon as I get the new 1000w hooked up and the 600w moved over

I just place a bucket under the drains and wash out with the hose and toilet brush. when cleaning with bleach I just plug the drain hole and clean up and the drain and rinse.

Here I'm mixing nuts with my bubbled out city water. The tools of the trade and ya just can't do hydro without them ppm/ph meters. I mix all my nuts in a gal jug 1/2 full of water, never supposed to mix nuts directly together and I don't recommend doing it in reservoir unless your adding nuts to raise your ppm's, as a concentrate before hand I go with the 15gal ratio from AN web site and set my ppms on the 1st day a little low 950. I normally run a 100ppm or so over AN recommendations of 1040ppms for veg and this gives the nuts time settle down without getting a too high of a ppm. easier to go up than down.
Grow A&B 230ml each
B52 115ml
Voodoo juice 115ml
bleach 1 drop per gal
H202 30ml per gal
Super Thrive 1 drop per gal
and that's it I set my ppms on each bucket of new mix somewhere around 5.6 and let the system run as each bucket is a little different. I then go back and check a hr or so later and correct ph.

These pics are of my Flowering room for Bassman
My distribution block sitting in a cut up 2.5 gal jug to catch a little leakage

Its a spider nest but it works

and then the drip rings around the kids this completes a closed loop circuit a over/under currant system, cost me a hole 40.00 if that


Ya baby. I do every thing myself. My Harley, My Hot Rod I had a Blown and Tubed 84 Firebird, tube chaise motor work was by Jim Oddy"s capable of 1200 horse on alky
Them Ebb N Flo Sytems are JUNK 500 bucks and I seen one in pieces at the hydro store it was a return, you could tell. Alaskan1 is having issues all the time. If they want to sell a system it should be as simple as possible the more mechanical it gets the more things to break down. Take note SpaceGhosts Over/Under currant systems up for sale.
God you know what else I want to design is a easier rope and pulley system I have some ideas don't want to give them out as of yet. Hey any one of you Corps want to pick me up as a employee I have a gazillion ideas.

I have another project tonight IO have to get my hps light raised tonight I am needing more room in my 9ft ceilings the tops are 10' away and no more room up right now I will be able to pull my hood all the way to 9ft then
OMG these 2 girls are getting big as always pics from today the 600w hps light is 10" a way from the tops they are in love and basking like no tomorrow. mind you I am about 5'6" and I am holding my camera at almost arms length taking these photos

SmokzAlot: I need help they are out of control: be careful of what you wish for it may just come true and then some

Dr SmokzAlot: I see some of my fan leaves stems turning brown and the leaves are getting quit dark. it looks like they are dieing. I see 1 that has some yellow blotches in it and it's leaves are curled up some, like raising her arms, only 1 leaf. Are these the leaves you trim off? how close to the stem do you go? What weeks in flower do you foliate? Are my tips rolling down cause they think their getting to much water?
It's hard for me to get a good pic with the hps on I can't hold a normal camera steady anymore and I don't have any other lighting in that room
I'm scared this is the time I lost the other 1. The plant on the left looks great. I was noticing the leaves earlier after rotating the plants 180 under the light
Oh and I'm showing almost no signs of nut burns. just the size pencil head at the tip of a few leaves. I am in the 3.5 week I believe on this plant.
Yellowing leaf


Leaf looking old and dark stem

Hard to make a call on this, but I will do my best. Kind of looks like ph fluctuations.

What is your base water again? before nutes?

Yes those are the leaves I defoliate. It is normal for them to be the first to go under a myriad of circumstances. When things effect my new growth I am most concerned. Though the fan leaves are good to watch for early signs. As you can see accurate colors. Please check yours against the pics in the troubleshooter. See what comes the closest in your opinion.
Hard to make a call on this, but I will do my best. Kind of looks like ph fluctuations.

What is your base water again? before nutes?

Yes those are the leaves I defoliate. It is normal for them to be the first to go under a myriad of circumstances. When things effect my new growth I am most concerned. Though the fan leaves are good to watch for early signs. As you can see accurate colors. Please check yours against the pics in the troubleshooter. See what comes the closest in your opinion.

My base is 200. And yes this could easily be ph fluctuations. Ever since that last reservoir change and I really washed out the hydratron good. Don't think I will do that again until it's time to flush and pick. I've used between the 2 tanks almost a hole bottle of GH ph down gota 1-1.5" left in it. The ph has started to settle down. only had to adjust 2/3 times today. No issues in the veg room as of right now with ph

I trust you SmokzAlot Help me finish this grow :high-five:
What else can you tell me about your water? 200ppm if that is what you are listing is not bad, but hard. Sorry I don't recall if we mentioned it all before, far too many journals to remember it all my friend..

Otherwise hold a steady course and monitor everything for change.
SG I would like to offer my thoughts on issues. but this is an area I have to often ask others about too. check out the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial pics closely.

Also try to get some pics with less hid light influence to make it easier to see. maybe we can help.
Good morning :420:

I broke out the army fatigues last night and did a covert op mission. Dug around and found a spy cam with night optical flash.
Time: 2230 hrs
Mission: cut power, photo's needed, find out whats going on after dark, report back to base.

"Sir Yes Sir"
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