Solved: growing funny things at 5.5 weeks old


Well-Known Member
Hey all, here is the history
Auto Flower feminized seed.
5.5 weeks old.
I have a total of 6 in my tent. Now 5 with one out.
19 inches tall on 20/4 For light

I am not satisfied with the height but the other 5 average 17-18 inches in height.

Today I started noticing these

and the last picture.

so there's the story on this. I do assume that those funny things
are the start to killing a crop with stubbornness.
Someone will answer it.
Yes, that is a male. Inless you want to pollinate the females for seeds you should remove and destroy that plant. Once the pollen sacks open they spray it around pretty well and will degrade your harvest substantially. Also, the pollen is so fine that it can travel on the wind for miles impacting growers for large distances.

Any female flower that gets pollinated changes and will produce less of the goodies we mostly are after.
I got ya, and Thank you. I was out of the Picture for a little over 4 yrs. So semi-rusty. So that plant is in the Shizer seperated. Lost some before because of stubborn BS from me.
Hey all, here is the history
Auto Flower feminized seed.
5.5 weeks old.
I have a total of 6 in my tent. Now 5 with one out.
19 inches tall on 20/4 For light

I am not satisfied with the height but the other 5 average 17-18 inches in height.

Today I started noticing these

and the last picture.

are the start to killing a crop with stubbornness.
Someone will answer it.
Sorry my friend.
Garbage Bag over top and into the bin.:( edit oops forgot bag :rofl:

Stay safe
Yes, that is a male. Inless you want to pollinate the females for seeds you should remove and destroy that plant. Once the pollen sacks open they spray it around pretty well and will degrade your harvest substantailly. Also, the pollen is so fine that it can travel on the wind for miles impacting growers for large distances.

Any female flower that gets pollinated changes and will produce less of the goodies we mostly are after.
Ok, I see what you are saying. No right now I do not want to Pollinate anything. I'll hang it in the basement.
Ok, I see what you are saying. No right now I do not want to Pollinate anything. I'll hang it in the basement.
I would not hang it in the house period.... Unless you want seeds in everything. Imo
Sorry my friend.
Garbage over top and into the bin.:(

Stay safe
I know, Pisses u off, but one time I ruined 15 for one. That was outside. Ill hang it in the basement. One dude told me if I wanted to polinate a female plant for seed put them together. I dont want that. Is it snowing up there?
Not worth saving. The females produce the trichomes that contain the goodies we want. Unpollinated females produce much more of it than pollinated ones. There will also be lesser amounts on the leaves (especially the sugar leaves) and sometimes the stems but really diminishing returns to be sure.

The males will have even less of what you want and with all of those pollen sacks you are just asking for trouble since as soon as one of them pops you've lost control of your grow. Take Bill's advice, put a garbage bag over it before you move it to minimize the amount of pollen in the air and throw it away or bury it deep in a compost pile so none of the pollen sacks are visible. The number of pollen sacks you have is very progressed and I'd be surprised if you haven't already had a release.
Not worth saving. The females produce the trichomes that contain the goodies we want. Unpollinated females produce much more of it than pollinated ones. There will also be lesser amounts on the leaves (especially the sugar leaves) and sometimes the stems but really diminishing returns to be sure.

The males will have even less of what you want and with all of those pollen sacks you are just asking for trouble since as soon as one of them pops you've lost control of your grow. Take Bill's advice, put a garbage bag over it before you move it to minimize the amount of pollen in the air and throw it away or bury it deep in a compost pile so none of the pollen sacks are visible. The number of pollen sacks you have is very progressed and I'd be surprised if you haven't already had a release.
Spray with water to disable pollen, then bag, then remove @Azimuth yes? To be safe?
Also, the way feminized seeds are produced, the process produces mostly feminized seeds but not entirely. So unless your grow environment is very unfriendly to the plants it's more likely it was just an errant seed that didn't get converted.

I'd let the seed company know with maybe a picture. Many of them will replace the seed or at least throw you a freebee of something else.
Spray with water to disable pollen, then bag, then remove @Azimuth yes? To be safe?
Yes, good suggestion. Spraying the female plants and inside of the tent with water will make any errant pollen inoperable.

In fact, a good practice for those wanting seeds is to cover the bud they want to pollinate, then spray everything else down, pollinate the bud, re-cover it and then spray everything again.
Not worth saving. The females produce the trichomes that contain the goodies we want. Unpollinated females produce much more of it than pollinated ones. There will also be lesser amounts on the leaves (especially the sugar leaves) and sometimes the stems but really diminishing returns to be sure.

The males will have even less of what you want and with all of those pollen sacks you are just asking for trouble since as soon as one of them pops you've lost control of your grow. Take Bill's advice, put a garbage bag over it before you move it to minimize the amount of pollen in the air and throw it away or bury it deep in a compost pile so none of the pollen sacks are visible. The number of pollen sacks you have is very progressed and I'd be surprised if you haven't already had a release.
The number of pollen sacks you have is very progressed and I'd be surprised if you haven't already had a release.
Those just popped out within the last 30 hours. I just trimmed the Fan leaves before this for real.
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