SoilGirl's Soil Multi-Strain Grow Journal 2014

Dang Tenshi! What do you do to prevent mold/rot?
It's been 85% RH for me for almost 2 weeks now, 99% at night and early morning. 80ish degrees F as well. Hot and Humid, good for early,mid flowering sativas though. Bad for late flowers. Surprised I haven't seen more molds lately.

Airflow, a healthy plant, and SNS-244 SNS 244 Fungicide Spray | Sierra Natural Science for veg mostly, can't really do anything about internal bud botrytis other than airflow :)

Ocean growing INSIDE a butterfly preserve can be perplexing... :passitleft:
Ok here's today's update, hope everyone is having a nice day :Namaste:
I'm totally having a nice day. I confirmed that UKH#2, (along with UKH#1) is also a lady! My 100% female germination streak still stands!@ I also have a clone of each, which today are really looking great! They had me worried there with all that yellowing and droopiness, but today they're just invigorated with the sun and nice breeze :) (which both made these pics difficult to get, and take a long time to get, and they still aren't great quality pics, but I tried forever lol. I really need to get a better camera to do this with)
Also, the BBK and Euphoria sprouts are doing great, although yesterday the BBK sprout seemed to just fall over for no reason, so I propped it up with a little forked twig and today it has new life.
Also some melancholy news :S one of my chem dawg seeds that I have germinating died. I think the whole germination method I was using (putting a seed in a cup of water, then stashing in a dark drawer) while sometimes successful, sometimes just drowns your baby seed. I'm pretty pissed at myself for not realizing this sooner, but, my other chem dawg seed I had doing that, cracked open the seed... I took it out of the water, put it in a little container outside with Sunshine #4 organic mix, watered it and covered with plastic wrap. Hopefully it will pop its head out in a few days. I'm crossing my fingers. :Namaste:
Other seeds I have germ-ing: 2 more Euphoria (indica dominant hybrid from Trill Alternatives) and 1 unknown seed.
Ok now for the pics.
Below: UKH#2, newly coming into womanhood,:yahoo::yummy: a full plant pic. She's looking like the Defol I did had no ill effects, infact, has some vigorous growth in previously covered up nodes :) and below that, a closeup that if you look closely, shows some of her first little white pistils


Now below you'll see UKH#1 zoomed out from above at an angle (not the best pic, sorry, the sun is blinding these last few days but the plants love it :) ) and 2 pics from closer up different angles that are a little better >.<

Now, my chronicled attempts at getting some decent pistil pics on UKH#1, who I've known is a girl for a while but I'd like to show again. These pics aren't great, but if you have a good eye, and a second to look, there's a few places to see them. I had to even ask my mom to hold open a few fan leaves to help lol, but my pics still could be much, much better. Sorry, bear with me, I'm sure I'll get some better pics eventually. Also when I give her a little light pinch where the first buds will be forming, I can feel the tiny colas just starting :yahoo:

Now just an update on my BBK and Euphoria sprouts :) (Eup is larger, and BBK can stand up without its prop again, though I did build up a little soil around the stem just incase)

And finally, my little clones finally doing better!


Thanks for tagging along on my little summer outdoor grow journey :D
It's been 85% RH for me for almost 2 weeks now, 99% at night and early morning. 80ish degrees F as well. Hot and Humid, good for early,mid flowering sativas though. Bad for late flowers. Surprised I haven't seen more molds lately.

Airflow, a healthy plant, and SNS-244 SNS 244 Fungicide Spray | Sierra Natural Science for veg mostly, can't really do anything about internal bud botrytis other than airflow :)

Ocean growing INSIDE a butterfly preserve can be perplexing... :passitleft:
Oh my god Les! I just respect your growing more with every day haha, geez! thanks for sharing more knowledge, I learn something new every day here :D I'm stoked that you're following this. I'm getting pretty good airflow, having my plants up off the ground a little helps too. Oh, and thanks for the reps!! I think its fun being around here too. :thanks::Namaste:
Do you have to do something? :thedoubletake: :lot-o-toke:
I keep the air moving as much as I can using a fan.

Also am using the best method available, I sit inside where the a/c is on while they cook outside :laughtwo: such a bad mom :hmmmm:

Lol :laughtwo: By that standard I'm a bad mama too! But I like your style :)
Oh I forgot to add to my update that I took the two lowest branches off UKH#2 for clones today as soon as I saw that first little pistil on the upper branches. No pistils on the lower branches yet so I'm pretty sure they'll root and clone nicely. +2 females with a nice sativa influence if they do! :yahoo: will take pics of them tomorrow. I also gave UKH#2 her first bloom nutes, half the rec'd strength and frequency on the directions though. I'm getting excited for this grow, soon we'll see some very pretty flowers popping up :circle-of-love:
This Sh_ts 'bout to get real guys! thanks for reading :D

Oh and thanks for joining us Perception, I'm glad you perceive my grow as nice :welcome::thanks: ;)
And I think so too Knots :)
I am not able to see any pistils on your UKH#1, can you please take some close up photographs of the top and nodes of your UKH#1 in 5 days?

When I germinate seeds I use a matchbox lined with about 320 sandpaper to shake the seeds in for a minute, it scrapes the sides of the seeds to aid in moisture penetrating the seeds shell.



After having germination issue with Jiffy peat moss pucks and soil I switched to Rapid Rooters and have had much higher germination rates. Rapid Rooters seem to provide the seed with the perfect amount of air and moisture. I soak my seeds in pH adjusted water for 30-36 hours or until i see tap roots. I cut the Rapid Rooter mat into individual squares then I soak the Rapid Rooter squares in pH adjusted water for 15 minutes before use. Then I place the seeds tap root down into the Rapid Rooter square then place them underneath a light with 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. I do not use a humidity dome. I hand water with a syringe each day to keep the Rapid Rooter square moist. when I see roots emerge from the Rapid Rooter square I transplant to 5" pots in a mixture of peat moss, perlite, vermiculite and mycorrhizae. Rapid Rooter gh rapid rooter mat 98
Thank you KingJohn, that was very educational. I will take more pics of the pistils in 5 days :) (but just a side note: if you put your mouse in the middle of that UKH#2 closeup pic, like try to find the exact middle point, then go directly down about 1/8th of the pic from there, your mouse should be in the middle of the main stem, there are 2 white pistils making a "V" just between where those 2 large fan leaf stems are protruding from the main stem, sorry for the low quality pic), and that matchbox is a great idea, I never would have thought to rough up the outsides of the seed a little like that to help with absorption. That's an easy trick :)
I will also look into rapid rooters, those seem very promising. But one question, since I have an abundance of rockwool cubes, do you know if those are any good for germination? I've never tried that before.

Also, Chinnubie I really don't know about why its happening early haha, but they're definitely just starting to flower. I'm sorry, again, for the bad pics >.< ughh, stupid phone. In my most recent outdoor grow before this, with some pineapple kush and cherry diesel, they both started showing first flowering signs ~early to mid July as well. I wish I could speak for mother nature haha but I'm just as surprised as you are. I was kinda hoping for a longer veg period.

Edit: oh, KingJohnC said UKH#1..... yeah definitely will take more pics of UKH#1 closeup soon, sorry, got all long-winded for nothing haha.
P.S. there is actually a pic on page 1 of my journal that is a close up of the very first pistil I noticed on UKH#1, its small and got a little red on the tip, but it's a lot easier to see. It is the 5th pic on page 1.
Hi Soilgirl :ciao:

Outdoor plants will start to flower as the days get shorter, as they are doing now after the solstice.

It's just a sign that they are sexually mature and want to "go for it" :tokin:

Yup! What Rico said :)

:ciao: hi Rico! thanks for clearing that up guys :Namaste: I too thought that flowering was supposed to hold off til later and that I might have had genetics that flower early, but I'm glad to hear that that is normal. :smokin2:
:ciao: hi Rico! thanks for clearing that up guys :Namaste: I too thought that flowering was supposed to hold off til later and that I might have had genetics that flower early, but I'm glad to hear that that is normal. :smokin2:

If you are up for it now you can induce flowering. :cheertwo:
Since she is sexually ready, you can experiment, with covering/moving her indoors for 12 h a day.
Of course purple nails required :laughtwo:

Ok just a quick little update. Here's the 2 new clones I took off UKH#2 yesterday, green as can be ;)
and poor UKH#1 clone looking like death. are their any glaring mistakes to any of you that might explain it's awful condition? just wondering. >.< aw well. 2 for 3 on my first cloning attempt, not too shabby I suppose.
Anyways, I went and got a small vial of Dip 'N Grow rooting solution for these two, hopefully they'll root a little faster and not look so droopy and yellow, or dead, lol.

And here's just a couple quick pics of my grow. I have to move them around several times a day to keep them in the sun, we have a few really big trees that block out the sun in certain parts of the yard at certain times of day.


and that's all folks!
If you are up for it now you can induce flowering. :cheertwo:
Since she is sexually ready, you can experiment, with covering/moving her indoors for 12 h a day.
Of course purple nails required :laughtwo:


Hahah good to know Tenshi :):thanks: but I think I'll just let mother nature do her thing, she hasn't done me wrong yet.
And duh! idk how anyone grows without them lol! :high-five::laughtwo:
But I probably need to re-do them soon lol. SoilGirl's got Soily-Nails that are chipped right now after taking 2 euphoria seeds and planting them hahah. Plus I already have induced many plants into flowering :D
Hi Soilgirl :ciao:

Outdoor plants will start to flower as the days get shorter, as they are doing now after the solstice.

It's just a sign that they are sexually mature and want to "go for it" :tokin:

So the hybrids don't really require 12 hours of darkness it's just an accepted practice? I guess Rosenthal was right, because we're still only getting roughly a little more than 10 hours of darkness. That's amazing! I'm really glad I was able to see this happen, good for you SG early buds this year, woohoo.
So the hybrids don't really require 12 hours of darkness it's just an accepted practice? I guess Rosenthal was right, because we're still only getting roughly a little more than 10 hours of darkness. That's amazing! I'm really glad I was able to see this happen, good for you SG early buds this year, woohoo.

Thanks Chinnubie! :peace::Love:
I'm excited to see early buds this year too. And I'm glad you learned something new here :)

Actually there might be another factor, last night I realized that these stupid motion sensor halogen lights that are in my backyard are totally sensitive and turn on just cus of bugs flying around all night, and light up my plants!! as soon as I realized this, I went in and unscrewed the stupid thing. Security, Schmecurity. Don't F*CK with me halogen lights! No more night time light! :lot-o-toke:

Looking over that, I suppose that probably isn't a factor in putting my plants into early flower because you need 12+ hours dark to veg, not light. But still, it was really a surprise to me >.< I'm glad I caught it early, I don't go outside much at night, creeps me out lol. Bugs everywhere.

edit: Oh I didn't realize what you were saying Chin-Chin,(can I call you that lol??:lot-o-toke:) I'm pretty sure my plants are getting 12 hours of darkness or really close to that by now, I definitely wouldn't conclude that these plants don't need 12 hours of darkness to flower.
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