SoilGirl's Indoor Organic Soil Medical Grow Journal - Mars II 1600 & Other LEDs

I've heard this a few times now, and it seems to be taken as gospel here. What exactly about growing under led lights makes a cannibus plant become magnesium deficient? Does it happen to other plants? Fruits, veggies, trees? The leds make a plant use up or need more mag than hps, cfl, t5, and sunlight? Where can I read about this in a factual or scientific study or report? I'm just wondering if it is scientifically known or observationally known.
I'm wondering the same thing about the supposed magnesium deficiency. Isn't it possible that the reddening of the stems has nothing to do with magnesium at all? By all other counts these appear to be incredibly healthy plants. It could be nothing more than some weird effect the focused spectrums of the LED lights have on the cannabis plants.

If anyone knows of any studies that can speak to this, please speak up.
The same phenomenon happens w/tomato, cucumber and peppers according to my friend in south GA who's in the biz. His company recently switched over from HIDs and they lost a whole run before they figured it out. More than 3 acres under glass/film!
Re Post#640: I'm glad you said that SoilGirl. Epsome salts give me the creeps.
Beautiful pic of the GhostOG. Thx.
Funny, I also have read that a lot around here re: led's and mag deficiencies. I don't understand that either. Why? How?
Someone enlighten me. I won't ever be using LED's so I guess I don't really care, but I've been reading this over and over and a fella gets curious.

Not bashing LEDs, I'm actually very ignorant to the power of the tech, more like I like HID's and I'm set in my ways when I like something.
Good question about Magnesium deficiency. I had it too under LEDs. And it's true that it does seem be taken as gospel that LEDs cause it, but I can so far find no academic paper that explains why. In fact, one of the first results on a Google search is this very page. :laugh:

I did find a scientific explanation of where and how plants take up Magnesium:
Magnesium in biology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps somebody smarter than I can figure out how (or if) LED lighting might effect this process.
If I had to guess, and it is a total guess, I suspect the magnesium (mg2+) autoflorescence stimulated by 490nm (cyan) LEDs interferes with the availability of magnesium to complete its various biological roles. I don't KNOW that fluorescent activity "freezes" or slows the ability of mg2+ to perform its normal roles in photosynthesis and the ATP/ADP cycles, etc. Since the 490nm LED is a common grow light LED, I imagine it doesn't interfere with photosynthesis, but it might interfere with intracellular and intercellular transport or other secondary activities.

The very fact that magnesium in it's bioavailable form is fluorescent under 490nm LED seems suspicious to me.
Again, I ask just making wild speculations here. If I were a scientist, I would start looking there.
I knew someone smarter than me would be along.

I know that you're only guessing, Radogast, and I know NOTHING about this, and I get the autofluorescence thought, which is fascinating and I didn't know that and it sounds brilliant and that 490nm cyan therefore not present in natural sunlight then? Or is it simply that it, errr, has a stronger presence, is more prevalent, in an LED grow light?
I just looked up the Mars II 1600 spectrum:430~440nm, 450~475nm 620~630nm, 650~660nm, IR, and white

It looks like my guess about 490nm fluorescence of mg2+ doesn't apply here :(

A Google search of 490NM and grow returns several 490NM only lights for coral and aquariums in 10w and 120w sizes.
I think they like the fluorescent affect in aquarium lights. I do :)
On another note, I just want to show SoulGirl how the kernels came out before I toss them. I'll try this process again once we retrieve our blender from my never ending borrowing sister.
PS, I barely use salt anyway since I was diagnosed with HBP.

Hi SoilGirl.

Just wanted to say this thread has been inspirational to me. I was already treading the organic soil path but was very much in the dark other than having thrown my soil ingredients together with a bit of gained knowledge from :420:.

Since I came over to your thread from LA's Fluxing thread I've have learnt so much and have done so much.
Learnt: SST, living mulch, comfrey.
Done: SST, ordered living mulch seeds, ordered neem meal, ordered crab meal, ordered comfrey.

I have the neem now and once I get the crab I will be back to get more advice. The comfrey doesn't come until April.

So a BIG :thanks: for your support and having a knowledgeable thread with so many good people inputting.

Your plants in the last update looked good my friend. :goodjob:.

PS. I hope you are enjoying the new man in your life :circle-of-love:.
Hoping I'm not too far afield w/popcorn note: I grew Strawberry Popcorn in a 3-Sisters system last year. Delicious and cute little ears are 1 portion. Seeds available @ Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds & others. Grew great w/beans & acorn squash. Highly recommended.

That's known as the three sisters. Did you happen to plant them like the indians?

Corn grows tall
Beans grow up the corn stalks
squash covers the soil keeping it fertile and moist.

wish I could find a Indian that still knows all their gardening tricks.


Edit : just re read and seen you mentioned 3 sisters ;) very cool
wish I could find a Indian that still knows all their gardening tricks.
Right! & I'm sure the Native Americans grew cannabis too; What do you think was in their peace pipes?
I'd guess as most us will have to, it depended on the tribe and area they were in. Cannabis did grow naturally here once in abundance, so if they wernt in the dessert and came across it I'm sure it would have sparked their Interest.

from what I understand is peyote was more for night gatherings and for the medical women To see things in the smoke/fire. But that could be folklore.

The holy oil, is rumored to of have cannabis Myyr and cinnamon in it, they use to dump this all over the priest body. The skin being the biggest organ of the body, had to of had an effect of some kind on them (reason our silly tropicals don't work when u rub a tear drop on your fingers and say ur curing arthritis)

I believe cannabis, peyote, and all other plants were respected as being magical. Even cilantro and basil has healing properties.

Another fun fact, if ur a heavy smoker u will know what I'm talking of.

Back in the Roman days, there was always a priest/figure in the center of every city, battle station, ect. Every writing about them shows either them covered in a oil, or a small room full of some kind of smoke.

They claimed they talked to the dead, and could speak one on one w god, many believed this.

they all knew it happened when he went into that tent/room.

So one day, a non smoker/cannabis user or peyote walks into that tent to see what the priest sees.

Well now you have a beginner in a hot boxed room full of some crazy smoke that makes u feel like your going to die or seing dead people.

You would not be comfortable with this and would freak out. However the priest is use to that with a high tolerance so laughs and says "this is for God's right hand men only"

Storys are always fun, but I could see this to be true.

Just don't hang out in that cave with the burning bush to Long ;)

Hahahaha aww.. I just Love to come here and see this you guys!! :circle-of-love::thanks: (and girls, I just say guys. Never liked language with genders :laughtwo:) - I'm having laptop issues now, filing a warranty claim -.- so time is limited here for now, I'll be posting more soon though!

First all the discussion on LED's causing Mg deficiencies, then there's Reg and his first SST... - Congrats Reg looks awesome!! I can't wait to see how your plants react, I really thought mine showed extra vigor soon after! - and MedFarmer... that post just makes my heart grow 3 sizes... :Love: I'm so glad you found this thread so helpful. This all is just me taking the initiative and implementing the things I've learned here! No joke. Everyone that is contributing or have done so in the past, you guys rock. And everyone that's interested or learning along, trying new things out with me, this is all for you! Even if you never post a word or 'like' a thing! In spirit, we grow together :) :Namaste:
- then on to Gfc's awesome ramblings, always fun to read. I love the way your mind works hahaha. Not gonna get started on ridiculously high priests LOL, I'll just agree that's very possible. ;) As for natives I know my half native friend we'll call Tor (has full tribal rights) is allowed to grow, use, and possess peyote, magic shrooms, and cannabis on his tribal lands (and has been allowed that for a while before we legalized weed) ... and he seems to think all were a part of his culture (arapahoe) long before modern times, given he's a bit heavy on the hallucinogen use I can't say how credible he is... :laughtwo: far be it from me to disagree with him though!

- Honestly, I believe hallucinogens need to be legalized as well. This drug war is nonsense causing problems for innocent people, as all here have probably experienced, and things like mushrooms, ayahuasca/DMT, peyote, even LSD and MDMA, really do have healing properties (especially mental!) that make a huge positive difference in some people's lives. Just because a few people (out of millions + millions) respond badly to them is by no means enough reason to do away with the whole lot of them for good! That would be like doing away with peanut butter because some people have fatal peanut allergies!
- With my friends, my experience was, not a single one of us ever thought of jumping out of a window lol.... we only had truly philosophical debates (although they definitely took some hilarious, ridiculous twists and turns ;) and smiled a lot...and were more comfortable with ourselves, and life in general afterwards. I don't use hallucinogens much, maybe once a year or so nowadays, but let me tell you, for weeks after doing so, I always have renewed purpose and vigor for life, seeing it so full of possibilities previously hidden to me for whatever reason.

LOL I just want to type and type but my dad wants his computer back >.< gotta go guys I'll probably be on a real 420-mag binger as soon as I get my laptop fixed/replaced! :Love: :volcano-smiley: :ciao:

quick edit: LOL I really seemed to focus on Gfc's posts in this post, idk why. I guess I'm in a rambly mood :Love: Everything else everyone said was equally deserving to be mused about, I guess it just happens, more on LED's and SST's and all things organic soon LOL! :Namaste:
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