Sly's 1st Grow: Multi-Strain Autos In Coco With Dyna Gro Nutrients

I've got 'budlets' forming!

Day 36 Amnesia Haze Autoflower
Magnesia #1 and #2 are both 22 Days Old

Magnesia #1 (small tent)

Magnesia #2 (medium tent) weird angle, sorry....
I just adjusted these lights lower today to speed up growth a bit.



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Here's a side angle showing from left to right the Amnesia Haze Auto, the White Widow Auto (both at day 36) and the Critical Mass Auto (day 24). The Critical Mass Auto looks like she's on track. The Widow not so much, meh...

Amnesia Haze, White Widow (both day 36) & Critical Mass (day 24)
They will take off
I hope so. I adjusted the lights to make them reach a little bit. The White Widow looked like it was too close to the light. It and the Critical Mass are under a Marshydro MH600. I have been learning where its sweet spot is.
The past couple of weeks has been hectic. Here's an update.

Amnesia Haze: Day 1 = 11/17
White Widow: Day 1 = 11/17
Critical Mass: Day 1 = 11/29
Magnesia #1: Day 1 = 12/1
Magnesia #2: Day 1 = 12/1

From left to right, Amnesia Haze, White Widow and Critical Mass.

Large tent shot (overhead). The White Widow is slowly catching up to the Amnesia.


Amnesia Haze

White Widow

Critical Mass - FYI this one developed white tips on its leaves. I cant recall what that indicates but I raised the light.

Magnesia #1

Magnesia #2

I've been focusing on getting a new job so I apologize for the lack of updates.
Critical Mass - FYI this one developed white tips on its leaves. I cant recall what that indicates but I raised the light

It's normally the beginning indications of nute burn. Its means you're right at the maximum amount of N the plants can handle. Many use that as a barometer on when to stop increasing feed rates. Nothing to be overly concerned about
I got a job at a plant a mile from home as a machine operator on the night shift. In 90 days I will be subject to random drug tests. I will have to have a funeral for my weed habit shortly... damn

Once I figure out if they allow other medical marijuana patients then I'll see what the deal is. Synthetic urine is also always an option as long as the machine I am operating is safe. May have to set the green machine down for some time. I really don't know because I got this job with zero experience in a warehouse or operating a machine--I am a computer consultant.

This is a cool company that makes things like BBQ sauce packets for Burger King and so on.

Plus they gave me the night shift and its only a 4 day work week. Mon-Thu. Good entry level jobs paying this much are very hard to come by and this gives me a whole new skill set, opening up more job opportunities for the rest of my life.

This is too valuable for me to pass up. I love job security. Too many people have foreclosed or are renting or are in reverse mortgages nowadays. Cash for a solar powered cabin in the woods is where I am heading with my earnings in the next few years.

Priorities... priorities... I want to retire in less than 15 years...
I have some updates to share of my Amnesia Haze, Critical Mass, and White Widow (from left to right).

Here's a tent shot of the three:

This week I started my new job. I just pulled a 14 hour shift so I am off until Monday, having worked 40 hours in 4 days.

The Amnesia has been in flower for the longest. She's putting on some chunk.

After her the Critical Mass is next. This one just started flowering.

The laggard and runt of the crowd is the White Widow.

I'm not sure whats up with the Widow. I have a feeling she will go much longer than the others.

Amnesia closeup:

Amnesia closeup #2:

Critical Mass closeup:

White Widow closeup:

These are all autos so I was unable to veg them longer to bulk them all up so I am hoping for the best. I know that Amnesia will produce what I am happy with and the Critical is looking nice but that Widow is just puny. I hope she puts on some bulk. Only time will tell.

Wish all of you the best with your gardens. Take Care...
Took the Amnesia down a week ago and jarred most of it because it dried out too fast.

The stuff in the jars now was dried 5 days in 20% humidity (big mistake). It became brittle and crispy. I am hoping the Boveda packs save the day.

I am placing them in jars now after 7 days in 42% humidity with a Boveda 62 and them burping them once a day for 2-3 weeks.

There is a small amount left drying now. Before I hang the buds I wash them.


The White Widow is just about ready to take down.

I like the way the Critical Mass is bulking up. She has at least 2 more weeks left on her.

And finally here's the Magnesia twins-one is bulking up, and the other is lagging behind.

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