Today's Update:
Temp: 27-32 degrees Celsius
RH: 39-46%
Still a bit hotter than I would like in the cab, but nothing outrageous. I'm seeing a little bit of what may be mild Mg deficiency in these ladies, or maybe K? I've also read that the leaf curling like the girl scout can be from K (although usually less likely than heat, humidity, or light stress; although they're not quite folding in the center like canoes/tacos as much as folding over the serrations at the leaf edges, which makes me lean a little away from heat/humidity as the culprit)
But there's definitely some spotting and rusty colouring moving up the older growth, as well as yellowing that still leaves some of the veins with a little green, which is what is pointing me towards Mg
So here's the solution:
As promised, started a tea brewing for a watering tomorrow (I probably could've waited a
little longer to water, but wanted to get those microbes into the mix and the pots are definitely feeling light, so we can't be far off)
Malted barley, soybean meal, coconut meal, and kelp meal into the mortar
Ground up and mixed 1:1 with the good ol' EWC
And then into the molasses water for a 24hr brew (and if I can get my new batch of soil all dried out enough by tomorrow evening, maybe we'll add
a very conservative amount of the excess tea to reinoculate with some good aerobic stuff; I'm not going to push it though, need to get this stuff dried and not stinky anymore!)
Other than that, ladies are looking amazing!! So bushy!!!
Bonus pic of wonky's roots! Possibly ready for an up-pot... but I might wait just a little longer and let those thicken up a bit first and fill the rest of the container.
She'll probably get some of tomorrow's tea as well, since yesterday's watering didn't quite soak all that peat; that stuff can be tough to rehydrate once it's really dried out! The top and bottom is wet, but not all the way through. Need to be patient and slowwwwwwwww