Skybound's Journal

That fin could just be a freak... Plants show freakish shit all the time... It kind of looks like a well developed female flower.. Man I've had preflowers explode buy harvest..

But that is a 'Odd' placement???????? sure nothings swimming up that stemage?
BTW is there another lump on that stem further up?

yeah, that's a definite lump further up, though I didn't focus on it due to it not developing into a distinguishable dorsil fin or anything. I figured my best chance to get feedback would be the fin looking thing. But yeah, both are mid stem and peculiar as hell. In all my grows, I never had to deal with hermies. I've had a few plants grow the odd seed here and there, but never an outbreak, so I am totally wet behind the ears in this area. I gotta admit, I have been awfully lucky never having bugs or nanners/balls.

I found a YouTube channel I think you'll like, it's an English guy named "Shaun Attwood", he was an E importer that did a bit in Arizona and talks about jailhouse rules between the races, etiquette, but everytime he refers to white people, he calls them "wood", I'm sure you know why. It's a cool channel you should check out.
They can be freak preflowers?? Lost ones that got lost?... But don't mean it's a hermie,,, but just keep eyes pealed?
That dorsal fin looking thing vanished and that bump doesn't look like it's going to herm out or anything freaky. I'm attributing it to the PGR I've been using. The PGR seems to be doing good things with this Pineapple Chunk. Buds have stacked well, nice and frosty, many thick side branches, I'm happy with what I'm seeing at 32 days in bloom. I'm also pleased with the fish hydrolysate in the foliar spray. At 2-4-1, it makes for a nice balanced set of macros.

PC getting big again.jpg
Pretty fat and frosty.jpg
That's a happy plant! Looking really healthy Sky :bravo: SHe's pushing pistils like crazy!
Highya Sky,

The ladies are looking great! You must've worked out the issues with the nitrogen. Has the brix increased a little? Great job anyways!! Cheers
Highya Sky,

The ladies are looking great! You must've worked out the issues with the nitrogen. Has the brix increased a little? Great job anyways!! Cheers

I am making headway with the N by now adding NH4 to the N supply and the plants are LOVING that, however the last I checked, the brix still isn't upping as I hoped. I still have a few different adjustments I want to try before I let go of the dream and that will take me a month or two to make tweaks and wait a few days for results. In fact, I recently figured out a cat drench that amps up the ammoniacal percentage briefly for about a week, so I want to try something like that, so maybe after the stretch, but before I start mid bloom targets I could do a 3 day double NH4, then observe the reactions for the next couple weeks from there onward. I'm also concocting foliar sprays based on fish hydrolysate to see if I can add brix that way. FWIW, I squirted some of the fish guts onto the refractometer, the brix level was like 30, so I assumed adding it would immediately skew the result, but sadly no. Granted, I only use about a fifth of the recommended dose on the bottle to keep the TDS reasonable, still , I tested brix just before a spray sesh, then 2 hours after and both results sucked ~5%ish.

Perhaps I need to go to a higher EC? I read somewhere that "nutrient density" is the result of a lot of nutrients packed into the tissue, so perhaps that is what's needed to retain the sucrose in the leaf sap? IDK. Keep reading is about the best I can do about it.
Great question! Everything comes in through the roots and leaves,. I do remember that hi-brixers do spray the undersides of their leaves with things in the kit. Could have some to do with it. Also they apply a cation drench around day 21-28, so that's another part of it.
I am still wondering what if your tds/ec could go higher. Do your leaf tips burn? Do leaves show a nutrient deficiency? You are playing with so many variables, you'll find the answer quicker than Edison found his. Cheers
Great question! Everything comes in through the roots and leaves,. I do remember that hi-brixers do spray the undersides of their leaves with things in the kit. Could have some to do with it. Also they apply a cation drench around day 21-28, so that's another part of it.
I am still wondering what if your tds/ec could go higher. Do your leaf tips burn? Do leaves show a nutrient deficiency? You are playing with so many variables, you'll find the answer quicker than Edison found his. Cheers

My tips do burn, ever so slightly but this is most likely cal deficiency and I'm very much on top of working it out. My only other concern though is how much EC I can put through rock wool, I've never tested a 900 TDS range in all my years to stay on the safe side, but I assume they can handle it. However, a change as severe as marching the TDS north, I wouldn't want to also be testing a Cat cycle as that can easily become severe as well and then, I would want lower EC in case I need to flush. The above link also explained what to do in the event an NH4 toxicty arises, ie flush it with gypsum, then hours later a weak cal nite solution. I believe this is the same process needed when prepping coco to swap out cations that comes in the coco. In your studies, have you ever happened upon any info that suggests TDS ranges for foliar sprays? I'm about 300 now and has all macros/secondaries plus some micros in the molasses, but that I skimp on too @1ml per qt. A serving is 15ml/Gal.
Week 8 tip burn. Calcium/potassium ratio is about dialed in. I'm going to test her leaves as soon as she's dry. I just sprayed her with a half dose of seaweed, a little ammonium phosphate and molasses, but still, I want it all absorbed before I crush the leaves and test brix.

Week 8 Tip Burn.jpg

This is 5 days bloom for the first of the Herbies Bulk Gorilla Glues. She was just sprayed and is weighted down by under leaf water. She is my biggest Glue, but still is smaller than I like to start bloom, but I need to adhere to my schedule. Same excuse applies to the PC in the first pic, it went into bloom with only 6 weeks of veg. Hopefully the Glue hype and also the triacontanol will add up to a decent harvest.

Day 5 Gorilla Glue.jpg
Well, your brix score is headed in the right direction. Also looks you've solved the phosphorus deficiency. You must be really close to having your nutes dialed in!
You may consider removing boundries to your experimenting, such as schedules, and EC limits. It might allow you more room to experiment more. You already have a formula that you can live with and fall back on if needed. No fear! Cheers
She's short but wide as hell and branchy. I hope all the sides stand tall and stack up.
I got 2 clones that rooted in 8 days. 2 are still yet to show roots, but I expect I'll see those tomorrow. Chalk another success to triacontanol. This is twice in a row I was able to root quicker than my 10 day minimum. Sadly, it didn't help much with my most recent harvest of PC (6 Oz). It only vegged for 6 weeks, which in my world is still a new born, but I needed to get something into the vacant bloom spot. I hope I never have to learn that lesson again, lol. I hate light chops. I now have 1/8 oz to get me through two weeks. Normally that would be more than enough, but I've been smoking pretty tough lately. Looks like I'll be briefly quitting soon, lol. No biggie.

8 day roots.jpg
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