This is true too. I do hate the general public. I have never been one to work in customer service industries. I do feel I would be more knowledgeable than most bud tenders that there are though.While the industry is set to flourish, another reason I do not want to jump into the legal game in a large scale is that a lot of people go belly up. It costs a lot of money to stay in it and with prices being driven down while costs to operate remain high, it is a little to no profit game at this point. You need to produce a metric fuck ton just to break even. Then you have to hope you can move all that weight and not sit on it. It sound like a whole lot of heart burn I do not care to endure. Not with my own personal wealth on the line anyways lol.I don't think I'd like Bud tending because stupid people piss me off and I bet you run across your share of stupid people. I'm sure you'd meet plenty of Cool people but the jackasses would kill it for me. I just like growing. That collective thing sounds pretty great!