Show Us Your Full Flowering Cannabis Gardens: What Are You Growing Today?

Most of these plants are Hella Jelly and Hella Cookies. I currently only have 6 plants growing. This is also only my 3rd season growing. Started them inside around October of 2023. What do you think about the BUD? More time?


Most of these plants are Hella Jelly and Hella Cookies. I currently only have 6 plants growing. This is also only my 3rd season growing. Started them inside around October of 2023. What do you think about the BUD? More time?


Nice ladies 👌 she's gonna be thick for sure 👍 I could it dunno how you use the word only 🤣 6 plants outdoors is alot 🤣
Grow is healthy so far! 🙌🏽

I believe one of them may take up to 70+ days to finish, but hopefully that’s not the case because I only have one drying tent 😭
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