Another quick filter-less test.
Turned the temp down to 185 on the 6 ton DabPress this time.
Pressed a quick round puck using about 3 grams of bud, I used Death Butter this time.
Closed the plates till the puck was just touched by the plates and allowed the puck to heat up for 30 seconds.
Press to close plates slowly and steadily, waiting a bit between each press for the oil to settle.
Stopped when it felt right, a bit less that the last time where i split the parchment.
Left it for 2 minutes and then released the pressure and removed the treasure!
Pick up was easy and I used a cold soda can to remove the final blob of rosin.
Transferred to a bit of parchment and pressed to a disc shape.
Had a few more inclusions this time around but still not too concerned with them on press #2.
Nice and heavy effect right behind the eyes and body numbing properties that slow everything down.
Taste is amazing on the Errlectric Concentration Station with the quartz insert.
It leaves this buttery taste and feeling on your tongue, very different.
I need to buy some small glass concentrate containers for storing the rosin in.
Any tips for a Canadian source?
What else can I do with Rosin?
I see some people leave it in the fridge, some heat and whip it all to further cure the rosin.
It is not cured from the bud already?
What would change apart from perhaps it's physical properties?
Surely the chemical properties would stay the same?
Would be great to know and I will do some research!
Here are the pics from tonight!