Shot Adrenaline and Pakistan Ryder My First Journal

And this is Medusa.
No amber yet, but they are loving the tiger bloom! I find the flowering phase somewhat therapeutic, as I find myself staring at them in awe constantly. The big swell is amazing to watch, very interesting the way a cannabis plant develops. Thanks for subbing don and shrub, and I'm glad you guys like the pics. Really ready to get the next grow going, and I already have the 2 liter dwc on deck don.
i cant see no nanners mate, which part of the photo are we suppose to be looking, they looking just like tiny banans, use your search engine and search for cannabis banans and that should bring up lots of pics, their bright yellow and its the first sign of the plant going hermie, its the method i use to produce fem seeds,

the rodalization method but not sure on the spelling, basically you leave a female plant in flower long enough and as long as it dont get any pollen on it during flowering then if left long enough it will produce its own fem pollen and self polinate, its this pollen that i collect and use on other plants to produce fem seeds, or if ive got 2 fems from the same strain with the same pheno type then i hermie one using that method and put the pollen on the other, that produces fem seeds and self polination is also supposed to produce fem seeds,

a fem plant is xx, a male plant is xy, so with no male to produce pollen then the plants can only produce xx plants,

the only plant i wouldnt use for pollen is a plant that went hermie early in flower or a plant that goes hermie with the smallest amount of stress, you dont want to pass on bad genes so the late flowering method lets you make sure the plant only goes hermie to reproduce and is not prone to go hermie at any other time,

nice work with the 2ltr dwc, what are you going to use in the top part, i use soil but others use fibre grow mediums or clay pellet type stuff, i find the soil works really well and gives the plant a firm foot hold, if your going to use soil in the top part then screw the lid on the upside down bit when you fill it with soil then unscrew once its full as it stops it falling out the hole, then you dont need to fill the res until the roots are growing out the bottom, so what i do is place the top part in a small pot so its more stable then when i see roots growing out the bottom i then fill the res up and move it into the res, then as soon as the roots hit the water they grow like crazy, you dont have to water from the top then but i do from time to time.

they grow like crazy when they hit the res, then its up to you if you want to lolly pop or leave the plant to grow as it is, just remember its not very stable and is top heavy when the plant gets big, 2ltr grows are suppose to be for lollypop 12-12 from seed plants but using a dwc the roots have plenty of room so they dont get root bound so you can support bigger plants, i dont normally let them get to big as i was concerned about root problems but this time i left the plant in veg for a few weeks then flipped to flower and everything seems ok,

you need to keep the res cool so try and find a way of keeping the light off the res, as long as the res is in the shade then it wont get to warm, just using some paper to block the light is enough to keep the temps in the res all good,

im sure you will be very happy with the results, they grow really quick in dwc or hydro set up,

have some reps for all the work you have done,

the bananas usually first grow out of the buds usually on the lower buds first, you may need to look behind leaves as they are hard to spot unless the plant has been hermie for a while, theirs been many times when ive waited for a plant to go hermie and i keep checking it then a few days later i have a really good look and find bananas under leaves and at nodes,
you see where the calyz or seed pods are on the stems at the base of each bud or small branch, then its usually where these are that the pollen sacs grow and it releases the pollen so it falls onto the buds below it, so their hard to spot but usually when you see bananas their is a good chance the plant has been hermie for a while.

ive also harvested plants that ive left to go amber and never noticed they had started producing pollen sacs until after the bud has dried and i cut it off the branches ready for the cure jars
The little yellow thing sticking out of the top left part of the bud is what I was referring to don. I noticed it yesterday and it's the only part of that bud that doesn't seem to be covered with trichs.
I do not see a female pollen sack in your photograph you have posted, can you take a better photograph of the yellow growth you are speaking about? if you believe this is a female pollen sack remove it off with tweezers and a knife.
Thanks king I went back in there to snap another pic for you, which was after I sprayed the girls for bugs, and couldn't find it! If I locate it again I will snap a pic, and after talking with donp earlier, I would love to have the pollen. I will remove it as you suggested, and store it for later use. I took a sample bud from Medusa and it was pretty good stuff! More of a body high than Athena, but quite intense!
i think i see what you mean, in the pic are you talking about the little yellow thing about an inch down from the top of the bud and to the left, its hard to say from this angle, but it will look just like a small banana, if you find one then you will have more thats pretty certain,

@indoorgrower, do you have a journal up so we can come and have a look, or post a pic so we can see whats going on, we will need some info though like, what nutrients, how often, grow medium, light, temps if you can get the temps, then we can see whats going on and offer some advice to get your grow on track
Indoor has a journal up don it's malana bomb x critical mass autos, which are looking good. Do my stems look thicker than yours indoor? My girls are almost 70 days old, so that may be why. I still can't locate that yellow thing in the pic again, But I'm about to inspect it very closely, and I will let you guys know if I locate one.
I'm waiting on my 100X scope to come in the mail, so I can see my trichs better, but Athena is strong as hell right now! I would bet that she is root bound already, since she has not swelled much in the last 4 to 5 days, and she has purple lines the up the length of the main stem, and her side branches. Here is a pic of the latest sample bud, which got me extremely high!
for vegetative growth you want 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness. i have switched my lighting schedule to 18/6 for vegetative growth after a read a thread on root length Vs lighting schedule 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness produced the longest roots, 18/6 was not tested. for flowering you want 12/12 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness.
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