Shadowman's Ideal 420 Soil Grow 2014

Growing your own green meds? And having fun? Shadowman, you have the 420 world by the tail.

And good save on your girl that did the splits. Ouch. lol.

I do, Don't I? I've been extremely fortunate having great growers by my side and sharing their vast knowledge and years of experience with me. I'm sure you've noticed how helpful and respectful everyone is here at 420 Mag. I don't remember how I stumbled onto this blessing of a website but thank God I did! I've seen the other side, the dark side of cultivation websites, the rudeness and fighting that goes on. I can't imagine anyone being able to learn anything from those communities. I'm not sure but I think I actually grab my crotch and cringed when she did the splits. lol Thanks for stopping in again 60cal I always enjoy your visits.
Hey Shadowman!
We're having a bit of trouble with getting seedlings to grow in the ideal420 soil- 4 babies have fried and died when placed in it so far. I know you have good luck with the seeds and this soil so I was wondering if you'd share how you get them started? I'm really at a loss and have been talking to the guys at ideal but I've gotten conflicting ideas of what's wrong from them so far.

Hey Flower Child, welcome to my humble grow. Glad to have you and hope I can help.
Let me start with how I germinate my seeds. I use Rhizostym mixed with distilled water according to Ideal 420 Soil directions that came with the Rhizostym (which they sell). I soak the seeds in the mixture for 24-36 hours (depending on how long they take to crack and show the tap root). Then I put the sprouts in a small container of Ideal 420 Soil about 1/4" below the surface. I mist the area only where the sprout is located and only enough to moisten down to where the sprout is. I don't water the entire container. As the soil dries out I mist again and continue doing this until the seedling breaks through the soil. I then change up just a little, I continue misting but I mist around the seedling and mist 2-3 times the amount of distilled water that I was using when misting the sprout. I don't water the soil or container until I get true leaves and the sprout has gained some considerable growth (I'd say at least 4-6" in height). Once I start actually watering the soil and container, I water away from the stem about a 2" diameter and only enough for the size of the seedling. I don't water for the container size until the seedling is well established. Then I water the entire container until I start to get run-off.
Because the soil has all the nutrients the plant will need throughout the grow, it's my thought that if you (anyone using this type of soil) water for the container size from the time you plant the sprout that you are activating the nutrients in the soil and in fact you're feeding nutes to the sprout or seedling which most growers will tell you isn't necessary and will burn the tender plant. That's my take on it.
The first seeds I germinated and planted (7 in total) I had the same issues that you and others are having. I watered for the container size and although I didn't get burned seedlings I did drown all but 3. Out of the 3 that survived, one later died due to inexperience and one turned out to be male and the third is now in flower. What I have in my veg room is what I've grown they way I've described above as my current germination and seedling practices. I hope this helps you out. I'm not qualified to tell you that this will definitely work for you but it's proven to work for me and if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Also, you might want to use some bag seeds with this theory and see if it makes a difference, that way you won't waste a seed(s) that you paid good money for. Please let me know if this did help you. I'm genuinely concerned and interested. Your fellow cultivator, shadowman.
Good evening :420:, welcome to my Ideal 420 Soil grow journal. Medi2 and Medi3 are doing great. I've been blessed with 2 girls, that's right, both have calyx and pistils so the stogies are on me! By the time they get to flower, they will take up a 4' x 8' area to flower in. I'll have to move some things around but I was going to do that anyway. Medi2's split is healed, although I'm not going to tie her down again, instead I'm going to build 2 scrog frames for the Medi's and the LFs I'll let go natural until harvest.






:thanks: for stopping in and look forward to seeing you all again next time. "Keep The Green Side Up"
How the hell are you? Welcome, happy Weedsday everyone. The girls are doing good, I defoliated Medi2. She was getting too bushy so I opened her up to more light. Medi3 is just slightly behind her but still has some good size to her. I watered them both 8 cups of distilled water.




I put the a/c vent up to the floor fan to help move the cool air

Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you next time. Have a great day!
You really seem to be getting GREAT growth per watt.
How many watts are lighting each box?

Hey Radogast, I had to move the girls out of the veg boxes due to their growth. I now have them in a veg area that is 4' x 8'. I have a total of 496w over all the veg plants. It comes out to 15.5w per sq. ft. Now I don't have all the meter gadgets to know how many true watts from wall and all that but I'm happy with the growth using cfl's. I can't wait until I can go LED and scrog. I'm leaning towards building 2 scrog frames for the Medi's before they go into flower sometime in September. Thanks for the interest and always good to see you.
:thankyou: :420: For stopping in. Medi2 & Medi3 are doing good. Medi2 has fully recovered from the split in her main branch. I topped her to slow any new growth for a minute so I can get a scrog frame built before she goes to flower. I also topped Medi3 to bush her out more and I'll put them under 4' x 4' scrog nets in the next week or two. They've been in veg for 82 days so I'll transplant them into 5 gallon pots before they go under scrog nets. Then I can let them veg until they fill the scrogs completely before flipping to flower. I'm going to set my sights on flowering them around October 1st. That would be right at 4 months vegging. I'm shooting for 1lb+ out of each of them.
I'll post some photos later on tonight to complete the update. Have a great day and I'll see you later. :peace: Out.
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